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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Hello Metal Arc, would you happen to have an AIM, MSN or YIM account? I'd love to talk to you, so we can get to know each other better.

  2. Cynthia


    I agree Metal Arc, and that too is sad. The worse part is they keep getting richer.
  3. Cynthia


    I'm aware, and it is quite sad.
  4. It's nice to see you again.

  5. I didn't say it would solve the problem, in fact I admitted, it happens over there as well. I honestly have other reasons for wanting to leave as well. I don't even see why you're defending why I should stay, I have the right to leave, so there is no point in trying to convince me to stay. I'm unhappy in this country, and I wish to return to my heritage. I have more faith in them, than here, and that's what it's all about, faith. If you have no faith in your country, you will never be happy there. I have lost my faith in ours, as it really ISN'T, "the greatest country in the world." There is no such thing. Yes, America has it pretty good, but it's not the greatest place in the world as some Americans seem to think.
  6. It's funny you should say that.. I LIVE in New York, and I'm not seeing this acceptance, if anything, it's WORSE here. As when I went to New Jersey, I encountered more and more people who accepted it. I've been all over New York state too, so it's not like I'm in 1 small area, it's all over. I'm sorry, but I disagree. I believe there really can't be much worse than people KILLING homosexuals for the sole reason of being homosexual. That happens in New York ALL the time.
  7. Once again, America is making excuses for it. Might as well start telling other countries they owe us favors now.
  8. That doesn't mean we're not self-centered, it just means we are making a REASON to be self-centered. And yes, I agree, the hate towards homosexuals in America is ridiculous, and no law that I fight to have passed will end it, therefore I don't wish to live in this country. I would completely and fully fight for such laws if they were possible and could work, but since they can not work or exist for that matter, I have no choice but to live elsewhere, and as soon as time permits, I shall do so.
  9. I can say that I honestly never abuse the moderation system, as firstly, it's wrong, and second, I am confident enough in the moderation team to see through lies, and deception. That really falls under your job to determine what is really abuse, and what is moderation service abuse. I'm sure when people see that the moderators aren't going to let all reports through, and actually read them, and investigate, any reports for such reasons will drop dramatically, if not cease to exist.
  10. Also, I like to add that love and hate do not define evil. As you can HATE evil. You can also LOVE to be evil.
  11. Cynthia


    Spa treatment alone totaled $23,000. Also yes I consider the well-being of EVERYONE more important than me living more pleasurably than I already am. If I were rich, I would devote a lot of my money to helping people, and not pleasing myself.
  12. I wasn't stating based on you. I have seen MANY posts pertaining to the fact we need to be watched, so I wasn't singling you out. Also I actively report. If I see something that I believe is against the rules, I report it for review. I propose the idea because it would help ENCOURAGE people to report, make them feel like they are important, inclining them to report more. They shouldn't HAVE to feel important, but face it, some people like to feel important when they do a good thing.
  13. Cynthia


    It's as if the rich seem to put their pleasure higher than the well being of others.
  14. That is an opinion, and actually you're wrong, as there is a higher acceptance rate for homosexuals in England than here, and that would be the group I fall under, since I am undecided about my preference, but I'm leaning more towards a homosexual side. Sure America SAYS they accept them, but how many people do? They can't even get married here. There is a MUCH higher acceptance rate in England, than in America. I'm sorry, but America is one of the most self centered countries in the world, and that is a fact. America uses over seventy percent of the oil used per YEAR. America use more than any country combined. America has a United Nations policy where they are allowed to seize any country they believe is a threat to them, however other countries do not hold this right. Those are just a few examples. You don't have to agree, but it's pretty obvious to me, that America IS self-centered.
  15. Cynthia


    Well for those who hadn't heard, a 65 billion dollar bail out was given to the company AIG, and after the bail out, the first thing they did was take a $440,000 vacation. What do you think about this?
  16. I don't see why we make it seem like the mods need to watch EVERYTHING that goes on, why not appoint some members to simply make it their job to report things? You don't have to give them special ranks or anything, just make them people responsible for reporting. Select them in private, and have them report in private, so people won't be able to kiss up to them, because they won't know who they are. Just try and select the most unbiased people you can.
  17. Sorry I didn't respond, you replied right when I had to leave.

  18. That is a misconception, as America is NOT the greatest country in the world, it's that American-centralized view that causes issues with other countries. Besides, I never said it was the government I hated. Sure the government gets corrupted, and laws hinder my ability to enjoy it here, but it's mostly the PEOPLE I don't like. Laws can't fix people. I'm tired of all the hate, and prejudices, I would rather live in a country which has a higher rate of acceptance for people like me than this one. The United Kingdom just happens to be that place. I could care less about the laws, as they don't protect my right against prejudices from every day citizens. The law won't stop people from being ignorant and hateful. Not even in England will it stop, but the acceptance rate it's higher for my category.
  19. Well there are plenty of other countries that have very similar rights as America, personally if I had my choice, I'd live in England.
  20. You won't like me too much then...
  21. I personally think that it won't matter who "clearly," won or not, because there is no "clearly," as it's all based on opinion, and it wouldn't be a clear, clean victory unless one side got say 85-100% support. I personally think neither of them won.
  22. Good morning, love.

  23. ………………………………,,—~~”"”"”~~–,, …………………………,-~”";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”’-,, …………………….,-”?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”, ………………….,/’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;___;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’, ……………….,-”;;;;;;;;;;-~”””. . . .”’~-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”-, ………………|’;;;;;;;;;;-’. . . iiiiiiiii. . . . .”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’-, …………___,l____,-’. . . . .||||||||||. . . . . . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’-, .._,,–~””’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;??”"”~-lllllllll||||||. . . . .’|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’-, ,/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?”’~–,,,|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”-,, |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;__,,,,,,,,,,,,——–,,,,___?”’~–;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~~-,, ‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,~|||||||||ii,,…………….,-iii|||||||ii,,~–,,,”~-,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~, ..”-,_;;;;;;;;;;;;/’/|l”…….”’-l||i,………../|ll”’???”’~ii||,….?”–,”~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’ ……”~~——|.”’…………..”ll”……../l’……………”l|-……..|”~-,’-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’i ……………..’|…,,–~~-,………………,,–~~-,,…………..|;;;;;;”~-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’, ……………..,l-’~-,. . . . ”,…………,-’-~-,. . . .”…………|;;;;;;;;;;;”’,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’| ……………..|||’;;;;;’|, . . . .’|………..|||’;;;;;’|, . . . ‘|……….|’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”-,_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ …………….||||O|||;:|. . . . .’|……….||||O|||;:|. . . . ‘|………|;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,,,–,,’_–,,,,–,’ …………….’|||||||||||;|. . . . ,l……….|||||||||||;|. . . . ,l………|;;;;;;;;;,-”’………..”~,;;;/ ……………..,||||||;-’_ . . .,/………..’|l|l|||l’. . . . ./………|’;;;;;;;;;/………………|;| ..,………,,–”’……….?”’~'-,………….’-,,_. . ,,~’…………,_,-”/’……….,-……..|’| .|||i……,-’………………………………….??………..,,-…………..–,,,-”………/;’-, .’|||||i,,/’……………………………………………..,,i|||i’………………………../”~”” ..|||||||’…………………………..i||i,…………_,,iii|||||||i………………………,-” ..||||||’…………………………,ii||||||||||iiiiiiiiiii||||||||||||||i’………………,…..,,,-” …’|||||,………………………,i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||i’………………,,–”-~’;;;;, ….’|||i,………………….,-i||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l’……………..,-”;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’| ……”-i||||-,,_………_,-iiil”?”lll|||||||||||||||||||||||lll”’?…………….,/’?;;;;;;;;;;;;~—’ ………..”’==iiiiiiiiiiiii=’………?”"”"”"”?…………………..,/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,| …………………………………………………………………,/”~~-?”~–,,~’ …………………………….’|…………………………..,/’:::::::::::::::::?”’~–,, ……………………………..’|………………………..,/’::::::::::::::::::::::,,—-”’~-, …………………………,,-~””…………………….,/”::::::::::::::::::::,-”?;;;;;;;;;;;;, ………………………….,/’::::::::’………………..,-”::::::::::::::::::::::/’;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”, ………………………|’::::::::::::’-,_…………,,-|:::::::::::::::::::::::/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ………………………|::::::::::::::::,’–,,,,–~”’;;;|::::::::::::::::::::::/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Something I found, I thought it was quite skilled for someone to make this.
  24. I'll PM it to you sometime.

  25. So pretty much you made this thread to intentionally cause arguments Doom103...? It really does look that way. How do YOU know what America needs for health care? How do YOU know what Americans need? You live in Canada, you don't know how Americans live, as you don't LIVE in America. You can't go by what people say, you go by experience. Honestly, I fail to even see you able to make a valid argument about what AMERICA NEEDS. I refuse to even accept your ideas on what America needs until you become an American citizen. Whether I agree with your views or not, you're not an American, so therefore you can't tell Americans what they need. Try reforming your OWN country, not ours.
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