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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. People misinterpret what I say. What I mean is don't do anything to hurt Bizz purposely, or try and flirt with her, however the reason people are intimidated by me is a mystery. I don't care if you guys are friends with Bizz, as I do not intend to tell anyone they can't be friends with her, as I love Bizz. What I'm saying is I will always protect her from harm, and if you're a cause of harm then that means you. I will ALWAYS tell you if I don't like something you're doing with her before doing ANYTHING. I shall also always listen to your side. I know I'm over protective, but that's no reason to fear myself, or Bizz.
  2. Thank you Shuuda, and despite what anyone else thinks about you, I for one hold your opinion to be logical at most times, and value your input. That being said, I of course acknowledge that your words are part of what I live by. I remind myself of a line I once heard. "They only make a bet they are sure they can win."
  3. Well, really I wasn't looking for advice, as I am going to do what I feel is right, no matter what, unless of course I ask for advice. I do appreciate the offer though. The point was really just to explain where I was, and where I might go. I doubt this will affect my personality and actions here, as I am keen on keeping personal and online separate. I do agree it wasn't a smart choice on either of our parts, but if any of you were ever in love at one time, you'll know that you don't think about that kind of thing when you're in love. I have known this girl for a long time, and when everyone else decided that I wasn't worth the time to be around, and I decided that they weren't worth my time to pursue, she was still there. I am fairly glad she is as nosy as she is at times, otherwise no one would ask.
  4. Well, as you know, I try not to post things about my personal life, but I believe this could cause me to go inactive again, possibly longer even. Plus a lot of people were asking this, so I figured I'd just set the record straight for the sake of eliminating rumors. As you know I went inactive for about 4 days or so, and gave no kind of warning, which apparently got people a little suspicious about what I was doing. I didn't think it'd be a big deal, as I don't see myself as all important, or significant on this site, as I know it functions well without me. What I did not tell you is the reason why, only some of you know about that part. Well you see about four days ago something happened that really wasn't expected. One of my closest friends kissed me, and well, unlike other times when I kiss someone as a friendly greeting or farewell, she kissed ME, and not the other way around. It was at that time when I saw I didn't feel the same about it as I did with others. The next day I was in the middle of talking to her while I was in the hall, and she did the same thing, so it was obvious that she had stronger feelings for me than first thought. I realized however that I had the same feelings for her, and with that, this sort of "forbidden," relationship was formed. However we had to keep things a secret for a while, as her boyfriend is well... He's just not all there so to speak. He treats her terribly, and she wants to get rid of him, but didn't have the courage. After days of encouraging her to do what makes her happy, she decided to end it with him, however she only got halfway through telling him before he started crying and made an excuse so he didn't have the hear the rest. She plans on telling him the rest today, as she hasn't been happy with him for a long time now, and he doesn't talk to her very often, and when he does, they always argue. He actually told her that she is not allowed to hug anyone besides him, friends included. I personally have had enough of the guy myself, he just wasn't brought up right, as he acts a LOT like his relatives, so I won't say it's all his fault, just the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyway, all that being said, I spent all of my time with her, and I'm aware I'm a cheat for being involved with a girl who was taken, but I believe sometimes we must do some wrong to work for a greater good. I will say this, that I love her, and no matter what the outcome, it won't change. Anyway, that's my explanation.
  5. Too be honest, nothing. I mostly like to spend time alone or one on one with someone. Parties just get loud and obnoxious.
  6. I am a very confusing person to be around. My own Kayla can barely figure out what I will do at times, everyone says I'm too unpredictable. A sign of instability and chaos waiting to happen.
  7. I just got back, and yes some things did happen, I'm on AIM more often again.

  8. The only one I could see realistically is Royals, to show they have reached the max level.
  9. Sorry but last I checked we all were supposed to be equal, and I think being male or female should hold little relevance towards someone's popularity... I'll once again remind you not to quote things I did NOT say.
  10. I have to agree, I don't see making it easier for people to be lazy as a liable excuse. However I disagree with the icons as it would be more difficult to tell what a users rank is, and how much higher it is than other ranks. Newcomers won't be able to determine Royals are higher than Herons, as the icons won't show the ranking. The little box ranking that goes up with post count makes it easier to determine that. For example, I only have six boxes, while Richter Abend has 8, thus making it obvious he is a higher rank than I.
  11. You're kidding right...? Things have to be so convenient that we have to make it so people don't look at NAMES anymore?
  12. And why is hugging a guy a bad thing...? Why is it that females are worshiped here?
  13. No, they put them up for adoption... Why do you think Chinese adoption agencies have so many females. I would like to see where you found out they kill children. Also none of that has to do with the discussion of how Barrack Obama is "dooming," America, and it was already discussed that we should wait to see what he DOES before passing judgment on him.
  14. Not to mention EVERYONE hides things, does it make someone a better president that they snitch on others and point out their flaws?
  15. He isn't even in office yet, you haven't even given him an adequate chance to prove he can be a good or bad president. Why not make a statement after you watch what he does?
  16. John McCain said he wasn't going to spend his time regretting his loss, and saying he told us so if Obama doesn't work out, so why don't the rest of us do the same?
  17. McCain himself said he isn't going to spend the next four years saying he told us so, and dreaming about what could of been, so why don't the rest of us follow his example?
  18. Ironically Knife, I said something VERY similar to that a while back...
  19. Okay, so you're going to base an opinion on someone as a president who hasn't even gotten into office yet, and not give them a chance to prove themselves?
  20. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Late post, however I wasn't here for a while. I don't recall saying that. Not to mention that's hypocritical as you expect us to accept your views, otherwise you wouldn't even debate about it. Also, I NEVER told you to change your religion, I simply said, why should we take ONLY yours into consideration? We should be fair and take them ALL into consideration. Also, last I checked this country belonged the the Native Americans, who were all Pagan, so if you want to pose the argument of Christianity being here first, it really wasn't. As said before, the reason things like murder, rape, and such are illegal is not because of religious morals, but because society can not function with them legal. Also I noticed you said you do not care what our views are, only your own. So our views have no value, and we should base the country off of what people like you think? I'm sorry, but I was a little disappointed in you when I read that entire post, and how much ignorance it contained. You always claim to have experience, and be knowledgeable yet you say that our views don't matter, and yours is right, without any kind of compromise on it. That isn't democracy. Ironically you don't want us to say your views are wrong, but say you don't care about ours, and try to convince us to change them, as otherwise you wouldn't debate about it, that in itself is hypocritical. Separate but equal does not work, it's been proven.
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