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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I don't think that's really pin worthy or worth the moderators spending time doing though...
  2. Um, yeah I've read a good portion of it, it's really just a ball of spam. There is nothing to be learned from it except there are other things the moderators could be doing. To be honest I'd prefer if any of my posts were not moved to it, as I don't want to be known as a contributor to such spam.
  3. Well the, "best," is in the eye of the beholder, and you can't really prove America is better than everything. I'm not "negative," I'm realistic.
  4. Really there is no point in a pinned topic full of almost 700 pages of non important information, as pinning a topic is meant to make it noticed as it is important information that the users should read before posting in a section.
  5. Leave them where they are, as they are sent to the back of the page list, and it's not like the forum will overload. Search feature to locate topics you are looking for, as that's what it is for.
  6. And that's the legacy that Metal Arc wants to live on? Creating a giant spam topic for the humor?
  7. If no one wants to look for it, why the Hell put it in a pinned topic then?
  8. I never found them funny, just annoying really.
  9. Use the search feature then. Throwing them all into one topic makes searching for what you want harder, as now there are more results with your keywords. Not to mention you have to think of the exact contents of the post then.
  10. Once again, you can subscribe to a topic.
  11. That makes no sense at all, as if it's all in one giant topic, you have to search through it to find what you're looking for. At least if you remember the topic's name you can search it on the forum, plus you CAN subscribe to topics.
  12. Don't you think Metal Arc would want to be remembered by the things he did to help the community and show his dedication to his job, more than some topic...?
  13. I can, really, what is the Ultima topic but one giant fad? I think the staff has better things to do than to merge topics into one giant pointless topic. I think Arc's legacy is left from the things he did as a moderator, and not a giant spam topic...
  14. Who cares about the Ultima topic? It's really not doing anything important, if anything it's just cluttering topic after topic together.
  15. I didn't say that. I said it was pointless for Toa Lord Sothe to argue with you on the matter as your patriotism will always lead you to disagree. Personally I don't like this country too much, and I do not believe we are the, "greatest country on Earth," as that is a very self centered point of view, and the world doesn't revolve around the United States. Not to mention if THIS is the best there is, I am certainly not impressed.
  16. I was referring to Toa Lord Sothe's posts directed towards Doom.
  17. However it doesn't belong in the General discussion board, as it seems to be for joke value, more than discussion.
  18. To be honest this was pointless to make as we all know Doom isn't going to go past his patriotism, so why bother arguing with him on it? This topic really has flame war potential...
  19. I don't really like what this country has become, and I would love more than anything to return to England or Scotland. I take pride in my heritage.
  20. You don't have to have a baby to be around someone who does.
  21. Is that really how you think of me?
  22. Good morning.

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