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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. as I said before I think bestiality is a pretty cool guy. Eh is a good way to avoid getting pregnant and doesn't afraid of anything.
  2. No dude, in fact, you can't really. In order to actually win, you have to be the sole winner.
  3. YES, DIPLOMACY! I totally call Germany. Well I always did die at the end boss due to random dice roll that killed me, from being crushed by a ceiling to death spells. I got a character knocked out the other night after not hitting jack shit for FOUR ENTIRE MEETINGS. And then when he gets healed, he crits and kills the strongest enemy that's appeared in the campaign so far. And then there's the other character I use, who despite being a rather blatant joke character, has a disturbing tendency to kill anything she actually hits. I guess the Charisma stat also buffs the RNG? Wut edition bro? And how the fuck DID you manage to miss everything for 4 sessions? That is so unlikely it's not even funny. 3.5. Like I said, the RNG hates me. Or at least my Ranger. And thus why the recent double 20 was so damn epic. I see... Poor, poor 3.5 Ranger... Do you guys at least have Book of 9 Swords?
  4. Revan, you have Beck cofoosed with Mark Levin. Levin would bitch and nuke Acorn. Beck would try to pull a Thomas Jefferson and yank out as much of the Government's power as he can. Also, Revan, one day I am going to have to straighten out your poor, poor delusional mind... Dude, fuck, I don't even seriously watch Glenn Beck and I know that all he does is cry about everything.
  5. TAA had it right when he said we should elect Beck president so that everytime anything happens he can just go on TV and cry about it. But he'd probably have nuked ACORN headquarters within a week. <3 Glenn Beck, but I don't quite feel it's safe for him to be in public without a leash, or at least a zap collar. Also, Nishi, one day I am going to have to straighten out your poor, poor misled mind...
  6. YES, DIPLOMACY! I totally call Germany. Well I always did die at the end boss due to random dice roll that killed me, from being crushed by a ceiling to death spells. I got a character knocked out the other night after not hitting jack shit for FOUR ENTIRE MEETINGS. And then when he gets healed, he crits and kills the strongest enemy that's appeared in the campaign so far. And then there's the other character I use, who despite being a rather blatant joke character, has a disturbing tendency to kill anything she actually hits. I guess the Charisma stat also buffs the RNG? Wut edition bro? And how the fuck DID you manage to miss everything for 4 sessions? That is so unlikely it's not even funny.
  7. as you are doing right now, amirite? Too bad you missed the heat of the moment, sucks for you. I know man, I know. And as I said, it's completely reasonable to force the subject, since Jyo is stubborn about some rather silly things sometimes.
  8. Holy shit I fucking love this site. Oh yeah, bye bye Popo, you where pretty cool and where level headed enough to gain my respect. As for this... We know how this will end. Jyo will refuse to admit he is wrong for a very long time over a very minor thing, people will continue to force the subject (which is not unreasonable), and then he will fucking turn on a dime, start apologizing to everyone, and then in that same goddamn THREAD, the whole cycle will probably start again. Mark my words.
  9. Guess. No really, please do, I crave attention.
  10. I don't believe in the paranormal, or supernatural, simply because it is practically false by definition. Things outside the realm of reality are just that; not real. And yeah, I believe life probably exists elsewhere in the galaxy, but I doubt any of it has come to Earth and then been spotted by a couple irreputable people, and then dissapeared. A race advanced enough to achieve interstellar travel would probably either a) be too far away to get to us, B) be advanced enough to avoid notice if they wanted to, c) have absolutely no interest in us, or d) contact us directly. Basically, we have no real proof that aliens have visited us, so there is no reason to believe they have. Also; sleep paralysis.
  11. I picked you out of a crowd and talked to you I said "I like your shoes" You said "Thanks, can I follow you?"
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