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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. No hard lines are drawn, sir. We're making an effort to consider as many reasonable ways as possible.
  2. The entire thing is wrong. You're mixing multiple things into one scenario. though I don't blame you; lame fragmented format is hard to follow for anyone but the parties involved, which is why I usually don't take the time to read long posts like that from other people. The 3HK/2HK stuff was simply a demonstration in difference in defense. The example scenario that I gave doesn't have all those constraints. Also fixed Sorry for being ambiguous. By "as well", I meant "also". As for exp rank, no one is contesting that.
  3. Apparently, yes. Sorry, I thought it should go without saying that for someone to be in danger of dying, there would be more than one enemy in the vicinity. Besides, do I really have to even indicate that there is more than one enemy nearby when such a simple thing could very easily occur (and in practice is usually the case), for you to consider the possibility of it happening? ...It's not that Serra is helpful only 10% of the time, because if that 10% chance occurs, someone can DIE, so you avoid it 100% of the time. unless your healer is durable enough to rectifiy the messy situation that would result, in which case you can go ahead with it 100% of the time. And again, that's just one example. I'm not going to sit here and type out a list of various scenarios. I've got enough to write up with all this as it is. And... ...lone enemies usually don't appear. There is usually more than one enemy in the same vicinity; thus a unit can be attacked by more than one enemy. And then, even with only one enemy per turn, if you can only take one hit, then after that one hit, you're done until someone spends a turn healing you. However, if you can take more (or if you dodge!), then you can still take another. Whether or not he's a "top competitor" is largely irrelevant to the fact that it's not him vs noone anymore, which was the point in case you missed it. Keeping Hector/Matt alive, and while still being able to actually attack, is pretty important. If your point was instead that 12 is a short chapter, then sure, that's valid. And you forgot 14. Pris doesn't appear until a good ways in, and when she does, she's away from just about everything. Yes, it is by that much. It's the biggest difference between two units who can seriously be compared in this game that I know of. I already explained this. I can quote it if you need to see it again. Better than just about anyone unless you early-promoted someone. For example, you can kill someone and then leave her in range of 3 additional physical scrubs plus a mage and be fairly confident (<1% chance) that she won't die, and have about a 50% chance of not taking any damage at all if they're steel weapons or similar, and one-round all of them in the process regardless of what they are, whether it be an archer, cavalier, knight, etc, except perhaps the mage if it's not a dark user. I don't know that anyone else can make that claim. There's nothing stopping you from having Serra heal just as much. Anything Priscilla can do she can do as well. Here are the levels of mine (done about a year ago): P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7x 8 9 10 Total exp 133 395 580 942 1683 2075 2394 3223 4093 4730 5677 6782 per Ch 133 262 185 362 741 392 319 829 870 637 947 1105 baseLvl Lyn 1.00 2.33 3.00 3.10 3.60 4.00 4.23 4.43 4.43 4.62 5.34 6.18 6.48 Sain 1.00 1.31 2.09 3.98 5.60 6.03 6.03 6.28 6.30 6.31 6.31 6.64 Kent 1.00 2.64 3.61 3.91 5.80 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.13 6.14 6.52 Florina 1.00 1.73 3.47 3.80 4.50 5.54 6.01 6.19 6.62 6.90 Wil 2.00 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.43 Dorcas 3.00 4.76 5.11 5.21 5.21 5.21 5.31 5.79 6.41 Erk 1.00 2.80 4.16 4.46 7.02 8.64 10.21 12.38 Serra 1.00 1.44 1.89 4.09 6.40 7.97 9.85 12.72 Rath 7.00 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.15 Matthew 2.00 2.15 5.06 6.34 6.34 8.90 11.05 Nils 1.00 2.00 3.10 3.93 4.84 6.24 Lucius 3.00 3.59 4.36 5.61 6.40 6.90 Wallace 12.00 12.00 12.00 Notes to go with it: More move is nice, yes, but how far you can move is usually restricted more by how far you can move without dying than by how much move you have. And maps are pretty cramped, so it's rare that more move is needed to reach someone within an area. It matters sure, but less than the defense matters.
  4. It does exist and it's why there's not more than a tier gap. Considering the difference in performance alone, it warrants more than a tier gap as I see it.
  5. Indeed I do. Oh? Only 7-8? Serra comes out of LHM as high as 12, so assuming lv 10 and a few points of exp, she's 12 by Priscilla's joining. That's 9 levels. Half of 9 levels due to her being promoted already = 4-5. If you so choose, you can have Serra heal as much as you can have Priscilla heal. More, even, since she doesn't have to hang back to avoid getting hit. Then cut just a little more off that due to occasional attacking on player phase and/or not using Physic unnecessarily (The thing's expensive. One staff is almost 4k.) to get the 4 end. Then have her use her player phase for attacking a lot, and you have the 2 end. That's far from absurd. Attacking gets her about the same exp as she would get from using a staff, so regardless of how much of her player phase is spent healing vs attacking, exp from player phase is about 5 levels. Then throw on the counterattack exp she gets over those several chapters, and you get what, 7-8? 20/8-9 Serra vs 20/1 Priscilla. I see. You should have made that clear. Well, Serra already has an availability lead on Priscilla, and it's no less than Guy's on Raven's is. For 2.5 of those 5 chapters Guy has on Raven, he's taking up a unit slot that someone else could take. For Serra, however, for all 3.5 of those chapters, it's her vs no one. Then you have the "availability" lead that comes with promotion on top of that. Here it's greater because the lead isn't greatly reduced halfway through like it is with Guy vs Raven. Now a very important point is that Priscilla doesn't win elsewhere. I would most certainly consider her to be losing slightly before promotion due to fragility, and also losing after again mostly due to issues of durability, though offense does play a role. What are you talking about? I dunno what the FE10 thing is about, but you're not having your healers tank enemies; you're making tactical/strategic moves that you can't otherwise safely make without your healer being able to live through an attack or two. Here's a nonspecific example. Say you want to finish off an enemy with someone but you only have a 90% chance of successfully being able to do so. If you attempt and miss, you'll eat a counterattack and also be exposed to one more enemy and thus risk dying. However, if your healer is durable enough to move in and heal without also risking death, you can go ahead with the plan. Otherwise, you can't. Aside from Colonel already covering that, saying it that way sounds weird. You make it sound like what OHKOs Priscilla 3HKOs Serra, which obviously isn't true. You probably didn't mean that, I just thought I'd point it out just in case. Eh, I thought it was pretty clear. Just add "and 2HKs the other" after each. oh and... YES. 1 def and 2-3 avoid (and 5 crit) is a lot when it's an addition to everything else.
  6. The primary "corridor" in question is 3 tiles wide and most of the combat likely happens beyond its reach, out in the relatively open area. And there are a lot of bows/javelins/mages. At the other two locations, it's only one tile wide, but you'll also be having only 1 combat unit there at most since the bulk of your forces needs to be in the main area, so it's not always possible to completely block it while still killing what needs to be killed. And even if you can, on the right side especially, there are lots of ranged enemies. Also, this is just one chapter out of many. Don't get too caught up on the specifics of it.
  7. Of course Priscilla doesn't face them, because she dies if she does. You don't have the freedom to do things that would put her there like you do with Serra. 14 and even 15 atk may 3HK Serra.
  8. No. Priscilla can get OHK'd, and Serra can get 3HK'd. Check out ch 15 for example. There are lots of enemies with 19 and 13 atk. 19 OHKs Priscilla, and 13 3HKs Serra. Indeed you can. However, they both gain SEXP while promoted as well. Serra's getting 2-4 levels of promoted SEXP while Priscilla is unpromoted, making that gap smaller than what you posted. It's not just the very end. You have up to 335 turns to 5★ tactics. Serra's supports start about 50 turns in, so even building supports only 33% of the time is enough to get to a B 45 turns before the end, which is an appreciable amount of time. Building 40% of the time makes for reaching B with 85 turns left. 45% and 50%, while harder to accomplish, are also not unreasonable if you aren't "tactically inept", and those leave 107 and 125 turns respectively.
  9. You're wtfing because you still think that Priscilla gains ~9 levels in the span that Serra gains 4. No, it's not an overrating at all. For two reasons. Healers gain a loooot on promotion. What does Guy get that he didn't have before when he promotes. Not a whole lot. He's a better at boss slaying and better at combat in a few situations. What does Serra get? The ability to one-round scrubs when they attack her, even coupled with enough defense to make nice use of that. Even if she never attacked on player phase and just used staves, she can efficiently go places Priscilla can't due to being able to counter--and even go places where Priscilla would get killed, and kill things in the process. That alone is already a pretty dang amazing improvement. But then she can indeed attack on player phase. Often doing so is more helpful. THIS is the only part where "Priscilla still exists". Serra's player phase increases by more than Guy's increases because not only does she gain more defense and more raw power (making gaining +crit and +stats for offense as being equal to gaining an additional option to attack or heal rather than just heal) like Guy does, but also she gains the ability to counterattack, so she has a greater increase in freedom of movement than is granted by just the gain in defense alone like what Guy gets. And then she gains the ability to be productive on enemy phase. Guy gains nothing of the sort when he promotes. No, you can't at all compare Guy promoting before Raven to Serra promoting before Priscilla. Healers gain way way more when they promote. Also, the promotion gap between Serra and Priscilla is bigger than between Guy and Raven. Quite untrue. It's often advantageous to let someone who can't counter be attacked in order to let you kill a certain enemy or reach a certain point faster. Additionally, very often those enemies who are going uncountered wouldn't have been counterattacked anyway or wouldn't have died even had they been countered, making for little to no disadvantage in the first place.
  10. And Serra is better due to defense in some instances. Defense on healers matters too. Of course you would like them to never get attacked at all, but that's not always practical or even best. You can go out and attack something that leaves you in a dangerous position if your healer can go out there and heal him without dying.
  11. Of course it's not "easy", but that you can't even keep them together 1/3 of the time I find absurd.
  12. wut @ never getting any As. 80 turns out of 250 is too many? 20/1 Serra has +2 def, 3 hp, ~13 avo, and 9001 res over 15-16 Erk. When enemies have like 80-90 hit or else use magic, breaking 50 avo unsupported and having massive res = pretty durable.
  13. Yeah, Priscilla will be getting exp faster. But so will Serra. Magic user that's actually durable = amazing. She sees a lot of combat. Yes, C Lucius does make a difference. +1 def and 2-3 avoid? yes pls. And then B Lucius happens shortly after Priscilla reaches A with someone. And yes, Serra is better even after Priscilla promotes, for having better defense.
  14. How so? I already gave a reasonable explanation for it. Oh? Link pls 26 is too late. You forgot side chapters or something. How so? He's not ramboing or anything.
  15. I don't see what the problem with Serra getting a support at a late chapter is. There's no issue with being "tethered" to her when it's only like 4 turns per chapter.
  16. Then Serra would be higher than 20/3-4 by the time Priscilla is 20/1. Or the other way around, Priscilla wouldn't be 20/1 yet when Serra is 20/3-4.
  17. I have not read anything else in this topic, but... How is that out of proportion at all? No one would ever even reach lv 20 if levels came much slower than 70-80 exp per chapter.
  18. Pirates are 1337er than all other classes.
  19. I said neither. I simply asked what the community here thinks of the idea/argument. I think it makes it easier, aside from stuff like Nailah solo in 1-F. Uber Nolan/Jill rickrolling chapters is pretty effective.
  20. You give the majority of your stuff (including exp) to them instead of to other DB units, since they can do the most with it, and it makes them amazing.
  21. the hey guys, let's pimp out Mia and the hey guys, let's pimp out Jill and Nolan arguments
  22. I want to make friends too... Anyway, wow, debaet is raging in this topic. tl;dr though. Except that post at the top of this page. This statement, however, is incorrect. To be "blessed" in a stat, as far as I am aware, means to gain more points in that stat than is normal to gain. For example, if Erk gains 5 points of Mag in 10 levels, he has been blessed in Mag because this indicates a 50% growth in Mag while his actual growth is only 40% (so he's been blessed by 1 point of Mag, or 10% growth). Similarly, if Erk gains 3 points of Mag in the same 10 levels, he has been screwed in Mag because this indicates a 30% growth. So there is really no significance at all as to the actual % growth. Lucius' 60% Mag growth is just as likely to be blessed or screwed as is Erk's 40% Mag growth--on the other hand, it is indeed true that maximum deviation from the average occurs at levels closest to 50%. Oh but it is correct. But probably not really what the poster thinks. Lower growths do indeed have an extremely (like 0.5% iirc) slightly lower chance to be blessed than do higher growths. And at the same time, they also are blessed by slightly more when they are blessed. But for all practical purposes, this difference is so small that it's not even worth mentioning even in the most detailed discussions unless you're dealing with 5-10% growths, where it becomes a slight difference rather than an extremely slight difference.
  23. Reikken


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