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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I'm not sure if you're implying I'm simply another person, which I would agree to, or if there is a deeper meaning to that statement, or even sarcasm.
  2. Thank you, and I apologize for my presence as such. Surely it is another burden to be carried, however I make it a point to carry my own weight.
  3. My gender is irrelevant to the situation. Two people may love each other unconditionally, and that means UNCONDITIONALLY. Whether we be male or female, homosexual, or straight, it doesn't change who we are. I love all of you, however I have personal reasons for not revealing a lot about myself, reasons that go deeper than Serenes Forest. One day I shall tell my tale, but not now, for there are more important matters than myself. I hold my tongue until then.
  4. I wouldn't call it a problem, just my brother is ignorant.
  5. Due to people telling me to give them a warning next time I leave, I figured I'd say what's going on. Kayla told Brad that she didn't want to see him about two days ago, however he cried for her to give him another chance. Before she could say no though, he once again made an excuse so he didn't have to hear it, and of course came back the next day. Yesterday she called me and told me what happened. Apparently they were sitting there watching a movie, and Brad did possibly the most noble thing I ever heard from him. If I didn't like anything he had ever done, this would be the one thing I did. He told Kayla that if he couldn't make her happy that he didn't deserve her, and that he wanted her to do what makes her happy. That in itself gave me a deeper found respect for him, and of course makes me believe even though it didn't work out between the two, he learned something. Of course I apologized for being so involved and being a possible cause that lead to this. Kayla however assured me it was going to happen sooner or later, and she was glad I was there, as she couldn't have gotten through this without me. Knowing how tired she sounded I told her to go to bed, and we'd talk about it more tomorrow. She as always picks on me in my insomniac habits, and says I have no room to talk about getting sleep, and of course, I don't. So I talked a little longer. I recall the last thing I said being that I loved her no matter what happens, and I wanted what was best for her, and would make her happy. She responded by saying her heart melted into a puddle, which made me blush probably as much as her. So after that conversation she said she looks forward to seeing me again on Wednesday, and I did likewise. What does this mean? Well it means I'm going to be spending a lot less time here, and possibly not coming on for a few days or even weeks. It all depends on my schedule. I know I'm one to say not to leave friends for relationships, however this isn't leaving, it's just saying I won't be around as much. Of course I have known Kayla a long time, and we have been friends for a large deal of time as well, I even used to go to class with her brother Eric. I love Kayla, and we both agree on a serious relationship, which of course is the only way I go. So come Wednesday if I'm not here as much, if at all, you all know where I am. I'll still check in if I am really inactive however, as I did promise Bizz I'd be a part of this community with her, and I keep my promises when I can.
  6. My brother calls me the C word, if it makes you feel better.
  7. Honestly I find ZXValaRevan adorable when they argue actually, so I don't mind if they disagree with me. I find some of your points I agree with Sandman, however certainly not all, and there are some things I wish you wouldn't do, as with everyone. I won't hate you for them though, but certainly I call people out when I disagree with something, as do you. I actually don't see the need to "take a break," for the reason you stated, as I only do so if I am just bored of a place, or if issues outside of the internet arise. (Which they have.)
  8. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    When did Wikipedia become a reliable source?
  9. General boards for non-game related debates, and the Other Games board for game related ones. I honestly see no point in debating over a game though... Kind of unrelated but: Personally I see no point to debating anymore really, as whenever one side is winning too much the topics get closed because someone will come in and troll, and instead of that one person being punished, the topic gets closed, which is exactly what they want. The objective of a debate is for one side to attempt to win over another side, and since that never happens it's almost pointless to try anymore.
  10. Why can only females have the cake?
  11. Yogurt, we're not talking about religion, we're talking about the rumor of the government having an organization called "Big Brother," that watches everything every human does. I think you mixed the two up.
  12. I'm perfectly calm, I'm just making a statement to put people at ease who actually think Big Brother exists. The chance is so small it's not even worth acknowledging.
  13. I just explained why. Show me some proof that they could pull such an operation off?
  14. There are over 7 billion people in the world. That would mean that big brother would need more than half of that to watch everyone, then who would watch themselves? They can't trust all their agents with over 3.5billion agents, there's no way to watch them all. Not to mention knowing what every human is doing at any time is a 24 hour a day job, they wouldn't be able to sleep. Physical impossibility, even if computers were watching us, there needs to be someone to watch those computers, as you can't program a computer to know how to take action on every situation.
  15. It's physically impossible for Big Brother to watch everyone in the world.
  16. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    Well the main, "reason," is that people say the definition of marriage is the joining of a man and a woman. However the argument is that it's the joining of two people who love each other. The Christian faith disapproves of gay marriage, however more of the democratic party thinks gay marriage should be legal. So to be honest the only two arguments are: 1. Christians saying it is wrong. 2. It being unethical as it doesn't increase population. The arguments supporting it are: 1. Christians do not run the country, and we have freedom of religion. 2. It doesn't hurt anyone, and people won't become gay just because it's legal.
  17. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    I've said my point, I don't think there's much more for me to add, however I will say the land of the free, is not so free as we all think.
  18. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    To be honest this topic is an open discussion, and I don't hold anything against you for anything you post here. At the same time however, don't expect to post something with nothing to back it up and expect me to just accept it as fact.
  19. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    Then you either are just posting irrelevant things, or trying to get us to accept your opinion. If you are trying to get us to accept your opinion, how do you propose to do so without caring what ours is? How do you propose for us to care what yours is if you do not care about ours?
  20. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    If men + men = nothing, then how are they hurting anyone? Are you afraid that gays being able to marry will make you consider being gay? I highly doubt the entire population will go gay just because gays can marry.
  21. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    The bible actually NEVER says Gays can not marry, it just says not to be gay. Hey, I could believe in mass slaughter fests, does that mean if I die for that cause that it's a righteous one?
  22. Cynthia

    Prop 8 passed.

    As I said in my previous post, more people were killed in the name of God than any other cause, so obviously people using God as an excuse isn't always right. Also you can't expect to throw in a random opinion with no fact behind it, and expect people not to disagree.
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