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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Yeah, I think my older account is eligible for beta testing sooner, as it's about five years old, however the account I use now is only about one year. I really don't think I'll be using the MMO, as I just like to collect items really. I rarely even post on their forums due to the excessive amounts of trolls.
  2. Well, they added a random Chuck Norris fact generator, so it's not like they never did this kind of thing before.
  3. Are you referring to zOMG the new MMO from Gaiaonline?
  4. WoW forums already had plenty of trolling to begin with...
  5. I will say, I'm not ashamed for writing it though.
  6. Actually people in my area, and others created their form of celebration for the sequel which I announced. The way of celebrating apparently is wearing dog collars like the ones in the story.
  7. Well, sort of. 90% of people who read it say it makes them sick to think about, and some even told me they threw up. The other 10% just think it's amazing, and astounding. Really, I think neither, it's just something I wrote to get a small message across.
  8. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Mark, a person I know from my school, his mother became a lesbian after he was born, and it taught him to be a very tolerable person. In no way is he offended. In no way is he ashamed. Mark actually has grown to be a successful person, he got into one of the finer schools of my state with a very nice scholarship, and a 3.9GPA. Having a lesbian mother never screwed him up, so I have to agree with Meteor on that one.
  9. Welcome to Serenes Forest, Fox. I hope you enjoy your stay.

  10. Not at all, just some family that rents a place down here during the Summer, and leaves for Florida during the Winter, her family came down to get things they forgot.
  11. Funny thing, a girl saw me outside my house about to toss it into the dumpster, and asked what it was, and I explained it to her, and she ended up buying the copy off of me because she wanted to read it, and I was insistent on throwing it away. She paid me $5 for it, so I guess it wasn't a total loss... Not like she can steal it, it's on the web with a marked date, and I have a deal set up with the sites it's hosted on. So everyone will know I wrote it first.
  12. Don't feel too bad.

  13. Well that was the point of the story really, and yes it is sad.
  14. I doubt anyone like Ann exists.
  15. It's quite fine.

  16. I wouldn't say that, more of it just sounds like it's possible for such a thing to happen.
  17. Well for anyone here who read it, I think it was about 3-4 of you, and I'm not sure how many others you showed, but I just want to say that although Ann is slightly based off of a real person, she is 100% FICTIONAL. I'm sure I said this to all of you before though. I would show the rest of you what I'm talking about specifically, but I don't think it would be appropriate to give out such a story here.
  18. Some kids printed about 50 copies, and got them around the school. Wasn't that people hated it, in fact some people were a step below worshiping Ann as a real person. Progressed for a while, until I at last came forward to the teachers saying I wrote it, and was required to make an announcement that Ann wasn't a real person, and the story is completely fictional. The main problem is when people think it's a true story. It is officially banned from my school, and anyone with it is subject to an automatic suspension.
  19. That's the plan. I just don't get why she printed it, when she was aware what happened at my own school.
  20. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    One of the many reasons I can respect you Meteor. I know how you feel, I have to level Etna up about 70 levels to finish Etna mode.
  21. We're not allowed to carry them around the school. I don't have a chance to get to my locker for a few hours, so I'll just keep my eye on my things. Someone threw a bunch of racist notes away before and the teachers found them, so I wouldn't dare put it in the trash.
  22. I would destroy it, but there's no trash can I could throw it in that it would be a smart idea... Fortunately not everyone knows me.
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