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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I will say that you are a sensible person when it comes to these things, as you state facts, and not always opinions, (even if one or two slip in there now and then.) I see too many people with their "GOD BLESS AMERICA THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! ALL OTHER COUNTRIES SUCK!" Attitude that are obviously blinded by their patriotism.
  2. Don't thank me, I'm just being myself.

  3. No, saying you worship something and believing in them are two different things. People can believe in Barrack Obama, that doesn't mean they worship him.
  4. You take pride in being disrespectful, getting in trouble for it, and then brushing it off as if it didn't happen? I think you should just accept that you did something disrespectful, learn from it, and treat other people with a little more care, otherwise you'll just end up repeating the process.
  5. This topic really needs to be closed, as it is disrespectful to others beliefs, and getting out of hand. Shuuda you need to respect other people's beliefs more. You do not hold divine logic, nor can you tell others their faith is wrong. That counts as flaming and religion bashing, which are both against the rules.
  6. I do not believe in Satan, therefore I do not worship him. Shuuda you are potentially bashing people's religion, some opinions are best kept to yourself. Have respect for others please.
  7. My religion has no holy books, so that can not happen, only by people of OTHER religions who interpret it wrong. There has never been a war in the name of our main central power either, and I'm quite proud of that. Lastly I am proud to say we never convert people.
  8. I mostly use common sense to determine what I do in my life, and have respect for other religions, but I am Wiccan/Pagan myself.
  9. To be honest, I hardly knew him, and it is slightly sad that this happened, but as heartless as it sounds, I think I can live without them.
  10. Well I have to do research for my teacher so she can teach some lessons on Adobe illustrator soon.

  11. I just like my privacy.

  12. Well, you'll find I don't flame, I just state the facts, and I rarely get angry.

  13. Hope you're enjoying yourself, I'm just waiting for my next class, it's quite a slow day today.

  14. Well it's not intentional mind you, it's just my normal behavior.

  15. Thank you very much.

  16. I've seen you around before, but never spoke to you.

  17. Hello, it's nice to meet you.

  18. Cynthia

    True Love?

    I didn't realize this would be such a conflict between you all...
  19. For the record, I believe the iPod Nano has three generations, and the classic has 2 versions as well. The shuffle just got a new version as well, also I believe the iPod Video was an iPod all its own for a while, until they made it an incorporated feature in the Nano, and iPod Touch.
  20. Good morning.

  21. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Wrong again, as you don't get "set for life," on day one of the job. Some people are from wealthy families to begin this much is true, but they work because they want to give BACK to the community, some people actually don't want to just tell everyone, "I'm rich, so stick it." Also it's actually rather difficult to live your ENTIRE LIFE with 2 million dollars, unless you invest it, but 2 million alone can only go so far. (Not to mention people spend it quickly.) Also, take note that some wealthy people donate money to charities and other organizations, and if they weren't working they wouldn't be able to do this on a regular basis. This once again falls under giving back to the community. Lastly, I would like to point out, ONCE AGAIN, you're not from AMERICA, you don't live in America, you're not a U.S. Citizen, and have never WORKED IN AMERICA. How do YOU know what American working conditions are? How do YOU know what the cost of living in America is? How do YOU know how hard Americans work? Do you experience any of these? No. Do you hear about them from your media? Yes. Is the media always right? No. Does the media experience these things either? No. Does the CANADIAN media experience things in America? Rarely. I think you should just forget American politics and American conditions until you decide you want to become American, because our country doesn't tell yours what you need, or who to elect, or how to run it, or how your people are living or should live. If you think that you know what is best for America, come on over here and vote, I'll be waiting. If you love America so much, move to America when you get older and become a U.S. Citizen. Leave American politics to Americans who live in America.
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