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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Actually no, I was Cynthia before then, I just liked how the character looked and the irony of her name.
  2. Well my name really has no great story behind it regrettably.
  3. That is quite fascinating actually.
  4. No need to apologize, I understand how you could get the impression that I had something against you. However now you see I do not, and I'm glad. I don't know you, and you don't know me, that's just how it is, so mis-communications can happen on both our parts.
  5. I was speaking to Gatrie, but none the less that's interesting.
  6. Also, I will say spamming, "Close this topic," solves nothing, as a simple report works just fine...
  7. Of course, I will never just say that someone is a terrible person and I hate them, and if you feel something I said is arguable or distasteful feel free to contact me, I'm always willing to listen. Relating to the topic again, I always wanted to know where your name came from.
  8. Who says what I say wasn't nice? I was asked a question, and I gave an honest answer. Lying isn't nice, and ignoring a question isn't either. I also was kind enough to point out several times that my personal opinion does not reflect what someone actually is, and that there are qualities about people I like. However I do apologize if it was misinterpreted or not taken the way it was intended to be taken, that is a fault on my poor wording then.
  9. I don't see why everyone points out the same thing over and over as if it does something. However I don't believe this will erupt into a flame war, as I think Gatrie, Lyle, and myself are more mature than that. However I propose if we must continue this discussion and either of you has something to say to me, we should do so elsewhere perhaps?
  10. Yogurt was speaking to Lyle, sorry for this misinterpretation.
  11. I have to admit, Yogurt makes a valid point Lyle. Honestly though, it's not really this thing of, "me versus you all."
  12. Lyle, once again you're mistaken. I wasn't pointing out a flaw in you, I was merely stating the wording did sound a little weird. I wasn't trying to make you into a "jerk," or anything, I was informing you it sounded strange and perhaps you should rephrase it to prevent that. My intentions are not that of evil. It wasn't even out of the blue either. You made a topic for public response, am I not part of the public?
  13. I'm not here to be everyone's friend really. I'm here to participate in discussion, whether it be to your liking or disapproval. And I'm pretty nice about it to, as if you talk to me in private and say something you don't want to be mentioned, then I won't mention it. However if you ask me a question in public, I am going to assume you want a public answer, and I am 100% honest when I speak. I do however try and be a little respectful. As much as I point out something I didn't agree with, notice I always point out something that I DO agree with. I don't make it a mission to point out flaws, but if you bring something to the table, which since this is a public forum, that means I can totally reply to it, then you can expect a reply. Don't want my replies? Then ask in private. It's not that complicated.
  14. Once again Lloyd Irving, I only challenge something if it is brought up or asked, or relevant. I never challenge something out of the blue, and you know this. I mostly take anything that is private, to a private discussion, unless there was a topic made about it, as then they brought it to the public.
  15. I always try to be rational, as I could have just been flat out evil and hateful, when I did not. I simply answered the question, and refrained from saying anything that was irrelevant, and stated my opinion and why I believe it, and that it in no way represents who anyone is. I would not have spoken if not asked.
  16. I am calm. He asked a question, I gave an answer.
  17. No need to be so dramatic about it, if you're this upset over the thoughts of one person, I am rather worried. I don't make you who you are. YOU make you who you are, and nothing I can say or do can change who you are.
  18. I only speak when I have something to say. To be honest I have a hard time taking you seriously, as you make a joke thread about something that happened just 5 minutes ago. I always see you being sarcastic to myself and other members, and yet you complain people don't take you seriously about past incidents. The bolded text is a good example of your sarcasm. On a related note, I never liked fad topics, they are pointless and never give any productivity. I never found them funny, and was expressing my opinion on them. The fact that you believe I always have something to say about your posts is merely coincidence, as I really don't follow you around, and hardly know you. If you want me to take you seriously, you should act like you want me to do so. I think you know by now that I am a very serious person, and it's almost impossible to win me over with the "I'm a cool guy," attitude. I measure by the logic of a post, and the usefulness of a post, not by how funny or cool it is. There's nothing wrong with you in my book, as like I said I hardly know you, and I'm sure you're a fine young man with a substantial amount of intelligence. I just see when you make a post that I believe is either not thought out, or debatable. That doesn't mean that you've never made a well thought out post, that just means I never replied to one or saw it. I'm in no way against you, as you can ask anyone here, I'll side with you if I think you make a good point and you're right, but if your wrong don't expect me to.
  19. Mockery and fad topics never were too popular in my book, and certainly don't make me think you're cool, or give me a laugh... Relating to the topic, my name isn't too original.
  20. Why not retain to the discussion?
  21. Then you should not have used the word, "unoriginal," you should have said they are not appealing.
  22. I was just about to point that out actually, thank you Yogurt.
  23. Your display name is that of a character in a video game, and you're telling OTHER people, they're unoriginal?
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