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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. fgt Also, it wouldn't matter if you made an Intro topic, I don't read the introduction board. :3
  2. You won't have to start over, but your Gilliam WILL still have the raised stats. And yes, you're basically right, I forgot to lower his stats to compensate for the boost to Knight's Base stats.
  3. The irony in this statement is so massive I think it is crushing my legs. And my waist. And my stomach. And my arms. And my braiaaalalalaaagagjhaaha I do not understand, please extrapolate. No, really.
  4. When did this happen? I suddenly realized there are strange people everywhere! Well, chop chop, explain yourselves.
  5. Uh oh. Are you using the old patch or the new one? That is way too high, in the new one his stats should work. Lemme check. EDIT: No, crap, you're right, I'll fix it in a sec. EDIT: Fixed. It should work now.
  6. Yes, I can. No you can't. No. Nonono. Gaming was not mainstream then. Gaming was for nerds. Gaming was considered by a lot of people to be an utter waste of time, most people wouldn't even have considered it a hobby. In no way was it mainstream. Gaming IS mainstream today. Mainstream is when soccer moms are playing Bejeweled on their iPhones. Mainstream is when video games are being review and recommended on actual TV shows. Mainstream is where practically every moron you meet on the street has at least seen someone play a video game, and probably played one themselves. Gaming is now as mainstream as most other forms of entertainment, maybe even more so. I know a lot of people who don't read but play games. So no, gaming was NOT mainstream before the PS1. It wasn't really that mainstream after it either, but still. Gaming slowly expanded until it is at the point it is at today. And it's everyone, not just Nintendo, not just Sony, not just Microsoft, who contributes to that. The PS1 and PS2 where responsible for getting a large number of teenage-ish people into gaming. Now almost every single teen plays video games to some degree. Right now, the Wii and a lot of online games and whatnot have gotten the very young and the very old into gaming (some where already into it, but they where a very small minority). It is due to a combination of things that gaming enjoys its current acceptance in our culture. I don't believe Malstrom's "Hardcore gamers are destroying the world" argument, but I don't believe people who say the Wii has destroyed gaming either. Video games are an expanding experience, and they can cover a variety of demographics. lolneedlesslycomplex Careful man, I love those "needlessly complex" games.
  7. Dude, it's so incredibly, painfully sarcastic. If this is not sarcasm, then fuck, I may as well kill myself.
  9. Sure, no problem. First, make sure you have an unzipped, clean copy of Sacred Stones. You should also probably have a backup copy. Then make sure you have my patch. Also, make sure you download NUPS, I linked to where you can find it earlier in this topic. Open up NUPS and click "Apply an UPS patch to a file". Under "File to Patch" browse and find your copy of Sacred Stones. Under "UPS Patch", browse and find my patch. Then just click "Run". After that it should be ready to run.
  11. Are you trying to Soft Patch? That won't work with this patch. You MUST use the UPS patcher and hard patch the file. EDIT: Important Update: I just remembered I had to raise the Con of a bunch of monsters. The patch is now updated to reflect that.
  12. Ah yes, because criticisms of the graphics of a show made in the 1960s on a budget of about $10 are such profound things.
  13. Ah yes, the "Get out of jail free card" or "Systematically ignore passages that become far to bothersome to defend". Nice going there mate. We'll keep it up until you do this with the whole Bible. As before. Fuck. You. There are literally millions of people who practice oral sex everyday. Both heterosexuals and homosexuals practice it. The chances of catching an STD, while still existent, are lower in Oral Sex than in Vaginal or Anal sex. Also, I hope you know this, but the person you're having sex with has to have an STD in the first place in order for you to get an STD. If they don't, you are completely safe. Plus, heterosexuals are just as vulnerable to STDs as Homosexuals. The only caveat would be that it is easier to catch STDs through Anal Sex, but heterosexual couples practice anal sex anyway, so hey! lol lol EXCEPT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SATAN AND ABSOLUTELY NO-ONE HAS EVER WORKED FOR HIM. WITCHES DON'T EXIST. Way too fucking many people where killed because they where believed to be witches, when witches did not exist. Also, most witch burnings occurred after Christ. And another thing, God is supposed to be omnipotent right? Then why the fuck did Jesus have to die for us? Couldn't he just, you know, make things NOT that way? Except he is not omnibenevolent either. If he was, he wouldn't hate so many people. lol See the first thing I said again. lol lol Based on your stunning ignorance demonstrated here, I somehow doubt you do. It's not physically unhealthy. Are you fucking kidding me? Really? Heterosexual people catch STDs JUST LIKE HOMOSEXUALS. That's, you know, why Africa is riddled with AIDs. Dude...
  14. Except if he was actually truly powerful he could give us free will without causing all this evil. That's what it means to be ALL POWERFUL First, I was joking. Second, what about all that stuff about killing gays and witches and disobedient children and whatnot? I dare you to look at those passages and STILL be able to tell me that it was all written by a benevolent God. Oh, and all that death and destruction and misery. And that's just getting started. Also, it doesn't actually matter whether what he said was good and nice or not, he's still a tyrant. He has all the power, and he is telling us that if we don't obey him, he will make us suffer for all eternity. We have no democratic option. We have no power. We either obey his silly rules, whether they're good or bad, or we suffer for all eternity. Dude. Dude. You really don't know much about drugs, do you? I mean like, seriously. There are a lot of drugs that do nothing of the sort to you. This is pretty much a pointless argument though, because, as said a billion times in this thread, there is no evidence to suggest that God exists.
  15. "She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge, Studied sculpture at St. Martin's college, that's where I, Caught her eye."
  16. "I turn into a liquid every 16 hours. I'm not like you." "I was the life of the party. 'Odo, be a chair!' I was a chair. 'Odo, be a desk!' I was a desk! Haha, see, life of the party. I hate parties." Okay, maybe those weren't Next Gen...
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