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Mercenary Lord

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Posts posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. Correction: I used the entire Wyvern Lord for the landing frames. :3

    But I see what you mean. And I probably should have given the sheet as well.



    Have at it. This should make things a lot easier to critique. And now I can actually see what everyone's talking about, yeah.

  2. All right, I think we had the same idea. Thanks for reminding me.

    Almost everything except for two motion frames were made a long time ago, and I was just really lazy and didn't check over my shading. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

  3. That's something I've been meaning to ask about. When you say pillow-y how exactly is it Pillow Shaded?

    I think I see what you mean, I just want to see if what I'm thinking is the same as what you're thinking.

    Also thanks for responding so quick. The wyvern back is mostly customed, because the saddle and stuff got in the way.

  4. wat is this i don't even


    My animating program thingy is pretty bad, so the actual timing is a little off. This thing is just a little side project I worked on a while back but never finished, but yay I finished it.

  5. Well, I made a pirate. Raaaargh.


    Because Klok wanted an awesome pirate.

    Also, this apparently has the potential for a Lolcritical where the hand in the pocket contains the universes biggest axe. But that's for later.

    Also, the axe-holding arm is gross. I know that already.

  6. It'll make sense eventually. If you want to know the approximate idea of what this sprite will hopefully look like, you can refer to Klokinator's avatar.

  7. It's a work in progress

    There is a reason for his hand to be close to the blade, and it's to avoid the blade hitting the ground when it spins. I made the last frame at about...12 A.M.

    I think this whole thing will make more sense when I make more progress.

  8. Thanks. What happened was I accidentally reversed the colors I meant to use, and then I left my precious computer for a day...it's been rough.

  9. But it also increases my opportunities for awesome motion frames, if I do this right.






  10. Well, for one thing, it's a poleaxe, and for another, he has a loincloth. For a third, this guy is supposed to be less bulky, although I doubt I've succeeded there, and stuff.

    I don't see how this is similar to Hector's sprite, personally.

  11. Lalalalaaaa....

    To distract myself from actually getting stuff done, I took a look at your awesome sprites and stuff through all 24 pages of this thread, and I am happy I did. Very unique and cool stuff. I like it.

    Curse you for distracting me with your awesome sprites.

  12. Thing about the swing is that I accidentally added an extra frame. I'll be taking it out for the final version, and that should make it look better.

    EDIT: Hm...maybe I'll make him use two hands. I dunno.

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