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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I'm your right kidney, AND I'M STAGING A REVOLT!
  2. I said that at first, but Firefox was like, NO FUCK YOU! Funny though, now it's not.
  3. It wasn't programmed, but I managed to find an existing palette for another character that worked perfectly. Otherwise I would have had to have colored it myself. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing "I wonder how Seth would look with this palette?"
  4. That's like saying rocks aren't as severe as giant squid. They're not even similar.
  5. The chances are actually probably less than one in a million. People like to monger fear about vaccines though.
  6. A stupid man (Doom) once told me: "yo suk bcuz yo tink ur betur den evrwon elz" A wise man (me) replied" I do not believe I am better than everyone, I simply believe I am smarter than the stupidest person in the world, you, because everyone is smarter than you" I believe this to be a similar situation The nazis thought they were better than everyone else. Sure, they might not have said it, but it was heavily implied. Look what the world thinks of them now. Well, its less of a scale, but sometimes I just think he likes saying things for the sake of stroking his e-peen. At least, according to the rule of "Treat everyone you meet on the internet as an abrasive asshole who doesn't require your respect until they prove otherwise." He hasn't... really been helping improve relations. lolGodwin's Law Besides, there are massive differences. For one, the Nazis felt they where superior to do stupid shit like skin color and race, it had nothing to do with the person themself. Chainey putting you in Ignore is entirely based on the things he has seen you post and your actual actions. Very different. Also, he's not killing you or enslaving you or anything, he's just ignoring you and making occasional snide remarks. If the Nazis had just done that, I highly doubt they would have been remembered in the same way. So yeah, don't just shit out Nazi references bro.
  7. This. I can not tell you how much I agree with this. It's alright not to know something you don't really need to know, but don't run your mouth off about it if you really don't know.
  8. I love lots of pulp. I also love lots of PULP.
  9. man im pretty cool stalking you and shit right yeah fuck yeah i am fucking cool

  10. lame haet low marks Today I learned that I am even more awesome than I previously thought.
  11. You see, I use this magical box called a PC...
  12. Chainey just doesn't find it fun dealing with the lesser folk. :3 I do though.
  13. Whaaaaaat? IMO, doing a Germany-Austria "Anschluss" alliance is far more potent than Austria-Turkey. Also, in my experience, Russia wins a lot, as does Germany. It is hard to win as Turkey, although by the same token, it is very hard to be defeated, considering the very few avenues of entering/exiting it. Anyway, I'd be totally willing to play still. The reason why my combos were good was because they were hard to take out. Germany starts with a lot of neutrals around it though, but it can be hit by so many sides. If it gets an alliance with Austria-Hungary, then it definitely stack it for Germany's favor. I'd consider them somewhat even actually. This is to the point where if I play Austria or Germany I would consider it suicide to NOT attempt an alliance with the other. It protects both of them from the multi sided attacks they can so easily fall prey to. I would go on, but I really don't want to share my Diplomacy Strategy somewhere where my opponents might read it. :P PS. THIS GAME IS FUCKING SERIOUS BUSINESS BITCH!
  14. Yeah, I love Seth's cavalier sprite. It's fitting.
  15. Played Guitar hero too long I keep messing up when i play rockband. Fire emblem I can play all the instruments on Rock Band, lulz. My best instruments are a tie between geetar (GH overdose) and drums (*can play drums irl*) 8D I can only play guitar/bass good, can't play drums or sing. Singing is piss easy in it man, just kinda moan/gargle into the mic.
  16. Not all of them, but a fair few. Obviously some classes just aren't used except for players (like Lords or Female Classes), and some didn't need to be strengthened, but yeah, there where a lot of changes that needed to be made. For anyone who's going through, please tell me if you find any such anomalies.
  17. I'll be honest, the thing I most preferred from Code Geass was the portrayal of many different people, with many different plans and agendas for the world, without extraordinarily villainizing any of them. EDIT: Basically, it's not like McBeth where the "Good guy is the bad guy", there IS no Good guy, and there isn't really a bad guy either.
  18. Whaaaaaat? IMO, doing a Germany-Austria "Anschluss" alliance is far more potent than Austria-Turkey. Also, in my experience, Russia wins a lot, as does Germany. It is hard to win as Turkey, although by the same token, it is very hard to be defeated, considering the very few avenues of entering/exiting it. Anyway, I'd be totally willing to play still.
  19. Dude. That's not the point. Have you seen it?
  20. Wait, the reason you don't like it is it's art? :3 SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN!
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