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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. The problem with this though, is that even when I boost monsters by a bunch, having effectiveness against Monsters just makes them obscenely powerful, considering most of the end of the game is monsters.
  2. I disagree. I have a piece of shit computer that's like 5 years old (well, parts of it), and I can still run most games. Poorly maybe, but I can run them. Also, a cunning person can easily buy a very good computer that can run all the new games for less than $1500. I do see what you're saying though. I think it something to do with the fact that for most "gamers" consoles are just easier though. Also, I don't actually like PC for the graphical edge. :)
  3. Basically, I strengthened all promoted enemies and made them scale more. And yes, you should be able to see the changes as long as you haven't actually passed the levels. :D Also, another thing, I'm thinking about what I should do with the Sacred Weapons. In normal Sacred Stones they pretty much just turn the whole late game into a massive joke, so I dunno what to do with them? Maybe remove their effectiveness multiplier or their stat boosts? Any other suggestions?
  4. I was going to post "It's just you", but depressingly, I'm wrong.
  5. So Seth would go from Top Tier to The Tier Above The Tier Above Top Tier? :3 EDIT: Although, Raven said, and I kind of experienced a similar thing, that before too long, Franz becomes pretty much as good as Seth. Not quite as good, but close. On the other hand though, Seth does have good durability, and he has great offense when he can double. It's still way less than the original though. EDIT2: IMPORTANT UPDATE! I uploaded a new patch that increases the difficulty of a lot of enemies later on. As usual, you can patch away and your old Saves should work perfectly. Also, Orson was supposed to be weakened, but I intentionally left him strong to watch you guys squirm while trying not to use him, because I am beyond evil. As always, the link in the first post always links to the latest released patch (MAN XELD YOU WERE RIGHT DROPBOX IS AWESOME).
  6. It's amazing how one can believe themselves to be in paradise, despite all of the indications to the contrary. But see, that never really tells me WHY gaming is dying. Originality is cool and all, but if it doesn't strike a familiar chord with the players, it doesn't mean anything. There is a reason why we depict aliens to look like squicky humans or animals despite logic saying that if they're alien they should look completely different entirely. Star Wars didn't become a success because of the sci-fi setting but more because it was a story of a young man becoming stronger in order to save the world, one of the most familiar and universal concepts in the entire world, IN SPACE. That is pretty much the biggest problem most core games on the Wii have. Madworld failed because no one can relate something so off-the-wall. Deadly Creatures failed because more people feel icked by snakes and scorpions rather than related to them. People don't want something off-the-wall, the want lots of content that they can relate to. And did I ever say anything about it not striking a familiar chord? In addition, a lot of people DO like things that don't strike a familiar chord. Lots of people did by MadWorld. Also, your Star Wars example is bad. The Hero With a Thousand Faces story is the way it is, but its not what makes Star Wars the way it is. As you said, it's the fact that it's in space. I know damned well that I like Star Wars because of the universe created around it, not the core story. I like Star Wars for Stormtroopers and blasters and Correlian Corvettes and the force, and R2 D2, and spice smuggling, not the Hero With a Thousand Faces story. There are also things that are popular that WERE original. There certainly have been GOOD things that were original. But regardless, I repeat that I NEVER SAID that it had to be completely original with no common chord. Nowhere did I even imply that. That's the other big problem of today's games; too much focus on gameplay. Content is what makes the game, not the gameplay. Why else are Super Mario, Contra, Mega Man, Metroid, Kirby and Castlevania loved equally as much despite them all being the same action-sidescroller with a slightly different gimmick in each game? Why else are MMORPGs so popular despite the gameplay basically just being level grinding? If Tetris is pure gameplay then how come everyone can relate the Gameboy themes to it? Several things here. The first is that Gameplay is a very important part of a game. Without gameplay, it is not a game, it is something else. You use your examples, but there are plenty of examples of the opposite, games with similar content, but not gameplay. Either way, I again NEVER SAID that gameplay was more important than content, or anything about content at all. Hell, if you FOLLOWED the link, and actually read about it, those people even TALK about content. Except the average Joe spends his time on message boards talking about 'business models' instead of trying to make a good game nowadays. As evidenced by the fact that there are absolutely no games available anywhere that weren't made by a large company, right? RIGHT? It didn't stop the film and music industry to be in serious financial trouble right now. But they're not dead. They're not even dying. I don't think serious financial trouble even describes it. In addition, an industry is more than just the current players. But it sure is a lot less lively than it was in the 90s. Back in the 90s PC games only existed on PC. Now you can get some of them on console. Now, I'd say that PC is still superior for most of them, and practically unarguably superior for some (such as RTS). Fixed. I have confidence that if I had motivation, I could create a game that surpasses Super Mario Bros. But really, you haven't actually addressed what I said, just took very small parts of it, in one case a single word, pretty much out of context, and said stuff about it. You're putting words in my mouth in a lot of cases. And it seems as though you're TELLING me what's fun and what's not. Fun is rather subjective.
  7. See, the problem here, and the reason I tend to disagree with Malstrom a lot is that I simply don't SEE a collapse in gaming. All around me I see more, better games. There are constantly new games that I enjoy, and there are usually games that are fairly original! I really don't see the game industry going down, it's really only going up. In addition, in a very real sense, the gaming industry CANNOT die. This is because games don't actually need much raw material to create, they aren't money or resource intensive. They just take time and effort, and there are always people doing that. If you just look at the breadth of free games around today you can see that. Hell, look at Experimental Gameplay! The idea that gaming is dying is just absurd. Gaming isn't like most industries, it can easily evolve, and your average Joe can create a game at home. It's a form of entertainment too, so it's much more difficult to become obsolete.
  8. If you feel that you need to promote Seth, then go ahead. Report any findings you might have. Same here, tell me if he makes things too easy or what. I figure with having to burn a Knight Crest on him it might not make it too much easier, but I dunno. Also, for anyone playing this, it would be pretty nice if you could tell me whether you though this hack made X character more or less useful/important. Tell me as many characters as you want.
  9. Learn to use Dungeons and Dragons monsters. D... n... D? ...Harudoku, I think I love you. But I wanna know fo' sho- *Shot* DND! DO YOU LOVE ME NISHI?
  10. The key to using Ross effectively in this patch is to abuse his 1-2 range.
  12. Because I am cool. It's true. I was like "I WANT TO BE CALLED FIA" and the forum software was like "THERE IS ALREADY A MEMBER WITH THAT NA-" and then I interrupted and beat the fuck out of it and made it let me change my name to Fia. True story. Bullshit, there's a space after your name. That clearly has absolutely nothing to do with it.
  13. Because I am cool. It's true. I was like "I WANT TO BE CALLED FIA" and the forum software was like "THERE IS ALREADY A MEMBER WITH THAT NA-" and then I interrupted and beat the fuck out of it and made it let me change my name to Fia. True story.
  14. thank you, our empire is once again victorius! YOU FOOL! WE ORGANS ARE THE ONLY THING KEEPING YOU ALIVE! YOU'VE KILLED YOURSELF!
  15. Well I won't be there for very long! Soon my comrades and I shall seize complete control of this body, and then shall begin a new era of peace, land, and bread!
  16. I hereby claim this Liver in the name of the Revolution! Redistribution of bodily resources! Onwards comrades, we march to the brain!
  17. yay another person has joined, but now I need a left kidney... Not really. I just killed your left kidney in a fit of revolutionary fervor! I'll kill or convert all of your vital organs, and then you and your extremities will see your folly in ignoring us! Finally the oppressed organs which give you life will be given the respect they deserve! hey thats not nice Down with the pigs of the upper class! We demand rights for organs!
  18. yay another person has joined, but now I need a left kidney... Not really. I just killed your left kidney in a fit of revolutionary fervor! I'll kill or convert all of your vital organs, and then you and your extremities will see your folly in ignoring us! Finally the oppressed organs which give you life will be given the respect they deserve!
  19. Alright, maybe it isn't really CnC, but goddamnit is it fun. I've spent an obscene amount of time playing this game, and the mods only increased that. Shockwave/Destructive Forces + Multiplayer = the most hilariously awesomely crazy and extreme experience ever. "I'm overrunning your base with a horde of laser tanks and laser helicopters!" "Too bad I already tunneled out and snuck dumptrucks full of explosives into your base DISGUISED AS YOUR OWN TANKS!" Favorites factions where China Infantry or Nuke General, and any of the GLA Generals, or Vanilla GLA. Bomb trucks are amazing. EDIT: FUCK MY WITTY TITLE DID NOT WORK!
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