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Everything posted by TuxedoBird

  1. I adore what we see of Nanna’s artwork. It’s so magical girl-esque! Could be! Although likely just his neutral art rather than anything about him as a unit, since there’s at least one more to go and Laegjarn hasn’t shown up to play her part. My guess would be there will be a few more and Muspel gets released in November or January? If he gets released at all. But I guess time will tell!
  2. So it isn’t a dancer banner. Now to see if they push that to later in the month or swap it with a different banner later in the year. Not anything I really care to pull for so I guess I’ll keep saving. Free Nanna as a flying healer is nice though! Holy shit I would be so down for that it isn’t even funny. Hel dancer alt, Hel dancer alt, please!
  3. The right one definitely looks like Nanna, although it could be funny if it winds up being Priscilla, and the left looks like Lewyn but that could just be the costume. Since they’re holding a tome and a staff IS could be pulling something like with the Plegian banner where they really wanted a duo and not a harmonic for Valentine’s so shoved a new festival banner in before it, but with dancers this time. Which would likely mean the inevitable kid Dimitri/Edelgard duo, and I wanted that unit, but I would have preferred to wait a bit, just hope Dimitri leads. I suppose they could also boot the dancer banner to November rather than three alt banners back to back to back. That said, if it isn’t a dancer banner then it’s nice for the Jugdral fans to have a little more variety in their alts! And if it is, then a healer dancer is neat, not sure how it would work.
  4. Hanon could work! Since Mulagir is green and up for a refine. Soan would have the disadvantage of being right after a Tellius legendary and not long after Ashera, but stranger things have happened. I think they might hold off for a couple of months to see how Ullr compares to the OC sales so I’m a little worried though. My guess would be Otr now, Fafnir and possibly a red Eitri for November although she could be later. If not Otr I guess they could floor us and finally make base Veronica playable? I don’t know if Hrid is still showing up or has just been booted to March (where at least you can spark him!) but best of luck to you all the same. I’ll be going for L!Byleth too provided the dancing banner doesn’t pull a fast one and have a bunch of characters I love. Hope it has at least a couple you like!
  5. It’s almost certainly green, which makes Otr the most likely. Guess something will happen to him this month. If they decide to use someone from the games (twice in a row!) then I dunno, Medeus? Green could fit him, and since Marth and Tiki are getting booted to the remixes in November makes sense to put some more Archenea rep on the banner. Or for that they could have Caeda with the Wing Spear in October. On a different note, do we have any confirmation of Eitri being colourless? I would assume so since she’s trying to make another summoner gun but I don’t remember fighting her? Wouldn’t be surprised if they hold out on her, she strikes me as a character who could become a longer term player in the story. Or not.
  6. Yeah, looking at more of their stuff it does seem to be a trait of theirs. Strangely I like it on Gharnef and the Nephenees but it bothers me on Effie, L!Edelgard and L!Micaiah. So that’s definitely more of a personal thing. I do stand by her face looking off.
  7. We all knew it was coming, but congratulations to the Micaiah fans! It’s about damn time she got her legendary. Good luck with your summons! Although I feel like the only person who has issues with the art. It’s not bad by any stretch of the imagination but the colours look really washed out and her face just looks off. Probably more personal preference than anything. They probably didn’t skip over Farina despite her having been rerun because now Nifl lines up with Ullr and probably the next legendary. To make it more appealing than if it was Zeke.
  8. I’m exaggerating a bit, and they are free to do whatever they want with harmonics, but what they seem to want is a bunch of f/f units. And to be fair, for all I know that will be thrown completely on it’s head and they’ll do 3 m/m harmonics in a row! I just doubt it. Eliwood and Roy comes to mind as a harmonic for me because I was thinking FE6 and FE7 versions of them, rather than the older Hector and kid Lilina that was their duo hero, but a duo could work too. I guess I just see them adding more dudes to duo heroes before harmonics, but again, I could be completely wrong. I also tend to be a bit facetious a lot, sorry about that.
  9. As far as duo heroes go male/female pairs are the front runners, if only by a very slim margin. (M/m - 1, m/f - 8, f/f - 7) Makes sense given how many are romantic or sibling duos. The last two being f/f pairs alternating with harmonics definitely makes them feel ubiquitous though. Because harmonics are hilariously one sided. (M/f - 1, f/f - 7) The only m/m one I could conceivably ever see them doing here is FE7 Eliwood and Roy. Which would be adorable and no complaints. Little more variety would be nice but I doubt IS has any plans for it lol. Also going to add Flavia and Basilio as a duo. They’re always fun.
  10. I don’t see why not? Most obvious choices seem like Medeus for Archenea, any of the rest of the twelve crusaders (and maybe the original Loptous?) for Jugdral, Athos, Elimine and Jahn for Elibe although they could do more of the Eight Legends, Morva seems like the best bet from SS, Lehran, Soan and Dheginsea from Tellius, if they do decide to put Anakos in he’s the main choice from Fates, Indech, Macuil and maybe Wilhelm from Fódlan although Cichol and Cethleann as alts is possible if less likely. I honestly can’t think of anyone from Valentia (Mila and Duma already are mythics) or Awakening (Grima is a legendary, Naga is a mythic). Edit: oh, and Nergal, knew I forgot someone.
  11. You do make a good point with the legendary alternates suggestion. I’m not sold on Reginn but Fjorm is getting her divine power up and is one of the more popular OC’s, so you may be right on the money there. I’d say Leagjarn before Laevatein though. There is also a chance they start splitting their new OC’s between mythic, legendary and regular banners to spread things out a bit.
  12. Mythic Cichol and Cethleann could happen, and probably are more likely for those two if they get one or the other. Indech and Macuil too. As for legendary Nemisis, ehhhh I kinda doubt it. I’d say mythic is more likely if they do give him an alt, but I’d be fine with him staying as a GHB. The mythics I would be kind of curious about from 3H would probably be Wilhelm and Loog. Put faces to the names. Mostly I just want fewer OC mythics, there are still plenty of choices from the games. 😕 Hmm. That I’m really doubting, but I wouldn’t put a second legendary Ike past IS. The Lewyn one I could definitely see though as either.
  13. I do think more main villains are a plausible way to go. Zephiel and Zelgius would be good options, and I’ll add Lyon who I think would get one before Tana or Innes.
  14. Since all signs point to Micaiah at the end of the month, who would be the last lead character to get a legendary (unless you count Kris) I figured it might be fun to speculate who might get a legendary now that they’re out of the way. Archenea: Caeda is the only one I’m pretty certain about. She plays a pretty big role and is Marth’s love interest, Lilina got one and so will she. Kris is another with a decent chance as a player character. Other than that, I suppose Elice or pre-evil Hardin could be options if they stretch? Echoes: …I got nothing. I guess if they get desperate they could make Berkut one? He’s one of the villains who would fit better as a legendary than a mythic and I think he’s somewhat popular but I really doubt this one. Jugdral: Deirdre is always an option. Quan and Eldigan too if IS feels like it. As far more of a stretch they could give Arvis one, he’s a villain but that doesn’t automatically disqualify him, and not playable, which might, so this is a long shot. Binding Blade: Um, Guinivere maybe? She’s not playable in the main campaign but she is one of the plot important characters. I guess if we go by plot importance we could also add Elphin here but I buy that even less than Berkut. Blazing Sword: Ninian will almost certainly get one. That’s kind of all I got since Athos is more likely as a mythic. I guess they could make Mark one as a last resort. Sacred Stones: My L’Arachel bias says L’Arachel, but I do think she’s the most likely option from the game. Alternatively Myrrh. Tana and Innes I think are much less likely but possible? Tellius: Finally back to ones that feel less like a shot in the dark. Elincia is sort of a lord in her own right so I could easily see her getting one. Soren fills the second in command role and is important enough I think it’s just a matter of time. I think Sanaki is less likely but still a pretty strong possibility. Mmmmaybe Sothe? Awakening: They could make Grandmaster Robin, presumably male Robin. I don’t think both gender PC’s would be the norm, but the current legendary Robin is Grima, so I could see this one. Lissa, maybe, if they’re desperate. Fates: Ryoma got one ages ago but Xander is still waiting. Other than him, Shigure was the focus of some DLC and is the most recognizable child character so he’s a possibility. And male Birthright Corrin to match the current one and which Corrins appear on the box art. Then I guess Camilla is pretty dang likely. 3H: Yuri is the only one I am somewhat confident we’ll get. He’s the DLC protagonist and pretty well loved. Seteth and Flayn are options? Albeit unlikely ones. And Rhea was going to get either a mythic or a legendary and got the former. Although I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t pull for Legendary Rhea as well. Others: Itsuki? I don’t really expect more TMS in Heroes, but he is the main character so this might happen. Alfonse I think will happen, but not for a while. Likely he’ll be a last hurrah during the last book. Anna is a silly recurring character, but I could see them giving her one as a joke. So yeah, the ones I actually expect to get a legendary are; Caeda, Kris, Deirdre, Ninian, L’Arachel, Elincia, Soren, Xander, Shigure, BR Corrin, and Yuri. And beyond that a fair few that wouldn’t surprise me. Enough for another couple of books at least before they start scraping. Thoughts? Additions? Think any of these choices are insane? Inquiring minds wish to know. Now watch it not be Micaiah so this times out poorly.
  15. Colourless seems like by far the most likely option, so to give a guess: Likely: Staff Elincia, Staff or CL tome Micaiah, Kinshi Knight Shigure. Possible: CL tome Soren, Staff L’Arachel Obligatory 3H pick: Dagger Yuri Wildcard: Staff Elice On the off chance it’s red, Xander or Sanaki maybe? Hope you’re taking care of yourself!
  16. Well the banner definitely wouldn’t be until next year, since this year is set to have a Harmonic. I’m kind of expecting Seliph, Julia and Arvis somewhere on the banner, given most of gen 1 Geneology having the banner last year. I did say in the first post I was hoping for an Arvis/Edelgard harmonic, and it would be kind of fitting to have both Flame Emperors as a Fire and Ice TT boss. Given how OP they made her fallen alt I don’t think IS would have any reservations putting her on two duo/harmonic units. Brave Marianne having Blutgang is far from a done deal, they could give her a tome, but it’s a strong possibility. I’ve heard arguments for staff Marth, although they could give him yet another Falchion. Marianne isn’t story important enough to get a legendary, although a second post-ts alt is possible. I think the only character from 3H left who has a shot at being a legendary is Yuri, being the protagonist of the DLC and a “lord” in his own right. I half expect him to be the legendary at the end of this month, in which case IS may have an actual riot on their hands, as well as all of my orbs. I would have given Rhea a shot but she has a mythic so that’s out.
  17. While TT Flayn sounds about right, I’d think that Dorothea and F!Byleth would be more likely on a Three Houses dancing banner than Manuela and Marianne, although I prefer your picks. Felix is a possibility for a male dancer on the banner, or maybe they’d throw Claude on. And then kid Dimitri and Edelgard alt with a dagger weapon sounds right. Hopefully with Dimitri as a lead (please give him a weapon that isn’t a lance IS). Marianne is getting a brave alt in a couple of weeks, so she may very well get Blutgang there.
  18. Oh yeah. We’ll probably get that at some point. Would like something a little silly with those two, let them chill out for like five minutes. I would never have thought of this but now I want it desperately.
  19. Just for fun, exactly what it says in the title. What are some of the Duo or Harmonic Heroes you’d like to see? No matter how far-fetched. Include which seasonal if you’d like. Some from me, duos: -Marcus and Merlinus: Pretty sure I’m far from the only person who left Marcus behind to guard the loot. They’re a pretty fun duo and I’d like it. Think Christmas would work best since the joke is they’ve been guarding all your stuff. -Rhea and Jeralt: Mostly because I want to see their conversation. They have a history and I’m curious about it. I can only see Jeralt getting in for Valentine’s given the “reconnect with dead parents” theme they have going which works for me. -Kids! Dimitri and Edelgard: I mean, this one is basically inevitable but I do want to see them back when they were happy doing their Fox and the Hound irony bit. -Lucius and Raven: I would be willing to shell out real cash for this one, half because I love these two and want them as a duo, half because I just want any Lucius alt so I can actually use him. Don’t even care which theme so long as the art is nice. -Natasha and Knoll: Light magic and dark magic defectors from Grado, mostly just like the theming and characters with this one. Maybe Halloween? Harmonics: -Arvis and Edelgard: Starting off with the most obvious, the OG Flame Emperor and the new. Would like this one as a ballroom alt, both because I want them in fancy red clothes and because their epithet could be “Dancing Flames”. -L’Arachel and Hapi: This one I like for contrast reasons, L’Arachel the melodramatic princess who loves to fight monsters and Hapi the cynic from nowhere who wishes they’d leave her alone. As well as both being Valkyries. Alternatively L’Arachel and Arthur could be fun, the luckiest and unluckiest characters in the franchise, but I don’t care about Arthur so it’s less appealing to me. -Lucina and Marth: Why not have Lucina paired with the guy she pretended to be? I’d also just really like seeing them talk. New Year’s would be the best suited to this one I think, with the whole old and new thing. -Dimitri and Guinivere: Both have a sibling they used to be close to who wound up a megalomaniac with a dragon fixation. Plus I just think they’d get along. -Any Anna and any other Anna: Why not?
  20. Kept it to just playable characters and plot-important NPC’s. Honestly subject to change on any given day. Probably the only ones I’m certain about are the top 3.
  21. Well that was out of left field. Still, the crusaders do have a chance in Heroes! Nice. Also wow is that art gorgeous. I believe Anakos’ dragon form’s Japanese voice actor has passed away, and I hear he may never get in the game out of respect, but I can’t say for certain.
  22. August 1st is a Sunday, so the 30th or 31st is a bit more likely. Could also drop in on the 26th after maintenance, but more likely that will just be the trailer for the Mythic if anything.
  23. Probably! Hence wildcard. This is also the last time for the rest of the year I can see a non-OC getting a mythic. So good luck to those who do want Anakos. Now THAT would be a neat curveball.
  24. Anakos and Freyr seem to be the main guesses. I’m going to throw in Saint Elimine with an even better Aureola as a wildcard. Fits light pretty well if that’s what they go with.
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