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Mercenary Lord

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Posts posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. piratingpiratingpirating

    Ok, well, I'm just saying this first off that my sister's name is Kiara.


    Actually, I have to go somewhere now, but when I get back, I see a few things that could stand to be fixed in those battle sprites. :)

  2. Mew is a friend, so I kinda just pour on praise so at least someone is encouraging her. Of course, I usually give no critique when it comes to mugs, because I can't face sprite to save my life, but I just like to give people pick me ups, in case others don't.

    That sounds so cheesy. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

  3. Oh, if I only had a tablet. Not like it'd matter because I have zero natural drawing talent with no idea of proportions etc, but w/e.

    Anyway, keep up the good work, and if you make any new battle sprites lemme take a look at them, no matter how bad you think they are. Kthx

  4. No, I can make pretty good sprites checkout my thread and I guess I can animate, too, I just figure that later on when I get into bigger things I'll need a much better skeleton animation to help me.

    And believe me, I act out my sprites in a ridiculous amount.

    Here's a better way of putting it: do you draw the skeleton animation, pixel by pixel, or do you use a tablet to draw it, or what? Also just so I say it again, I like the sprites, although the shooter's shoes are shaded funny sometimes.

  5. Not bad, not bad. I dunno how everyone makes such good stick figure bases for their sprites, mine always end up looking awful.

    Got any tips on how to fix that? :)

  6. pcVY5.png

    Take two?

    I'm going for a look like someone rides at high speeds quite often... No I'm not I'm just trying to explain my actions like a quitter.

    Thanks about the armor, although now that I look at it, the back trim thingy on the chest plate looks a bit out of place.

  7. Haha...ha. Clean the hair. Heh, that was funny. I'll look into it, thank. i don't know how help meeeeee

    Although I'm pretty sure the eyes are a direct rip from someone, so maybe you could elaborate.

    That line was supposed to be kinda like a shirt under the armor, but you're right, it doesn't really work.

  8. I made a splice, whee...for the first time in months. I need help, because it is far from perfect. Thank you.


    I'd like to call him Geralde, and he would most likely be either a cavalier or a paladin. I used a lot of Beyard in it, but I just like that guy. Anyway, have at it.please

  9. Hm... I'm don't make many mugs, but I do like the second one, with the eyes covered, although there are some shading issues. The yellow eyes are just weird, but I can't put my finger on why...

    That manakete animation seems like simple creation, but efficient. I like it... But just wait until some of the more experience spriters get here. You'll get better input that way.

  10. Hey look, Pirates and Potatoes.


    Now, this pirate I really want to get right. Please, annihilate it with brutal critique.


    And a ninja potato that I did in my spare time because I've always wanted to. May or may not do anything more on it. Strictly speaking, it isn't FE, but I just wanted to throw it up anyway.

    More stuff! Yeeeeeaaaah~

  11. My favorite is the standard bearer, although his arm on his hip looks weird, almost like the band on his arm is crushing the entire arm into two separate parts...

    The rest all look...just a tiny bit off. They don't seem exactly bad...but......yeah. I'll try looking at them a bit more...

  12. When you say learning to sprite for your hack, do you plan on spriting anything besides faces? Face sprites are important, but there are plenty of other things you can try your hand at if this doesn't work out.

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