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Mercenary Lord

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Posts posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. Well, I'm just going to link a whole bunch of cool megaman armors and stuff, then you can take a look at whichever ones interest you.

    [spoiler=Lots of Links]http://www.sprites-i...enfir/Standard/







    http://www.sprites-i...iles/X/X4/Misc/ -This one has some cool 'spell' looking animations, in case you were looking.


    http://www.sprites-i...files/X/X4/Wep/ -This one has a bunch of weapons and recolors and such.

    http://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/files/X/X6/Wep/ -Same here.

    Okay, all done.

  2. QclMP.png

    Stuff.I think I may or may not have fixed a few of the more prominent problems that eCut pointed out. I tried to follow the instructions given without changing too much of the design, because I adamantly refuse to remake half of the sprite. I take way too long on sprites to do that.

  3. Well, considering I'm talking to him, and that he just said no, I don't believe he would. But the point of this thread is not to have a discussion about what he would or wouldn't do.

  4. While I respect your input and am glad you were able to help, Do you truly expect 3/4 of the entire James graphics to be remade because of a little disproportionate body position? I don't believe that Klok would want to do that.

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