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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Very little does these days. The only thing that would surprise me would be if it was able to distract people for a slightly longer period of time. Really, distracting people won't solve the problem.
  2. That surprisingly is the simplest answer that you can possibly get, as it is true...
  3. Honestly, and realistically speaking, this won't help, maybe sweep it under the rug for a little while at best, but I don't even give it that.
  4. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Also incorrect, most rich people work HARDER. Politicians rarely have time to spend with their families because their jobs eat into their off time which is scarce to begin with. Not all politicians are famous either.
  5. Your sarcasm won't help your point being taken seriously really. Not to mention the staff have lives outside this forum, and can't possibly have someone here every minute. You're really not looking at the big picture.
  6. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Bill Gates worked every day, and continues to work even after he is retired. Steve Jobs worked hard for his money, and was actually kicked out of his OWN company back in the 90s, only to work his way back in and steer the company away from near bankruptcy, now Apple Computers is one of the most successful businesses in the world. Don't even say that the rich rarely work for their money. Only the spoiled pretty girls that were born into wealth that you see on television are like that, very few people are actually just rich, just because. We don't just decide who's rich and who isn't. A majority of the wealthy population WORK for their money, and even after they have it, they still work. The problem is that a lot of the rich aren't giving a damn about the poor.
  7. This could still happen even if a mod was present, as mods can't stop people from LEAVING. Not to mention if there was another mod who is to say he wouldn't be offline as well?
  8. As said before. Faith won't solve the problems, yes I agree don't let them encourage you to leave and of course report them to the staff, but just ignoring it all and continuing business as usual won't solve anything, as it'll happen again. Obviously people aren't okay with how things are happening here, and we need to open our eyes and find out why, and what we can do to make this a friendlier community. If you just believe it will become one, that alone won't do anything.
  9. You give me too much credit Bizz, as you did a lot on your own, but you also helped me a lot too. We take care of each other, we're siblings at heart Bizz. I am only strong because of you, because I have you to back me up, and you to think about. You give me a reason to push through the hard times, because I want to see you happy. I know you want the same for me as well.
  10. Bizz, I love you with all my heart, and you know as long as you believe in fighting for it, I'll stand next to you to assist you. I know it was a dark time Bizz, but they damned themselves, it wasn't yours or my fault, it was their own. We're older now, we know how to make our actions assist the positive outcome. You know I'll fight beside you until the very end without question.
  11. If I recall, wasn't Toa Lord Sothe one of the people complaining that people are leaving because of fights, and that the drama and whatnot needs to end? Ironic isn't it?
  12. Live up to your own words Toa Lord Sothe. Reform is with sacrifice, change is with hardship.
  13. I thought you were the one who said "we're all friends here," and that you came here to hang out with friends. You're going to let other people's arguments get in the way of that?
  14. It's not a guilt trip, it's how it actually is. Leaving has proven to solve nothing for the forest, in fact it contributes to making the problem worse.
  15. Running away never solves anything, as you can't expect things to be better when you get back, what happens if they get worse or just return to the way they were after a short peace? Then what? Repeat this strategy?
  16. So instead of trying to help the rest of us fix the problem by just being respectful as you mostly are, and ignoring the ones who are not, your master plan is to leave and hope it gets better from taking no action? Think about it Toa Lord Sothe.
  17. That's what I mean though, people have to WANT these things to stop, and push for ways for it to happen. Having faith will do literally nothing if we take no action.
  18. People have stayed here and had faith for months, and the fights continue. Faith alone isn't going to solve the problem, people should REALLY make a TRUE effort to just be nicer a little at a time. Just because someone's a newcomer doesn't mean they are lower than you, and just because someone isn't popular doesn't mean you should encourage others to harass them. Honestly we should GUIDE these people in a polite manner while giving them respect at the same time. Yes some won't get it, but obviously better than the methods we use already, as only SOME of the people here actually make an effort to guide them. And people need to just STOP using loopholes in the rules really. "Oh it's in the far from the forest section!" Really it needs to stop, although more is allowed, people abuse this too much. We all really should think a little before we post something. It doesn't take much out of your day to think for a moment, "hm, will this offend anyone? If so who, and what could offend them?" You find yourself determines what are petty reasons, and what are obvious.
  19. Or we could make an effort to be nicer to each other? Instead of doing what we've always done which obviously isn't working?
  20. Happens all the time anywhere you go really, real life or the internet. It's sad to think that people need to laugh at others' expense.
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