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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. I'll probably start with showing a few videos of the demo and hilarious screenshots, reveal Casual Mode, and show them the Avatar Creation Screen.
  2. Well, he does fit right in with the Shepherds and their loose screws. In his case, he does have all his screws, they're just not the right ones, and that's why they're loose.
  3. Less "Holy Crap That Worked" and more "WTF?" I brought Lucina to the second Champion DLC and had her face Ike, since I wanted to see her convo with him. She Aethered him. As in, she used the technique Ike brought to the Fire Emblem series and defeated him with it.
  4. Okay, okay, I know that I've put myself in Ylisse as the Avatar and married Chrom... but my other wish was to be a distant cousin to him, without ending up in a pairing! Also, this is not 100% me, it's how I perceive how I would be in FEA. Also, she's able to summon Einherjar. Chrom & Melanie C Melanie: *Chew chew chew chew* Chrom: ...How do you do it?! Melanie: Do what? Chrom: Eat rhubarb like that?! You know well I hate it! Melanie: You're missing out on healthy food, Chrom. *chew chew chew* Does explain whenever Mom makes her pie, you refuse them. It's got strawberries in it too, Chrom! Chrom: Yes, well, her crusts weren't the best, either. Not to offend you, Mel, but I could go with a thicker size. Melanie: Oh, so that's why you prefer Ol' Nan's pies! ...I could only handle a small slice of them, though! As good as they were, they filled you up pretty easily! Chrom: Ha, having a bout of nostalgia there? Melanie: Am I ever! Remember our last family reunion? All the sweets the royal cooks made were so delicious! And, haha, I think you were the only one in our group who was only served juice... Chrom: I wasn't of age yet, and seeing all of you acting so unguarded and informal was... quite a shock. Melanie: Alright, now you're making me feel old, and I'm younger than Emm! ...Well, not as much as you, of course. I still have seniority over you. Chrom: Something you keep on reminding me... and yet you look as if you're the same age as Lissa! Melanie: Oi, don't remind me of that, too, Chrom! Chrom: H-hey! Don't attack me with that piece of rhubarb! Stop! Chrom & Melanie B Melanie: Ah, I could've sworn it was in my bag... Chrom: Melanie. Melanie: AAAAAYYYYIIIIIEEEEEE! Huff, huff... Chrom, what are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?! Chrom: Ah, no, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Melanie: ...Okay, no problem. My real problem is this- I can't find a particular Einherjar of mine. Chrom: Which one? Melanie: It was a rare one of the Radiant Hero, Ike, at the beginning of his adventures. Chrom: Ah, yes, the weakest one you've mentioned before. It was your very first one, wasn't it? Melanie: Yes, and right now, I can't seem to find it... Chrom: It wouldn't be this one, right? Melanie: ...Ah! Yes, that's it! But... How did you get it? Chrom: It slipped out of your pocket, and I picked it up. I thought perhaps it should've returned to its rightful owner. Melanie: How kind of you! But really, how did you get it? It wasn't in my pocket, it should in my bag. I never, ever put an Einherjar in my pocket, too risky. Chrom: Alright, then, it slipped out of your bag somehow. All I know was that Robin saw your card, and I picked it up. Melanie: So you're saying you weren't planning on using him to boost your troops? Chrom: Now, why would I do that to my cousin? Distant we may be, but you're dear to me, Melanie. Melanie: Uhuhuhu... rhyming, are we? But no worries, I believe you. It's just this particular card was given to me by my grandmother, and, well, I really don't want to lose it! Chrom: I don't blame you. The two of you are very close, I'm kinda envious. Melanie: Hey, don't beat yourself up after everything that's happened to you. Some things are out of your control. Chrom: ...If only my father was as kind and peaceful as Emmeryn was... Melanie: Chrom... Chrom & Melanie A Melanie: Dance, dear, dance until you drop, dance until the world has begun to stop... Chrom: It's not often I hear you sing that song. Melanie: It's an old classic, said to originate from Tellius. Chrom: Where the Radiant Hero is said to come, right? Melanie: It was a popular song to dance at harvest festivals, they say. My ancestors on my mother's side brought it back from there. Chrom: ...I didn't knew your ancestors was from there. Melanie: You never? Hell, I checked my genealogy, and I can get as far as the time of Ike! Chrom: Really? Whom do you descent from? Melanie: No one in particular in the history books, just a prominent family in Crimean nobility who never went to war. Chrom: You sound almost disappointed. Melanie: I'm fine with being a member of House Ylisse's branch families, but it would have been great if it turned out I was related to Queen Elincia, or Empress Sanaki, or even Ike, you know? To be proudly able to say my foreign ancestors did something meaningful to an entire country or continent. I think that's why, besides it being from my grandmother, I really cherish that Einherjar of Ike's. Because at least I have an actual piece of Tellius in my hands. Chrom: That certainly makes sense. It's a great way to think of something special to you. Melanie: Yeah, but what's funny is that it's not even my favorite one. I hold an even rarer Einherjar that lacks combat compatibilities... an adorable sheep, if you'd use Shepherd terms. Chrom: Why the need for that? Weren't they made for combat? Melanie: Not always. There were study Einherjar that lack those skills to, well, study famous heroes. Why they did what they did, how they thought, how they became the person in history... I hold one very special card like that. Chrom: I'd like to see it, if you wouldn't mind. Melanie: Oh, of course! Let me see in my bag here, there's the study ones... Aha! Right at the end. A one of a kind Einherjar, this is perhaps one of the most interesting there is. Chrom: It's Ike... as a child?! What in the- how can you have such a card?! Melanie: While the first one was given to me by my grandmother, this one was brought back from Tellius itself. It's a rare glimpse at a hero, before everything that befell him, back when his family was whole. I've summoned him before... he reminded me so much of you at that age. Chrom: I... Melanie: So, Chrom, you shouldn't let what your father did trouble you anymore. You choose how to live your life from now on. Just like Ike, don't let your ancestors define you, be who you are and show it. Don't let your past drag you down- learn the lessons and aim for a bright future. Because I, for one, am not going to let anyone stand in my way for my future! Chrom: Hahaha... of course, that's just like you, Mel. But thank you... for opening my eyes. Melanie: No problem. I'm always here whenever you need to talk. And, hey, maybe I'll even summon a study Einherjar one of those days if you're looking for someone interesting to talk to! Chrom: I'll probably do that, then!
  5. So, just to reconfirm, I can't get to the 3 one now, but if I download the pack, I'll be able to reach the second one, and when the 3rd comes out, I won't need to download it? If that's so, then that means someone needs to buy herself another of those 20 bucks cards... *groans*
  6. Bloodline of Heroes- Have DLC Marth and Ike, Priam, Chrom, Lissa, Emmeryn, Owain (and Morgan, if Avatar married Lissa), Lucina and her sibling on the map. Blades of Heroes- Equip Chrom with his Falchion, Ragnell, Tyrfing, Sol Katti and one of the following- Mercurius, Balmung or Mystletainn. Naga's Blessing- With a Demon Fighter Chrom, equip him with his Falchion and a Book of Naga. Epic Bromance- Have everyone get to A/S support with everyone they can support in a single file. In the Blood- Have Chrom and a granddaughter Morgan battle in pair-up 15 times. Tales of the Einherjar- Bring only DLC characters to a Challenge. Bye, Grampa!- Have Morgan deal the final blow to Validar.
  7. Virion seems a little sharper than Gatrie, imo, so maybe not? Unless Virion's drunk. ...Why do I keep on giving myself plotbunnies?
  8. OTL Don't remind me... I was all ready to get some internet friends onto my cart, but NOOO... you can't use Spotpass to get them, you HAVE to use Streetpass! Excuse me for whining, I think Kid Icarus spoiled me.
  9. The only thing I was bummed about Sain is that he didn't have an ending with Priscilla. With Virion, S support is guaranteed ending. *sighs* Oh well, a fangirl can dream, can she?
  10. Nice, that seems like an awesome challenge! I, personally intend to wait until Demon Fighter comes out so I can plan how I'm gonna make my Streetpass Team BOSS...
  11. I... I... THANK YOU~! I'll credit you for getting this for me! I'll go an update my post right now~!
  12. I have a few! Like Parent, like Child- Have all children character have the same class as one of their parents. The Fangirl Experience- If Chrom marries your female Avatar, have him and Morgan reclass into Demon Fighter, and have Avatar and Lucina as Grandmasters. Ylisse's Royal Family Gathering- Have all of Ylisse's Royal Family married. Together, We Ride!- Get all the DLC and Paralogue non-children characters. Sorakh Was Here- Have Chrom marry female Avatar ten times. The Worldend Dominator- Forge weapons know as "The Blue", "The Red", and "The Golden", and equip it to the Avatar. I'll Face Myself- Forge weapons related to Persona, and give them to a voice actor (i.e. Jiraiya and Orpheus for Ricken) This isn't your father's Aether- Activate Aether with a weapon that isn't part of the Weapon Triangle (Sword, Axes and Lances)
  13. Please don't drag my other husband into this. *dodges bricks* I'm joking, I'm joking!
  14. I'll have to get Chrom/Sumia sooner or later. (Lucas claimed Sumia before Chrom did in my Male Avatar game. Completely justified, for my future Male Avatar 'get all the CGs' run I wouldn't need to worry about getting Sumia's support and just get her and Chrom together!)
  15. Forseti is an awesome name! As cool as Holsety looks, Forseti just really gives that Nordic vibe.
  16. I personally didn't cared about how they did supports in FE10... that seemed like a good idea at the time, but I personally needed more information on the new characters then and I wasn't satisfied. Heck, I wasn't satisfied by what I got from the game by whole, so I never brought it. Also, might I add the bigger reason why I don't have any preference in shipping for this game is because of how versatile everyone is? It's not just a case of "They look great together!" or "They offer great stats for such and such!", it's how their supports works as well. So far, I've yet to find a coupling support I didn't like!
  17. Not my own experience, but apparently someone said they rated sadness from 1 to Mother 3.
  18. ... oAo Whaaaat?! Crap, now I can't do my idea of a Serenes Forest Avatar Team!
  19. The main reason I love this game IS because of the lack of canon and how pairings work. With the other Fire Emblem games, I had, like, one OTP per character, but in this one?! Everything meshes so well together, I have a hard time choosing a favorite!
  20. Chinese Zodiac with their Latin name? *applauds* I like that translation!
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