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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I just remembered your first name is Adam, that's one of my favorite first names for a male.
  2. Same here, I don't hold a grudge against anyone. He can come to me tomorrow morning with a positive attitude, and it'll be as if the whole thing never happened. I'm not really angry at him.
  3. Cynthia

    True Love?

    I'll agree the odds of teens finding true love is slim to none.
  4. Cynthia

    True Love?

    Do you believe in true love? If so what do you believe it is? Personally I believe true love has no bounds, male or female. It can be either or, and not everyone finds it, which is sad, but that's the way it goes. What about you?
  5. I think that is a sign that he's always ready to accept his responsibilities. ;)
  6. That reminds me, can I message you about something about that?
  7. And of course as I pointed out, ignore them. You don't have to respond to them really, or just ignore the bad ones and continue on discussion in a topic where flames have taken over. Tino is correct however.
  8. Not to mention people can ignore it. I have to agree with Metal Arc, as I have seen him in his duties, and he handles situations carefully, and he had a big role in resolving a lot of the major conflicts, despite being the joker he is.
  9. Can you deny it? Respect falls under a member's duty as well, that was my point before. We shouldn't HAVE to have the staff tell us to respect each other over and over, they should only have to say it once.
  10. Once again I am not saying that. Ignore the little things, report the big ones. It's not that hard.
  11. What anti-virus and anti-spyware software are you currently using? Also what operating system, and security settings?
  12. I have to agree, the mods do their job quite well, the problem is people aren't reporting the things that go on, and instead take matters into their own hands.
  13. Proof? As I stated several times I didn't want it to be a rule. I believe I mentioned it should be a reminder. Now please just let it go, as I wasn't attacking you, I was responding to a post you made directed towards myself.
  14. Some people catch on though, so it's not like efforts are in vein, sure not everyone will care, but if it stops a few incidents then it has worked. There's no such thing as perfection really.
  15. Original post: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...st&p=184434
  16. By the way Serene, do you have AIM? Not sure if I asked before. I apologize if I am off topic.
  17. Well you know I love you Toa Lord Sothe, and of course encourage you to stay.
  18. I in no way say that you can't make jokes. Make your political jokes about Sara Palin, make your jokes about boy bands, it's just when the joke is obviously not funny, and they are during a time when it's really not appropriate that someone should tell you to stop. I like Dane Cook, I like George Carlin, I like Chris Rock, I have no problem with their jokes, but that also falls under time and place, people watch them to see that stuff, not everyone comes here to hear racist jokes, or prejudice jokes, or things along those lines.
  19. I understand that CGV, believe me I do, but apparently some people don't really know what is considered disrespectful, I have comprised a list of things that show respect: 1. Treat ALL users equally. Assume they are a good person until proven otherwise, even then keep your differences off of the forums. 2. It under no circumstances, no matter how popular you are or aren't is it okay to insult, troll, or purposely antagonize users, old or new. 3. Racism/sexism/prejudices, just don't bring them here. 4. Think before you speak. 5. Be considerate, if someone is bothering you or you are bothering them, tell them in a polite manner. 6. If you HAVE to have a disagreement with someone, take it OFF of the site. Too many people bring their fights here. 7. Decency, just behave like mature adults, a little humor is good an all, but not when it is at others' expense. It doesn't always end well, as not everyone can take a joke. 8. Follow the other rules, if you do that, you will rarely find yourself in situations where you are unsure of something. Agreed?
  20. I'll get back on the subject when I have some more people's opinions, alright? Until then, there is nothing to discuss.
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