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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. You're going to force yourself to believe something you don't really believe because you think that you'll be a bad person if you don't believe it? What type of God would force someone to do that shit? Relevant.
  2. I don't mind, I'll simply become a martyr for the revolution.
  4. You don't need to bother spending effort disproving it when it's obviously false. Is the possibility of my owning an invisible and intangible monkey that defecates on others when I say the code-phrase "Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care" somehow hung in limbo because it can't be disproven through physical means? No, it's obviously false by mere consideration of the different conditions that would have to be fulfilled for it to be true. In a sense, you could say vocalizing the incredibly minute possibility of them coming together could in and of itself be considered disproving it, but either way, it doesn't change the likelihood of the idea being true or false. Your statement is paradoxical because your interpretation of disproving something is faulty. You don't need to see something to disprove that something. This would be akin to saying that in order to disprove the existence of said invisible and intangible monkey, I would need to observe it. As you said, this would prove its existence (assuming I somehow did it), so therefore the idea that you need to observe something to validly dismiss it as a possibility is patently false. No. Just no. In order to scientifically prove something using the scientific method, it must be observable. If you don't understand this, you obviously have no concept of science. When something is intangible, it is not scientifically provable. Try proving true love using the scientific method. That's intangible. You won't be able to do it. Where the fuck is quanta when you need him? Yeah, in order to PROVE something, it must be observable. That doesn't mean something has to be observable to disprove it. Disproven until proven man.
  5. Haha, Destiny Hero is winning! Does the winner get unbanned? :D
  6. I'm just a poor communist who wants to give the oppressed lower class the justice they so rightfully deserve.
  7. You know, this whole organization just stinks of "redistribution of wealth".
  8. Bastards keep voting Gore Screaming Show down. :(
  9. Oh yes, this. Really this. In High school you can do a lot of things, and you can't/won't really be punished for a lot of them, unless they're illegal or incredibly severe. So definitely feel free to question everybody, to play devil's advocate on every subject, to disagree with people for the sake of disagreeing with them. It's also your choice whether to tell them that's what you're doing. A lot of people tend to be afraid of questioning teachers or whatever, but my experience is quite the opposite. You have a fair amount of freedom, so it really is what you make it. For example, I have a friend who never failed a course, but never ever did ANY work other than tests and things he absolutely had to do to pass. He never payed attention in class or took notes (well, kind of). All he did, every single day, was talk to me (or someone else), all day. If someone else was talking in the class (answering a question, or if a teacher was talking), he would keep talking. And most of his talking was making snide remarks about the other people who were talking. This may be true of the public school system in the US, but those of us that went to private schools would like to argue with you about that, because you're over-generalizing. As for schools in other countries? Well, different cultures call for different things. I went to public school in Canada. And yeah, of course Private Schools will be different man. I just assumed the majority of people would be going to Public School, and since private schools vary so much, it would be pretty pointless to try to do this for private schools.
  10. Oh yes, this. Really this. In High school you can do a lot of things, and you can't/won't really be punished for a lot of them, unless they're illegal or incredibly severe. So definitely feel free to question everybody, to play devil's advocate on every subject, to disagree with people for the sake of disagreeing with them. It's also your choice whether to tell them that's what you're doing. A lot of people tend to be afraid of questioning teachers or whatever, but my experience is quite the opposite. You have a fair amount of freedom, so it really is what you make it. For example, I have a friend who never failed a course, but never ever did ANY work other than tests and things he absolutely had to do to pass. He never payed attention in class or took notes (well, kind of). All he did, every single day, was talk to me (or someone else), all day. If someone else was talking in the class (answering a question, or if a teacher was talking), he would keep talking. And most of his talking was making snide remarks about the other people who were talking.
  11. 1. Support Viewer Only changes the class in the Support Viewer Only. If you want to actually change their class, you have to change it in the map they join with the Chapter Unit Editor Modules, or whatever. No idea for 2 though.

  13. Oh fuck, I thought this thread was going to be all about Touhou, but now I'm so glad I read it. :3 If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight! Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do!
  14. This. Then download Garry's Mod. You are set, possibly forever. I don't know many others to suggest that haven't been suggested (Starcraft/Warcraft/Diablo BattleChest), except Command and Conquer the First Decade, which I see someone has actually recommended, they just called it by the wrong name :(. Anyway, it's awesome too, and it's gotta be like fifty cents by now. :P I bought it when it was new for only like fifty bucks.
  15. This. I'm very much for social freedom, as I have made clear many times on this board, as long as it doesn't interfere with other people and their rights. I rarely go into my fiscal views around here (mainly because I know I'll disagree with a lot of people, often on what are essentially subjective grounds), but I am fairly left leaning. To summarize, I believe some things probably should be nationalized, and, at least at its basics, I believe in redistribution of wealth. I have various models of how an ideal society would function in my head, but since I can't really put any of them to test, they may well all be shitty. I live in Canada, and while I would like some changes (both fiscal and social), I'm cool with how we are now (especially fiscally, I'm not so fine with the social aspects). So I guess I'd be a Democratic Freedom Loving Socialist? :P
  16. High School is badass as shit. Most of what you have to do takes almost no effort (literally, passing a course in High School [other than a Second language course] takes zero effort, as long as you aren't actively trying to fail, and a lot of courses are pretty damn easy to do very well in without effort), leaving you free to screw around with pals all day. Of course if you have no friends or have trouble in school I could see how that would be shitty. Of course my experience may be different, because I come from somewhere where there are less than 200 kids in the High School, and it is Grades 7-12. :3 "I'm sorry, we aren't offering Calculus this year because there are only 5 people interested in taking it." "Fuck you."
  17. Man I'm crying here. I'm just crying man.
  18. *Enter Tibarn and Ranulf from a classroom* Tibarn: Yeah, we just had anal sex. *exit Tibarn and Ranulf*
  19. Joint fanfics? I LOVE joint fanfics! You guys all know how much I love them, right?
  20. Dunno. Can a wizard still disintegrate a troll into tiny lifeless flecks of ash or does it have to use sleep instead and then let someone else do the dirty work? Hmmmm... This is difficult. While I have not actually seen a casting of Maximized Empowered Twinned Split Ray Enervation, I do see that some trolls can be destroyed by many internet wizards. On the other hand, they probably have a significant level lead, which allows them to win much more easily but without a complete slaughter, leading me to believe it could be the 4th edition. But then again, encounters on the internet seem to have no semblance of balance, and their fairness is difficult to understand, let alone create, which swings the favor back to 3.5. I am thoroughly confused.
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