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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Lyn, Lucius and Canas are Mid Tier, Dorcas is High tier, Rath is Mid-Low a- Oh, wait, that's what I'm not supposed to do. :D But to be serious for one moment, in FE7 if you're moderately clever you can use most units. If you're pretty clever you can use even the worst units. :D Also, sandman, have you played FEDS? Sounds like you'd love HM5. Just to give you an idea what it's like, most enemies have higher stats than your units. High defense, or attacking indirectly makes units epic. ie. Archers are way more awesome. So are Knights. :D And Strategy.
  2. Again. For someone who's greatest joy is sitting in front of the TV while shoveling food down their throat, why would they do anything different? Many people ask why some people spend their whole lives working with no time for leisure. The difference is simply in what people enjoy/find pleasure in.
  3. Leonardo looks like he stuck his genitalia in an electrical socket. He's not a guy.
  4. Man dude, stop making statements that are so hard to pick apart. :D
  5. Why must we remain nameless? Serious question actually. I mean, I don't think that statement is at all offensive or anything. Also, tell me units.
  6. 0_o B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but... HAIR. ON. THE. FACE. MOULDER. FACE. ! But in all seriousness, you know I was joking, right? ;)
  7. All you guys who don't like facial hair are dickbutts. :3
  8. Prepare to have me pick apart everything you've said in this thread! :P ^_^
  9. Lol. It makes them happy. They feel good. That is their reasoning. I know perfectly content people who almost never do a thing in their lives. It's really all based on the person. I like doing stuff. But I can have fun doing nothing.
  10. Uh, pretty simple stuff. Get Sacred Stones. Open Nightmare. Make sure ROM is UNZIPPED. Open ROM with Nightmare. Open Module with Nightmare. Modify the things you want to modify. Post screenies though, and I might be able to help.
  11. Hell yeah. For most of Human history women where married and expected to start producing children at around age 12.
  12. I swear I thought you where talking about Code Gayass there... Too bad.
  13. Technically, girls/women are sexually mature at around 12ish. Anything past that is ephebophilia and is pretty much natural. It's just legally pedophilia. Would you like me to do more over analyzing?
  14. How 'bout Oguma the "I got hideously nerfed in HM5 due to not having any ranged attack earlygame!" :P
  15. ... HectorxFlorina. Compare Con. DOITNAO!
  16. TAKING BREAKS IS FOR WIMPS! REAL MEN EAT TREES! GRAH! In all honesty, I think that people should just take things as they come. I enjoy arguing, so I'm going to jump all over anything anyone says that I might disagree with, and hell, I often jump all over people I agree with just for fun. I want to understand/know as much as I can, and this is the best way for me to do it. State something really hard, and as if there is no way it could be different and I can guarantee you, you will find a lot of other perspectives quickly. I like that.
  17. Lolwut? I do what I want 'cause a Pirate is free, and I most definitely am a pirate! YAR HAR!
  18. I'll just use on single word then, that means I'm not debating or anything, right bullshit
  19. Yeah, basically. Say something stupid and I will haunt you as long as I can. I don't care if you want to argue or not, the fact is, you stated something. By making a statement you open yourself up to attack. Say something stupid, and I will point it out.
  20. Lawl. This guys probably just insecure about himself. I bet he really is afraid of becoming gay. How pathetic.
  21. And they don't believe in their gang? I dunno, I'd prefer to die for something tangible...
  22. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! This might not even merit a response. Your opinion. Also, WRONG. Marriage is a word that anyone can use to describe anything. This is not about marriage, it's about the fact that homosexuals have been classified and seperated from Heterosexuals. And God is irrelevant for so many reasons it isn't even funny. You want me to start on them? I acknowledge your view, of course. How could I not?
  23. ?? I don't see what you mean. If I know that morals and such are subjective, and that people are doing what they think is right, then I'm less likely to hate or dislike someone for their actions.
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