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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I see people posting on Jan 5th, and I post with todays date. 0_o
  2. Uh guys, as far as I know, Sonic Unleashed sucks pretty massive balls as well. What with being a lame God of War ripoff half the time, and just being shit the other half and all.
  3. Heh, I know. It's got some pretty nice flaws in it, but hey. :D
  4. You know, that's probably a better method than my current one which involves me spraying my face with floor cleaner...
  5. Me and Tino are done our Debate now, so I'll post here to confirm it. :D I screwed up a little, as was previously established, but I had some fun in that debate, and I hope my points at least scored something. Anyhow, I'll say here now that I probably won't be debating much for the next little while because of a couple things (my delays in the Debate with Tino made me more aware of them, so I apologize for those delays Tino). One of those things is that I've started PLAYING Fire Emblem a lot more. But hopefully I'll be back in not too long, with my mind freshened up. Either way, I'll still post around here and read debates though. :P
  6. Nice try, but no thanks. Want to compare things a little better? Let's see how he's doing compared with Franz (who is, we must all admit, an excellent unit). Hell, I'll be super duper nice and pretend Franz is level 4, even though there is NO WAY that Franz is going to be getting there unless you feed him every single kill until Garcia joins (and even then...). 4/0 Garcia: Iron Axe: 16.0 atk, 7.0 AS, 90.3 hit, 3.3 crit - - 17.0 avo, 28.0 hp, 5.0 def, 1.0 res, 3.0 critavo 4/0 Franz: Iron Sword: 13.2 atk, 8.5 AS, 103.8 hit, 2.9 crit - - 20.2 avo, 22.4 hp, 6.8 def, 1.6 res, 3.2 critavo Now, against that bandit. Oh, oh boy. Well. Franz has a clear win in of- Oh, wait, no, neither doubles, and even with WTA Franz fails to deal more damage than Garcia. Damn. Too bad. Garcia wins offense. I guess Franz can hit a bit more. Hurray Franz. :D Then we see that Franz has 1 more Def and 3 more Avo, whereas Garcia has 6 more HP. I think the Health wins this, but hey, even if they tie durability, Garcia still wins offense. Still not convinced? We'll try another unit: Eireka is a fair unit, isn't she? We'll see how she stands up to this. I'll let her be level 4 as well, since I doubt she'll be above that. 4/0 Eireka: Rapier(she's using this too): 12.2 atk, 10.8 AS, 112.8 hit, 4.7 crit - - 28.4 avo, 18.1 hp, 3.9 def, 1.9 res, 6.8 critavo 4/0 Garcia: Iron Axe: 16.0 atk, 7.0 AS, 90.3 hit, 3.3 crit - - 17.0 avo, 28.0 hp, 5.0 def, 1.0 res, 3.0 critavo Oh, look, they're both 2 rounding. Eireka doubles, but she doesn't kill. Offense ties here. Now, durability: I think that 2 Def and 10 HP beats out 11 Avo. Badly. Looks like Garcia is actually pretty decent earlygame. Plus, Hand Axes, or really lots of things, he starts with a C in Axes and has massive 14 Con. Except as I showed before, he's actually fairly decent. Better then some of the units that apparently WILL be coming, at least for now. He's definitely not the piece of crap you're pretending he is, and I think he's got a pretty good chance of being fielded. And Garcia can eat counter attacks until the cows come home, his Health is pretty damn cushy, especially this early. Hahaha. Supportless? Who was it that argued that Garcia had tons of options for Supports, instead of Neimi? Oh, that's right, you. Again, Garcia can snag a Neimi B (which he would WANT and which gives nice bonuses), and at least SOMETHING with either Seth, Gilliam, or Ross (if Ross or Gilliam are played). Now, I will admit, Garcia can have doubling issues, but that is by no means a Death sentence. In fact, I'm going to say that he IS a lot like Dorcas. Average wise, they are practically identical. They have their differences, but the similarities are definitely there. But that doesn't matter anyway. What matters is the fact that Garcia, while not doubling often, will be dealing great damage per hit, and will still be fairly durable, due to huge HP. That doesn't make him a failure at all. In fact, he's quite a successful guy. Several problems here, one being the fact that Garcia could easily have gained more than 1 level per Chapter, so could well be higher than 15/0. But even without that, Garcia doesn't have his Supports with him (which by the way, he should have, at the very least his Neimi B [because Neimi is assumed to be played for this run, and this is about how SHE benefits the team], he should also have a little something more), plus you paint a pretty odd picture of things here. With B Neimi, B Seth, Garcia is looking at this: Iron Axe: 26.1 Atk, 9.2 AS ,, 36.8 HP, 8.8 Def, 2.6 Res, 45.8 Avo, 20.4 Crit Steel Axe: 30.1 Atk, 8.2 AS ,, 43.8 Avo Hand Axe: 26.1 Atk, 9.2 AS ,, 45.8 Avo Now this is already looking a little bit different. For offense, Garcia now leads by 8 Atk, assuming they both wield their strongest weapon. And that can be a big difference. Garcia takes a massive lead vs heavily armored foes, and can double more than you seem to think. Garcia can double some of those soldiers as well as other low speed enemies, in addition to many units that are weighed down by heavy weapons (enemy Mages tend to fall into BOTH categories). Offense looks like much more of a tie right here. Oh wait, Dorcas also has a 20 percent chance of Crit. Nice. On Durability, I think that 4 HP and ~10 Avoid make up for a loss of 2 Defense. So no, Gerik isn't going to beat Garcia at all. Perhaps I spoke to soon, but I'm pretty sure that Garcia is beating Gerik here. :D You know what? I just realized that I don't need to worry about that, since that was just one of my many backups... Fun stuff there. I'm pretty sure Neimi gives better bonuses and is about the same Speed though. So I think Neimi is the better option, when she is being used. Moulder might still want Colm for full Attack and Defense, but hey, even if Gilliam does take Moulder, he still should have room left. Franz has tons of other options, and options he prefers. Now, here we get something funny that I was going to mention earlier. Innes's support list. Isn't it odd how Gerik gets very nice Supports with several units that aren't Innes? I mean, Tethys gives good bonuses, and she's faster, especially compared to Ephraim route Innes. Marisa gives similar bonuses and is similar Eirika's Route, but faster Ephraim's. There's Saleh who will give alright bonuses and may be faster, depending on route. Joshua too, and if he is fielded (you're arguing that he's an option for Innes, so I think you'd be looking at him too) he is much faster than Innes, and gives fair bonuses. Blah blah blah. Innes is hardly cemented a Gerik Support. Now, let's look at the rest of his list: Now, many of these are slow (Ephraim's route especially). Vanessa gets much faster supports, that are MUCH better by taking the Double Anime sex that is Lute and Moulder. And if you're even thinking "BUT SHE'LL MOVE TOO FAST!!!", no. She'd move too fast for Innes in that case too. Tana isn't amazing, and herself has some much better options, as well as starting way too late on Ephraim's route. Joshua just isn't happening. Simply is not, it's slow as molasses, and Josh already has faster options, many which give the same bonuses. Not happening. L'Arachel, if played, has better options than Innes, although may wind up with him on Eirika's route. Ephraim route, I really doubt it. Ironically though, Innes might be able to get something with Ephraim Route Eireka, due to her not having built up as much. Maybe. "lol u jsut d0n't no how 2 use her, lolololololol" :P But seriously, there's a couple mistake in your theory in that first paragraph. We're not debating to see if she's fielded, we're debating to see if she's BETTER THAN INNES. If she is better then him, then she is more likely to be fielded than him. Simple as that. I don't care much about the other characters, and how she compares to them. But I'll take you up on these stats to see what she does with the team. You conveniently forget to mention that this chapter (her join chapter) is filled with walls and mazey things, meaning that she (and many of your characters, in fact) will rarely be exposed to more than one enemy at a time while still being able to attack fairly often. It's just how the level works. You also forgot to mention the instant Colm Support. Next chapter we have the hilarity that is the first monster chapter. And every unit is killing things there, including her. Weeheehee. Firstly, she's going to be getting more Supports over time, and I'm assuming you're talking about Chapter 6 here, in which case her having something more than C Colm is pretty reasonable. Then we talk about how this is one of the few levels so far where she'll actually be out in the open vs competent foes (you'll notice that all the other early levels seem to either have pretty easy to see chokepoints and "rooms", or have a lot of lollable enemies. She does not do well in Chapter 6, I will admit, but at the same time, your units will be progressing more slowly due to Fog of War, I would guess, so she doesn't feel the hurt too badly. As for offense, it's bad, but she can still kill things someone has weakened, or weaken something for someone. And again, she isn't a detriment to the team. She is still helping out. Neimi tagging along with the team is slightly easier then Neimi not existing. She doesn't require you to go that far out of your way to protect her, and she can deal some damage, and give some Supports. That beats not being there. Also, I should note that things tend to get better and better for Neimi from here on, which is why I assume you did not deign to post any statistics. Hahaha. No thanks, Neimi is going to be having fun with her new friend Garcia as well. That alone puts her on fairly even ground, as generally shown by the other comparisons. You still haven't given her Garcia. :D And she really is likely to have something like that. Really. Which means she's superior now, and a bit prior. She's also superior before Innes joined, as I said before. Theoretically she would take more, but the opponent loves to attack whoever can't counter, and Swords will do a lot more countering. And maybe you hit your head somewhere. Having the OPTION to use Bows allows her to switch to bows whenever the situation merits it. And you can still move ahead and use bows, it's just more situational than Swords, and Innes has a similar problem, except he doesn't even have the CHOICE of large movement or Swords. Pooor Innes. Debate posts seem to always end with something like this, so I'll mix it up a little: SNAGGLEPUSSMCGRODEL'S! With that said, I think if they were more RIGHT they would agree with me. :P Your brought it up. :D Ah well, after this I still feel like a bit of a fool for this whole forgetting to post the right stuff in the right place and what not fiasco, but I feel a bit better. At least we finished this off. I had fun, I hope you did too.
  7. I'd say use FEA instead of SF for the averages. Rath isn't actually very good in this game, for a variety of reasons. I recommend against using him, especially on a first run. Sain and Kent are both good units, and I'd recommend using both. But Luxord, you got it wrong, Sain does NOT have good Skill. :D Lucius: HE is pretty decent, middle of the road. Use him if you like. I love him though. :) Dorcas: He's pretty damn good actually. Not the best, but not a bad choice at all. Possibly the best Fighter in the game. Wil: Yeah, he's not very good, but use him if you want to. Florina: Again, middle ish character, use if you want to. Wallace: I *really* recommend against him, especially on your first playthrough. Serra: She is AMAZING. One of the best characters in the game (probably 2nd best, actually). I highly recommend using her on your first playthrough. Erk: He's also pretty good. Still kind of middle of the road, but definitely a solid choice. Use if you want. I only listed Lyn Mode characters though, just like Lux. Items should go to whoever you're planning on using that you think will need them.
  8. Don't take this personally, but: That's kind of the POINT of Facebook. I mean, you upload pictures, and you talk to friends. I'm pretty damn sure that's what it's mainly used for. :P
  9. Your entire argument against the show seems to bank on some weird things though. Hell, many of those things you listed are part of what makes the show good. Perhaps you're missing the forest for the trees (and I quite like the trees anyway).
  10. True, true, but hey, although if the ships being cool is the most important thing, then I doubt you really care about winning anyway. :P
  11. I'm fairly certain that that is the "teenager" attitude... It's not limited to girls, or Americans.
  12. I can kind of understand what you're saying, but I disagree. The whole point of R2, and Code Geass in general I believe is to show that pretty much every single person, everywhere is doing what they "think is right". It just shows that peoples perception of others can lead to them misunderstanding one another. I don't know. It could be very confusing, so maybe that's what did it. It also was a bit rushed (they probably didn't want to go past the 25 episode safety zone though). But I think that overall they did a good job getting their message across, and wrapping up the series. EDIT: Also, whoever said "Lol, Lelouch isn't shown as a brilliant Tactician":
  13. Male - HE FIGHTS FOR HIS FRIENDS![/old times a billion] Female - Micaiah is totally hawt, but she's a douchetard and not that good. On the other hand, Eireka is pretty cool.
  14. Yeah. Basically, it's much less of a rushing game than StarCraft, a lot more focused on Teching and Defense.
  15. Being 14 shouldn't be a problem. I've seen even younger people get jobs. It isn't hard at all. Anyhow, this game actually looks pretty sweet. I was thinking "Lawl, not hard to beat 3D Sonic" when I read the title though. :D
  16. Which BS are you referring too? If it's what I think, then it's probably just the way you think. I loved a lot of it, because much of what happened was needed in order to fully allow the ending to sink in. Plus, it really makes you feel for Lelouch a lot more.
  17. Uh huh. I love Clannad, and I actually (after seeing both Clannad and After Story up until now) prefer it over Kanon and Air, although I love them too. I think I just like Okazaki more as a male lead, and I quite like some of the other characters too. Plus, the fist fights (not the Tomoyo ones, the actual, gritty ones) really got me. And it just keeps getting better.
  18. Lulz. I loved R2. I in fact preferred it over the 1st season. CGV: You'll probably like it if you liked the first season, but beware, there are a LOT of plot twists and similar, although I found them all to be really good.
  19. They like to do it a lot. They also like to quote themselves and add absolutely nothing, even in situations when it is not merited in the slightest. We just have to roll with it, but of course, they have to roll with what we do! DICKISHNESS TO THE RESCUE!
  20. ALL! HAIL! BRITANNIA! Yeah, happy 2009. Or, if you'd prefer, miserable 2009!
  21. ... ... ... You know, while America isn't a shining example of perfect equality, there are much worse places for a girl to be raised. I don't see how the "American girl" thing is at all disheartening?
  22. You put it in FFtF, so I think you'll have to live with the consequences of your actions now. :D
  23. I'm gonna have to semi agree with Shuuda and Wander. Script format is not good for Written Works. It was designed for things such as TV shows, with the inherent assumption that they will have the visual props. That is what a script is for. Ever wonder why you never see anyone release a novel in script form? And forum member insertion is just lulzy.
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