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Mercenary Lord

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Everything posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. I'm not sure but I'm doin my best to get something done, there's just so much to do
  2. Could I get that extension I've been working on something massive but I really havent had time to work on it :c
  3. That swingby is too smooth, actually. I can recognize individual motion blurs, and that doesn't always end well.
  4. can I make barrack obama thats a crossover right EDIT AH SHIET I MADE THE PERFECT THING FOR THIS BUT ITS OLD WORK
  5. Yo Errant it'd be cool if you could include a 1x zoom of the sprites too, because that's how I see what a sprite would look like at its original resolution Can you do that pls
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu#Spelling_and_pronunciation Cthulhu is spelled by many names, you cannot put a singular name on the dread lord of doom and despair What Ath gave you there is a rough estimate of what a more anatomically correct Ike would look like. He didn't go through and make it exactly perfect. He gave you a template to build off. The way to use that is to take the messy look there and refine it to a Fire Emblem style. That's a difficult thing to do, but it's how you'd use the base.
  7. this whole vertical line looks like a portal to another dimension waiting to unleash demonic presences into the world
  8. It looks like his abs are about to open up into a gateway to hell, there's like a black line between the abs and I keep waiting for cthulu to come out
  9. GWE HE HE HE HE [spoiler=Dozla Art] Did you know that Dozla is actually a dwarf proof I made a really lazy custom axe because I didn't feel like positioning anything and I was going really fast, don't judge
  10. No, it's easy to find that there are too many colors without finding each one
  11. if you can't be bothered to find the colors why would any of us want to do it --Pick your 16 colors (including outline and background) --Use the Eraser method to change each color you want to a random other color --The unchanged pixels are your unwanted colors, fix them --change random colors back
  12. >Etain is female >Etain is one of the best fucking spriters on this website >Her advice is rude yet also incredibly solid >"too lazy lol" is not an acceptable excuse because it implies that you didn't even try to look up references on your own >Again, her advice is solid, language is just language
  13. What if you had a lord that could only use longbows and magi-- never mind thats just lame
  14. a lot of the time people work really hard and pour a lot of energy into giving their hack/game incredibly unique animations. It isn't likely to go over well if you start asking to use people's hard work without any kind of compensation, just saying
  15. Today was fairly productive, once I remembered a few key things. I'm pretty sure I've managed to make a chapter, from the world map intro cutscene to the returning back to the world map at the end. The chapter is really rough and untested: there's probably no balance at all, the cutscenes and dialogue are terrible, but it's done, and that means that I know most of the basics about what I'm doing. which means that when I get back around to working on this some more progress should be slightly faster
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