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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. More than likely the bot is just reporting back to the bot creator.
  2. Hello Shuuda.

  3. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Well in all respect, you are not me, so the argument and conditions are not the same. That's all I have to say on that matter, and once again you're speaking over me... On your answer I have to say you didn't really state a true reason, you just stated it demeans Marriage, when you didn't say how. Is there a non-religious way of explaining how it demeans marriage, as religion does not dictate what is right and wrong, and certainly shouldn't be allowed to sway the government. I actually have considered marrying someone of the same gender, and I doubt to the highest degree that them being the same gender as I means that our relationship will be unsuccessful, or hinder my ability to live life to its fullest. It will not stop me from being a productive member of society, it will not stop me from paying taxes, it will not encourage me to break the law, so I fail to see besides in the religious eye, which should not be considered in the political spectrum, why it is demeaning. That is actually a rather discriminatory statement actually. The government does not take the Pagan faith into consideration, and rarely the Muslim faith, and I have never seen them take the Hindu faith into consideration, I could be wrong about that one, but I'm certain it's rare. Now if the government doesn't take all of those into consideration, why do Christians get taken into consideration? How fair is that? I actually wish Barrack Obama WAS Muslim in a way, so if he won the election the amount of Christian dominance in the government would change. It's pretty sad that someone like me, who people would consider, intelligent, able of making good decision, and caring, and of course capable of contributing to society, can not get married because some religion I do not even follow can not. Why must I be limited? What crime have I committed? Who am I hurting?
  4. So that makes it perfectly fine to discriminate them more? Also your topic was offensive to BEGIN with, as it was based on the foundation of making fun of people for buying pillows, your other posts were encouraging people to make fun of them as well: You said right there you enjoy laughing at these people, and I highly doubt you're laughing with them, as they aren't laughing. Once again, the same thing applies, you can't deny that you're not encouraging people to laugh at them, as you said you think you're better by laughing at them. You can not blame me for "ruining," a topic that was based on the foundations of making fun of people for their hobbies. I'll ask you to close and drop the subject once again, as this topic really isn't going anywhere, and is making false statements, and not to mention a direct insult to myself, as I in no way have allowed anime to control my life through the action of buying a pillow.
  5. I'm not referring to the lonely ones, I'm referring to the ones that Steve mentioned that committed crimes and obviously are not well in their state of mind. Honestly it's not okay to make fun of people and this should be closed, as Steve is encouraging people to make fun of, and look down upon otakus who happen to own these types of pillows. I am rather disappointed at this actually. I request this topic to be closed.
  6. The second statement answers the question you asked. As you're still claiming that doing actions such as buying a pillow controls one's life. Sorry but when I bought my pillow I didn't allow it to control my life, in fact I rarely even think about it, and I still have interest in real people. I still have a healthy life, and in no way allow anime to control it. I know the difference between reality, and fiction, and in no way do I base all my decisions in life off of anime. Again you're talking about people who DID let it control their lives who had mental instability BEFORE they discovered anime. If you're going to pick on people for obvious mental issues they have, then you're really not much better. You have no logic behind what you're saying, you're using a few incidents to say that everyone who buys these pillows are obsessed, which isn't the truth. You have yet to present anything that proves it is the truth. Not to mention you're saying that I, personally are obsessed with anime and allow it to control my life with your generalizations, which isn't true.
  7. So you're going to categorize everyone based on 1 person's actions? Regret? Does buying a pillow with an anime girl on it make me feel the need to have sex with anime girls? No. Does buying a pillow with an anime girl on it make me feel the need to kill people? No. Does buying a pillow with an anime girl on it make me do poorly in school? No. Does buying a pillow with an anime girl on it make me want to do drugs? No. You're comparing people who ALREADY HAD mental instability to everyone. Not everyone who buys one of these pillows is thinking what you are, and you're being ignorant for thinking so.
  8. Alright, so if I find a hobby of yours as weird or strange that means it's okay to make fun of it and put you down for it? No. I'm sorry, but you're just being ignorant now. Secondly, don't put something in quotes I did not say.
  9. So buying such things automatically makes you a pervert and obsessed. It just so happens I have a pillow like that, and as amazing as it sounds it's not for a sexual nature. It's just because I happen to find the character cute. Sorry, but you're wrong. You're not cool or better for making fun of people for what they like to do as not everyone does these things for the reason you think they do. Last I checked, it wasn't cool to make fun of people in general, but I guess that a little something called decency stopped existing.
  10. And that makes you so much better of a person to laugh at what other people do or collect?
  11. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    It doesn't bother me so much, I'm just saying it does make it harder for people to take you seriously because they feel like you aren't listening merely because you're older and that automatically makes you right. And really 5 years isn't a big difference, and there are people who have had it a lot harder than yourself. My mother was forced to start growing up at 14. You don't truly know a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes, so you can't say for sure that you have a significant knowledge over everyone here. Also you never answered my question and Meteor's question.
  12. I don't really like guns, although there are about six in my home because of my father.
  13. So it's funny now to laugh at other people's hobbies and attractions?
  14. You're arguing what is true and what isn't about two things that do not exist?
  15. My mother owns a real sword that looks very similar to the one in the third picture.
  16. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I never saw this question answered, and I too would like to see how.
  17. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    On a different subject I just want to say something to Sandmanccl. Any particular reason you speak as if you're 40? You're only 22 and yet you talk as though you have several decades of experience over some of us. You talk about not being able to vote due to age, and yet you've only had the ability to vote once. Not to sound rude, but you really do seem to talk over us all as if your age means you're more experienced and wiser sometimes, when really you're young enough to have gone to school with me. I don't think the few years you have on everyone here counts for as much as you make it out to be at times. You've only been in the adult world for a short time compared to the people who are out there, yet you seem to have a strong opinion on where you want your money to go, and who deserves what, when you have barely experienced the hardships of the adult world first hand. Not to be disrespectful, but I honestly doubt you have that much experience in what it's like in the world outside is like so far, yet at times I get the impression you've seen it all. Not to mention I've seen you say things along the lines of, "when you're older you'll understand." In the utmost respect I say that you don't really have THAT much more experience than everyone, and I'm sure there are people who have more than yourself. I'm not saying you've claimed you did, but I am saying your attitude towards these subjects can lead one to believe such. As I said though this is only based on what I've seen in a short time, disregard it if it is inaccurate.
  18. That's my secret, as I really only posted this to share how much I thought this picture was cute and came out well.
  19. Well Sammi held the camera, and I will say this, I never saw a girl with more enthusiasm about it either. Definitely not the quickest girl, (surely one of the prettiest though) but really I think she's a good role model, as she doesn't let being pretty go to her head, and she is willing to talk to anyone. She's simple but I think really she enjoys life to its fullest, as everything is exciting to her, I only wish I could be as easily amused.
  20. Well all petty annoyances aside I think Sammi is a great photographer.
  21. For the record I just call people I know well, "Love."
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