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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Its a sad, sad story. If we told you, you'd probably cry. saaaaaaaaaaaaadfaaaaaaaaaaaaaace
  2. An emulator for whatever system the game you want to hack is on. If GBA, I strongly suggest Visual Boy Advance or No$GBA. You'll also need a ROM of the game you would like to hack. I cannot help you there. Pretty much and graphical program will do for the actual editing of sprites. As for the rest, get Zeld's FE Editor, and Nightmare 2.0, as well as a bunch of Nightmare modules. You can find all this on FEU. There are a couple other recommended things (like a Hex Editor), but I figure you should start with these.
  3. I told you that I'm better than the FE4 thread. Well, actually, I didn't.
  4. I wept salt tears, chronically slit my wrists, and continuously hammered the reload page until SF came back. True story.
  5. Don't tell me you can't get through the working day without it!
  6. Somewhat discreet reasons? SOMEWHAT DISCREET REASONS? FUCK MY LIFE! Time for me to go /wrists.
  7. Yeah, but Dogs aren't as much of a pest. I mean, those goddamn cats breed like bunnies, and then if you're not careful they'll adopt one of those goddamn Dwarves and then you can't get rid of the little shit!
  8. Actually, Mori just posted it. And a couple other people helped right the first half. I wrote from the transformation onwards. But yeah, Death pretty much wrote the first half, because most of the good bits there where his work.
  9. But fuck that shit, when was the last time you used a Soapmaker? Seriously? At least Butchers keep those goddamn cats at bay.
  10. Owned. Fucking owned. Several more words.
  12. I know. I was simply pointing out that humans couldn't get that ability if there where only dudes left, because in order to EVOLVE, you need to reproduce. Although, theoretically, if there was a very slow decline of men, over generations we might adapt...
  13. Wait, what? Dude. You can't fucking evolve when you can't reproduce. It. Doesn't. Work. As for some comments: I know Rei was making a point, but somebody else was talking about that... I suppose that means I think with my dick, hey? I mean, I'll up and admit it, I'm not going for a girl who I don't find hot. Its just not happening.
  14. This is where I come in and rub my vagina on the topic.
  15. +10 Do you guys even know what the fuck you're talking about? Seriously. First of all, Obama is about as Socialist as my penis is 200 feet long. Sure, he's slightly more left leaning then some other politicians (and my penis is definitely pretty big), but its just not the same thing. That being said, there is nothing inherently wrong with a bit of socialism. Extreme socialism? Fuck yes, any ideology is pretty bad when taken to an extreme, but it isn't a horrible thing in and of itself. Anyhow, economic crisis. Its not too hard to figure out the basics, which is for the government to spend money on things. Which things and how too make them WORK is the hard part. Obviously, pumping money into something like AIG (laaaaaaaaaawl) isn't doing a whole lot of good, but there are places where it can help. But other than what IS really basic, I can't really comment too much, since, like most of you, I'm not a master of economics.
  16. Dude. That's fucking gross dude. I mean, I'm glad you realize that, but there's just this gut reaction I have, and, well, dude...
  17. Dude. Dude. You're attracted to fucking anthropomorphic animals. No amount of white make up, eye liner, bad poetry and false teeth can make up for how fucking gross that is. Seriously.
  18. Wouldn't it be really annoying if people started quoting this post? :o PS. GOOD THING YOU PUT THAT ALL IN ONE POST OR YOU WOULD BE B& FOR MULTIPOSTING!
  19. ... You know Vampires don't fucking exist, right?
  20. There is no Vika option! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGEE! Seriously though guys, I mean, come on!
  21. Dudes. You guys are proving Mekkah's point here. :P He basically said that you can "make up" an archtype for pretty much ANY characters in the game, but they really say very little. As he said, they're fairly useless.
  22. Yeah, that's always baffled me. What about dentistry makes dentists so damn depressed? :P
  23. Nah, Shuuda doesn't swear, so it can't be him.
  24. Somebody somebody, who could it be? :P I also think the rules seem a bit odd as they are, but meh.
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