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Mercenary Lord

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Posts posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. And a person can actually move over a mountain. That's how big we're talking: everyone in Fire Emblem is a giant.

    But Cam's right, the difference between overworld sprite size and map size is moot.

  2. Mercenary Lord: It's "straight up and down" because the map is longer than it is wide. Of course it's going to feel like that. Other than that, what you've said has already pretty much been said, but thanks. And no, my tileset doesn't have any mountain cliff paths. I think it might still be missing some though. I don't see very many wavy path tiles either.

    Lol what.

    Straight up and down I was referring to everything. The mountains are exactly vertical, the path is basically horizontal stripes of alternating path and cliff going up.

    Cliffs...these things.


    Each different level of cliff seems pretty much exactly the same as the one above/below it, like so:


    the three cliffs that start on the right look pretty much the same.

    Also when did I say anything about wavy path tiles? The map itself is supposed to be a mountain path, right? Mountain paths are generally abysmally maintained, at least back in the FE times. Right now, it looks like a brand new path with a few pieces washed away by some kind of freak flood...

    I digress, I'm not very good at explaining my thoughts.

  3. I'm saying that you said you've been making animations with the help of a 'How to make realistic animations' tutorial thingy, but then you show a reference that isn't. I'm confused. I know that some Fire Emblem sprites use charging and such, but why reference one without charging? aegsdgadhfsjfgjsh idfc

    feel free to ignore me, I'm typng this without really even paying much attention to what shows up

    EDIT: Can you create a sprite sheet that you could show? It might help me order my thoughts a bit.

  4. Ffs, do we have to go through this every time?

    Ana, I'm no mapper, but the map looks generally straight up and down. Don't be afraid to move some of the cliffs around so you can make the mountains look more natural, and paths solemn look that well maintained. Especially here. This is a mountain cliff path type thingy, right? I think that a mountain path such as this would not be quite so meticulously maintained. I think that the lighter grass might be better instead of the path, but again, I have no idea.

  5. That sounds good. Although think about it, Fire Emblem animations are not know to be realistic. Ly's crit is an example. If you're going through all this trouble to make it look strong, with a bunch of charge-up and such, then it isn't exactly like Fire Emblem anymore. I do like the concept, though.

  6. It was supposed to look like wingz of light, not dithering

    Plus those are old. I'll keep your advice in mind if I ever go back to them~

  7. Eh...the second one just looks bad...I can't put my finger on it. It might be the outline.

    The first one actually looks pretty cool, I will admit it. Maybe you could make the first tier the original version, and make the second tier this new one?

  8. Well, it started as a 40 pixel behemoth, and then he took it down a few pixels.

    Also, focusing on animations first might be a good idea, but then again, learning proper shading and such is essential for a sprite. Having one great frame is better than having a bunch of bad ones.

    You know, Aureola, if I have been offending you, then I heartily apologize. I realize I might be pretty blunt.

  9. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

    I can't be brilliant all of the time.

    Actually, there are distinct differences in every sprite. For example, Hector's pose changes, the Wyvern Lord's spear/sword/tail/dragon's head changes. And concept is the most important part of a battle sprite. Nothing is pointless. Perhaps it's all in one's own perspective, but nothing I ever say about sprites will be pointless. though possibly stupid

    Okay, fine, good old crit. Well, the hand on the shield looks weird, like it's been flipped or something. It seems kind of...dislocated.

    One of the boots is quite a bit shorter than the other, and don't say it's just perspective. At most, there should be two pixels of difference between the two.

    The far arm looks strange, like the forearm is twice the size of the upper-arm.

    The first helmet seemed better to me than the new one, less forced and more practical.

    The shoulderpads seems kind of small for the body, the trim is weird, almost like you're trying to make the body seem too curved.

    Usually most FE sprites have some kind of belt separating their top and bottom half, although this is minor, and I see you made an effort to do this. It just doesn't really look like it. Although I'm exhausted, a lot of this stuff might be due to that.

    The legs seem kind of far apart, and the shield itself doesn't seem like it's touching the ground, although if that's intentional, then my mistake.

    The front boot doesn't look shaded, even if it is, and I think that it would have a slight shadow cast on it by the shield.

    The back leg has lazy shading, and the sword hilt has no shading.

    The chest piece, back shoulder pad, and back boot have a different lightsource than the rest of the sprite, which makes it look kind of funny.

    If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. smile.gif

  10. IMHO, It's much easier to quick draw a rapier-like sword than it is to lift a wall shield as someone is assaulting you.

    It's not that a battle sprite might be that tall, it's more that It seems like a large leap from the first tier to the second tier classes. Each pixel is a large amount of real life height, and if I remember a tutorial from Yeti correctly, 35 pixels is about 5'10" in Fire Emblem. That mean's each pixel is about 2 inches of height, so the class somehow gains ten inches of height upon promotion, which is a bit strange. :/

  11. Another...thing.


    Robot for a Medallion of Hope character. Animations are planned, etc. etc. This took me too long, especially since I had already made one, and then went back to redo it to the requester's standards.

    This time around, if you decide to criticize, do you think you could put whether or not you would mind staring at this sprite for a large number of battles? If you absolutely can't stand it, then I might change it, but for now, I'd like to try and just move on the the animating part.

    So, critique, but also say whether you actually like it or not. Thanks.

  12. Try referencing the Soldier sprite, it seems pretty similar to the sprite you're going for. Other than that, I dunno. My battle sprite animations are usually just made by winging it, and acting out the animation IRL. I don't know much about actually getting it the way you want. It's more of an internal thing for me...

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