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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Pick a song that describes yourself and the person below must guess why, and post a song about themselves. I'll start: I Love my Computer - Bad Religion
  2. It's worth a try. Nothing lost, nothing gained.
  3. I never said to praise him for trolling...
  4. Nice to see you again Knife.

  5. Good plan, I was going to suggest a 500-750 post count margin, but perhaps there are going to be regulations for your groups approval, none the less I'm happy the idea is just being considered, even if it does not get put into place.
  6. I was thinking having a post standard or possibly even a "How long you've been a member," standard, to prevent spam groups. Or if needed all groups must be approved by an administer. This prevents hate groups being made.
  7. Well it would limit the amount of emblems available, but that is a good idea, and would keep the system relating to the site's title. Perhaps groups can go up ranks, such as the Herons, Royals, and such that we have for user groups? Also some limitations on who can start group, as otherwise there will be far too many.
  8. Cynthia


    Indeed they are, however I doubt I could make the wings.
  9. I think you're going to annoy her...
  10. Well also groups could have emblems that could be displayed somewhere either in their profiles, or other places. Also awards are possible too.
  11. Well, I do know there IS an RPG mod available for IPB, but that wasn't what I was thinking of.
  12. Well if you're talking about for fun, some kind of group contest system might be possible, however war as in flaming and hate, is a no.
  13. Well obviously group leaders can kick people from the group, and moderate who joins, if they choose to not let it be a public group. Maybe a small page that is automatically made for the group to comment on, great for meetings and such. Also if not too much trouble perhaps a ranking system that can be customized by the group creator. Also all groups can have specific rules as long as they do not violate the site's rules.
  14. Cynthia


    None of the above, Halloween is a spiritual time for me.
  15. Well it's not that I'm unsure if it's possible, I'm unsure if this forum host provides it, or if there is a modification for it.
  16. Cynthia


    I'll be staying at home, but I hope to dress up a little myself.
  17. Well I wanna make sure it's POSSIBLE first, and you're one of the two people who have access to test such things like this. And mostly they can be Adam, at least on other forums, the question is how do we set such a thing up and maintain it.
  18. Perhaps is both images combines do not surpass the signature limit of 300 by 500, and do not exceed the filesize limit there could be an exception?
  19. Yes it would. And Vincent perhaps we can discuss it in private about how it could be set up, and how to make it work sometime?
  20. Is there a social group mod for IPB? I know VBulletin has one, but does IPB? For those who don't know what I'm talking about, it's sort of like a club system. You can choose to have it invite only, or anyone can join, or people must be moderated to join. You set up clubs to talk about specific subjects, and have get-togethers with the other members. It makes it easier than posting a topic for a club meeting or group meeting in the forums, and everyone spamming it. It'd be great for say a ton of people who have interest in sports, so they can discuss games and such with other sports lovers. It wouldn't slow down the forums too much, as the GENERAL subjects, such as "sports in general," would take place in the forums, but more in depth discussion could happen in the groups. Plus people could use them to organize projects they are working on in secret with a group. It would be safe, as moderators can still check all groups, and would be a huge help to those who don't have messengers. That's a very vague description of it, but hopefully you get the idea.
  21. And for anyone who is going to be petty and act like, "Oh so-and-so is defending this member I hate! I better stop supporting/liking them," you were never worth earning respect from in the first place with that attitude.
  22. I agree, and I was just thinking about that myself actually. Meaning the fact you didn't just lock the topic.
  23. Ecchi is like a highly perverted anime without actual sex being involved.
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