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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Doesn't excuse flaming and trolling, and even spamming has a limit. Nonono. You missed when we went over this. Spamming does not have a limit in FFtF. Well, not unless people are trying to be assholes. And what is Death trying to be right now? Yeah. I thought so. You misunderstand.
  2. yeah man i totally agree there is no way it died just after you left and a large portion of the memberbase left with you right
  3. Doesn't excuse flaming and trolling, and even spamming has a limit. Nonono. You missed when we went over this. Spamming does not have a limit in FFtF. Well, not unless people are trying to be assholes. And by that I mean people other than the people spamming.
  4. "I have my drugs, I have my woman, They keep away my loneliness My parents they have their religion, but they sleep in separate houses"~ Road to Joy, Bright Eyes That doesn't rhyme!
  5. Have you seen pictures of the JK bridge in Brasilia? No one believed the design would maintain its structural integrity for long on such a large scale back in 2000, but it's still going strong. It's a fascinating design, more than comparable to any of Baloch's work. That's one attractive bridge there. I don't know if I've ever seen anything quite like it... Bridge appreciation is no joke. Go to any engineering school, you'll find bridge models and commemorative postcards everywhere! This man is correct.
  6. Kinky Fia~ I was just imitating NoName~ :> =o
  7. oh man i love bridges they give me a massive erection
  8. No, what a Mafia does is charge surrounding buisinesses protection charges, while running other miscellaneous operations. That sounds suspiciously like redistribution of wealth to me. Then EVERYTHING is a redistribution to wealth, you Canadian gimp. Extrapolate.
  9. No, what a Mafia does is charge surrounding buisinesses protection charges, while running other miscellaneous operations. That sounds suspiciously like redistribution of wealth to me.
  10. Elite Four - Normal Type Porygon-Z Smeargle Blissey Snorlax Togekiss Eevee? Elite Four - Bug Type Ninjask Scyther Yanmega Scizor Forretress Heracross
  11. Isn't what the mafia does essentially redistribution of wealth?
  12. US Dollars, not your Canadian funny money. And yeah, Canadian money is worth less than the USD, last time I checked. For every Canadian Dollar you have, that's about .6 USD. moar like .95 of a US dollar, amirite I havn't checked in over 4 years, since that's the last time I was even in Canada... It's still less. But you where so stupid that you didn't catch me until I was already in the topic so HAHA I SCAMMED YOU YOU CAN'T GET YOUR MONEY BACK I AM SO COOL
  13. I've just updated the Hack thread. The stat save bug has been fixed, and I've started on changing enemy inventories. Also, Seth has no more Crest, instead it's stealable from a random soldier on Chapter 6.
  14. Alright, I fixed the Save bug and also started to change weapons, as well as taking away Seth's Crest and making a stealable Crest on a random mook in Chapter 6 because I am an asshole like that.
  15. US Dollars, not your Canadian funny money. And yeah, Canadian money is worth less than the USD, last time I checked. For every Canadian Dollar you have, that's about .6 USD. moar like .95 of a US dollar, amirite
  16. I play a guitar. You know, the instrument that gets you sex and money and drugs and fame. The cool one.
  17. This is going to be hard... I'd say that there's probably a tie between Age of Mythology, CnC Generals (and Zero Hour), Starcraft, Empire Earth, and maybe on of my other RTSes...
  18. Hey, Revan? How 'bout you SHUT THE FUCK UP! man you are so tough and i am feeling intimidated i think i will shut up and kill myself now Do it. The world will be a better place. okay okay master please don't cut my wage again im going to go /wrists now but im going to take out life insurance first okay oh wait it probably doesnt cover suicide so i guess i cant kill myself now
  19. Hey, Revan? How 'bout you SHUT THE FUCK UP! man you are so tough and i am feeling intimidated i think i will shut up and kill myself now
  20. Capitalism would be a lot cooler if Nishi didn't endorse it...
  21. If you want to get right down to it, we should be dependent on any country that sends us imports. I believe in some of Colbert's beliefs (look him up. He's the economical genius for Louis XIV of France); mainly the belief of never importing anything we already have here. With the exception of oil, we import cheap toys, et cetera. According to Colbert, we shouldn't do that. Ideas like that I agree with. On the other hand, when you do that you can sometimes alienate your trading partners. I can tell you that Canada didn't particularly feel good about the whole soft wood lumber debacle.
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