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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. MY opinion is you should ask a professional.
  2. I actually have to agree with Shuuda, as he isn't trying to be disrespectful here, and actually has some good advice. Holding a grudge only hurts yourself. The past is the past. Grudges and regret are some of the leading causes of unhappiness, which ironically is part of the problem here. I think you should talk to a professional as they can help you more than anyone on this forum can.
  3. Well actually I think it took a good amount of math skills, as he had to determine how much the tub could hold, and how much Koolaid mix he would need.
  4. An acquaintance from school called to inform me that he had filled his entire bathtub with purple Koolaid. He says he plans on bathing in it as well. I don't think he's joking either, as I've seen his home, he had about 40 Koolaid mix containers in his basement, and I saw him at the store a few days ago with nothing but Koolaid in his shopping cart...
  5. I'm going to say that if the story has it's own topic in the Written Works forum, that you can start a review topic here, and update it as the story progresses.
  6. Glad to hear you're feeling better Bizz, and I know you love your dad. He sounds like he really loves you too from when you speak to me about him.
  7. Cynthia

    Could this be....

    My school has a ton of those. I use them when I'm there.
  8. Cynthia

    Could this be....

    I have two, both Wacom brand. One it 6 x 8, the other it 8 x 11
  9. Cynthia

    Could this be....

    I've grown used to using mine, software contributes as well.
  10. The end music to DisGaea is rather sad sounding, but more adorable than sad.
  11. I believe Mr. Card is TRYING to say that the media should report without putting their personal opinion in it just to get viewers or support a party. They should just give the news, not their opinions, thus why people think certain channels are liberal, and others are conservative. They should really just give the information instead of opinions as then they would get viewers from BOTH party supporters. Thus being a smarter business decision, AND helping the American people to not be ignorant towards one or the other candidate.
  12. I think a lot of us would right now.
  13. The key to speaking romantically is the right choice of words.
  14. Sounds more like a one night stand than a romantic get away to be perfectly honest, no offense. Poor choice of words.
  15. I never once implied you weren't intelligent, and certainly did not say you were, "retarded."
  16. It's not about that, it's just about not pinning topics that don't NEED to be pinned.
  17. Doesn't mean it needs to be pinned.
  18. Or closed topics can just be deleted... As I believe the staff can set an option that automatically deletes closed threads...
  19. Sorry to sound like a killjoy, but with all the problems that have happened in the past few weeks I don't think this is a high priority.
  20. Then why are we still, "offering topics," to it?
  21. It's fine, but yes SMF is a good one, and very popular.
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