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Inactive Account404

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Everything posted by Inactive Account404

  1. There goes the rest of my e-shop funds. Yay, I've been waiting for these.
  2. Well, now that the SFS contest is over I thought I'd go ahead and post what I had made:
  3. Congrats to all the winners!! I enjoyed this contest immensely and am looking forward to the next one!
  4. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the SE pre-orders sold out online a few months ago... You could try contacting your local bestbuy or gamestop though.
  5. I just now stumbled across your art thread, and I'm glad I did! I think you did especially well on your Pieri drawing (and your digital art turned out cute). Keep up the good work!
  6. While impatiently waiting for the release of Fates, I thought I'd do a little fan art: [spoiler=Sakura]
  7. Haha, no offense taken. Now I have an idea for next year ; ]
  8. My entry was The Fire Emblem ([topic=http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=60223&hl=][/topic]). I had no idea, the contest was going to be this big, and do regret not spending some more time on it. That, and the overall concept I guess wasn't very... exciting. I originally chose to do the fire emblem since it would be easily recognized by both old and new fans, but it didn't really seem to catch people's attention. Next year, I hope to maybe do a drawing of some sort.
  9. ...only wear cowboy hats The proper way to play Monopoly is to...
  10. A little note to those disappointed with the amount of votes their entry received: yeah, it can be a little disappointing to not do as well as you would have hoped, but don't let that discourage you from creating! Not getting tons of recognition doesn't detract from all the hard work spent on your entry, so be proud! I was nervous about entering the contest myself (and have only got one vote so far), but I'm glad I did. Thanks to this contest, I was inspired to start creating again and even worked up the courage to start an art thread here on SF. So yeah, my entry didn't do very well, but that helped encourage me to to try to do better. Continue creating, sharing your work (and don't be afraid to take a little constructive criticism), and overall having fun doing what you do!
  11. You couldn't settle for a red or black one? Yeah, they're not as fancy, but they don't look horrible. Besides, you could decorate it with stickers or something.
  12. Since I've never played Gaiden or Geneology, I don't recognize the characters. Nevertheless, your art looks really good! Hope to see some more soon. I'd especially enjoy seeing some Path of Radiance art.
  13. Wow, there's some amazingly talented people here! Seriously, I don't even care if I win anything. I'm just enjoying looking at everyone's entries. :) Good job everyone!
  14. Wow, I love all the details! Even the stand looks cool with the mark of Grima.
  15. Wow, it turned out even more awesome than I expected!
  16. Nice!. Not sure if I get the title though...unless the artist meant it is unfinished due to procrastination?
  17. This is... Awesome! It looks so epic! The shading in this is very well done.
  18. I like the colors in this, and especially like the way you drew Eliwood. Good job!
  19. The background looks good too! The animation also adds a nice touch.
  20. Wow! I love everything about this! The art and story both were well done. I can tell you spent a lot of time with this,
  21. This looks so professional! Love the way you drew Lucina.
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