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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  2. I mean, like, the most overpowered thing ever. They should balance him. EXCEPT HE IS IN CHARGE OF BALANCE WHAT HAVE WE GOT OURSELVES INTO!?

  3. Dude, that is god man. Disappearing minerals make me sooooooooooo hard.

    And I still think David Kim is the most overpowered. :P

  4. Fixed. KotOR 2 blew. KotOR 2 was incredible, its only faults being that it was rushed and therefore somewhat incomplete. In every other way it was superior to the first KotOR, which is actually saying a lot.
  5. Someone hasn't seen Half-Life: Full Life Consequences!
  6. Damn it, that character had some of the worst-written lines I've ever seen a native English speaker over age eight write, and I knew exactly how it was going to end from the first time they introduced him. Jedi Academy is good for the multiplayer, and some cool singleplayer levels. Definitely not the story. :D But yeah, Jedi Academy has amazingly awesome gameplay.
  7. anata wa megas kawaii desu ne moe moe moe moe
  8. <3 Jedi Academy. Also, Rosh Penin! I win the thread!
  9. A-A-A-AKII! I'm a rapper you know! Also, Gauln is cool. Really, anyone who says Bang and kills people is cool. I have some more, I may post more later. I have yet to find a Key character that I didn't like at least a bit. OH SHIT, I FORGOT KUROSAWA FROM ONANI MASTER KUROSAWA!
  10. Superb rebuttal, good sir! I do believe I have met my match! Really, that's pathetically childish. At least give me something beyond insults. srs man is verah srs in spam forums
  11. Lies. Obviously teen hardships differ from parental and third-world country hardships, but most kids do go through them. The difference lies in how kids deal with it. My family is a prime example. Most of my immediate family on my dad's side is dead (dad, grandparents, and brother who is homeless in Nevada, if ya care to read this). The way my brothers, mother, and I deal with it are completely different. My older brother chooses to hide it and smoke pot for the majority of his day, my younger brother is extremely angry about it, I hold most emotions in (overwhelming at times; my mom and I are the only ones who have accepted the deaths), and my mom seems fine on the surface (but is actually pretty distraught on the inside). We all find different ways to cope with the unusual amount of stress not many teens have to deal with (outside of "ghettos," anyway). Now, this may not be the same as wishing you'll find food the next day, but this is pretty fucked up (downright unfair in my opinion). A little less extreme, but still stressful is having to deal with divorced parents, which many children across America --especially-- have to go through. There's plenty of other stressful events happening in a teen's life. Low self-esteem, acne, hormones, you name it. Where the "retardation" comes in is how kids deal with it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying no kids have problems or hardships, but most really don't. This is the thing, teens tend to think that there problems are real problems, when they really aren't. This is my whole point, a lot of kids, in any generation, ever, although it will become more common the less kids have to do (which is made possible by them actually being able to do less), never have to face real hardship, and therefore can become rather self centered. I am talking about this through experience. I luckily learned about this fairly early, but I know that I myself did things like that. It's just kind of how things go. Some people persist, but usually having to actually support yourself can shock you part way out of it.
  12. I've only met one guy from from the Netherlands, and he was for the most part pretty amiable (Though, funny enough, he also though France was a hellhole). However, I have FAMILY from Quebec. Or had- They disowned my entire branch of the family because we don't speak any French. Sure, anyone can be outrageously snobbish. It's just disgustingly prevalent amongst the French. I said it wouldn't surprise me, not that it's the same then as it is now. Again, I wouldn't know about the Dutch. I havn't met any Dutchmen. Now that I think about it, though, it does seem like the majority of Europe is pretty snobbish... I've heard a lot of really snobby thing come out of the mouths of European leaders. Jacques Cheraque, the former president of France, may be one of the chief reasons I hate the country so much... You're retarded. Also, you should make a topic about this in General so I can roflstomp you.
  13. Kids will be retarded kids I say. The whole reason kids are stupid is because none of them have actually experienced life. Pretty much no teenager has actually had to experience any real hardship or "real life" whatsoever. Its a given that they'll do dumb things.
  14. He isn't trying to appease them out of some sort of decency or something. He has to meet the center (moreso than congress does) because he wants to be re-elected. The sad part is some people bought the campaign bullshit about an end to partisan behavior (hint: this won't ever end as long as people disagree about things) and somehow thought he could simultaneously fulfill all his liberal campaign promises while somehow hedging towards the middle of the aisle (in terms of American politics). I know bro, I guess what I am trying to say is that being a politician in America, he CAN'T do most of the things he promised, because a large portion of Congress and the people will be against him, which could hurt him. If it was me, I would probably say to hell with my chances of re-election, and try to force shit through, but even that might be tough given the number of Conservative Democrats. So yeah, I was more pointing out the reason why nothing happened.
  15. I think Lyle Dayek is a pretty cool guy, eh told me I was ruining Serenes Forest and threatened to gouge my eyes out with a pair of plyers and watch me bleed because death is too good for me.
  16. What are you, some kind of faggot? *Points to gender* This does absolutely nothing to change my statement.


  18. I have yet too see someone who can outsmart... Bullet.
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