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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. It's fine really, I won't hold it against you.
  2. Just don't worry about it. I was merely giving the heads up, you didn't know before.
  3. Sorry Toa Lord Sothe, as long as I'm around no one is touching Bizz. Nothing personal, just she's like my little sister, and she has no interest in an online relationship, joke or not I don't like Bizz being used for such jokes, or myself. Not to mention this "white text," thing is simply ridiculous. Bizz means more to me than anything else, and I won't stand to have you make such jokes about her, as this isn't funny. Not trying to embarrass her, or you, but I don't take well to this kind of thing. If you want one surefire way to get on my bad side, it's to mess with Bizz.
  4. My friend watched it, he says after watching it nearly four times, he still can't figure out what it was supposed to be about.
  5. Cynthia

    First Kiss

    I will more than likely forget it for the more memorable one.
  6. I thought it was Fooley Cooley in English.
  7. Cynthia

    First Kiss

    I prefer kisses that actually have meaning to me, and those will surely be the ones I remember, not just the first one.
  8. Cynthia

    First Kiss

    My first kiss with a boy was about a year ago, which was a mistake really. My first with a girl was over the Summer. However the first kiss I ever had that actually made me feel anything was more recently. Keep in mind that I kiss a lot of people on the cheek though as a sign of friendship, I'm a naturally affectionate person.
  9. I can't really promise that, as conditions don't always go to my favor, so I'll try and keep people posted on that kind of stuff.
  10. I find it a little strange that when the political race is over, you leave, coincidence maybe. I shall miss your posting, as it was insightful quite often.
  11. Well at least with all those leaving topics in the past, it's nice to see some returning ones at the very least. I just wish it was under better circumstances.
  12. Well, that wasn't the reason, so still be on alert for that one.
  13. I know, and I'll keep you all in mind. I apologize for this, I wasn't aware my absence worried any of you.
  14. Well the problem I'm dealing with now, and no offense to anyone here, but I consider it a higher priority than the internet.
  15. I know, but for some reason people see it weird for me to leave over more than one day without announcing it, even though I do it all the time. I've been claimed to be dead so many times it's not even funny now.
  16. The staff said earlier that they may try something, but we have to give them more time to see if it's even possible to pull it off. Until then, I would suggest waiting for them to come talk to us when and if they feel they can, or should.
  17. Actually, some people on other sites thought I died.
  18. Why's that? I didn't think my leaving was important enough to announce really. This topic was more made to explain why I was gone, and to see what I missed in a short summary. Mostly to see what I missed though.
  19. Oh, no problem. Sorry, on other forums I've used, we use the introductions forum to announce when we leave or return as well. An honest mistake on my part. Thank you for informing me Vincent.
  20. I've actually been gone, I made a topic explaining my absence.

  21. Not sure if anyone noticed my leave, but I didn't feel it was needed to make a leaving topic, as they only cause more drama. Yes, I left for a good few days, and considered leaving this site for reasons I will not discuss publicly, as more drama isn't intended, or needed. I have been dealing with a strange problem in my life during my time gone, and well let's just say I put myself in a not so ideal situation, and ironically one that I promised myself I would never end up in. Due to circumstances beyond my control, or comprehension however, I am involved in such a thing. More details later perhaps. Anyway, I assume I didn't miss much, but does anyone mind filling me in?
  22. There may be a forum modification to also make it so when a post is delete, post count goes down, I know such a feature exists on VBulletin.
  23. For the record I've never said if I was male or female officially, does that mean I'm allowed to hug anyone?
  24. Male or female, doesn't bother me. Males have stronger more secure feeling hugs, and females have softer more soothing hugs.
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