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Everything posted by Mordred

  1. Tbh I didn't remember about the Sonya and Deen thing so I was wrong about that then. The reason I prolly did Sonya then last time was cause I had Super Palla or Super Saber who don't really care about mages since you can just turnwheel after any witch teleports and they won't teleport again. While it's true that Royal Sword hit's more accurately and harder it has less range and can't counter any ranged attacks. With the bases Hero has, Alm doesn't have to worry about getting doubled to often and range in my opinion is just more valuable than any bonuses Double Lion gives. Also the argument about Alm being able to use Double Lion early isn't very significant when Clive or Matilda with Rider's Bane plus your Merc is carrying all of Act 3 anyways regardless of Alm knowing Double Lion or not. There's just no real advantage of training Alm in Act 3 when his Bases in Hero are so big that it doesn't matter if he was trained in Act 3 or not. The reason Mage Gray is more efficient is that Python is already available early and him needing to be trained is a benefit to the team when the whole team wants to hit certain lvl points or promotion points pre desaix fortress. You only get like two Bows early anyways and one of them is pretty much worthless that early on. Mage is simply a lot less investment while giving similar pay off to trying to make another archer that early.
  2. Not really hyper specific, it's just their best classes. You only want one merc as you don't get too many swords and Kliff is the best Merc out of the four as he has the highest base res and better bases. Tobin gets a nice spell list that is very good early on and up to mid game so he makes the most sense as a Mage. Grey kinda sucks and only is good as a Merc because Merc is good so his best spot without heavy investment is Mage and he has a decent spell list too. Faye is best as a Cleric as she allows Silke to spam Warp as much as she wants while also being able to rescue. Royal Sword is not worth the forge as it's only really good Act 3 in which Alm isn't even good in. Act 3 is going to be dominated by your Merc and your Cav with Ridersbane. By Act 4 Alm promotes and gains access to Killer Bow which has allows Alm to spam Double Volley which has higher range and higher crit than Double Lion. Royal Sword is also extremely expensive to forge (taking away money that should be used to forge the Ridersbane) while also taking about 20 rounds of combat for Alm to gain enough weapon exp to use Double Lion with it. Alm doesn't even need to see any combat for all of Act 3 as he gets his promotion regardless at the end. Royal Sword is really only useful as a placeholder and is more of a beginner's trap like Rhomphaia was. When I said they should be dropped the reason I said so was due to the fact that Mage classes in general all fall off in Alm's route due to the map design and how much difficulty they have keeping up. The only mage by then that is actually seeing any combat without slowing down your whole team is Delthea because she has such high res among an army with very little to no Res allowing her to combat other mages. But yes I did not mean to not deploy them, having more warm bodies is better than fewer it's just that they are likely not doing much on the map past Act 1/3. The reason why killing Sonya is more recommended is because the Brave Sword is a decent forge that you get for free while also getting a decent Myrm with decent bases. The Brave Sword could then be put on Saber if he want's the Combat Art from the Brave Sword or the Silver Sword you eventually forged by then. If you're also going Super Saber you will likely also have Mae/Boey as a second carry for the team so Sonya is often redundant. On the other hand I do believe Sonya has better pure combat so if you don't mind on missing out on a free Brave Sword you can kill Deen instead.
  3. Been awhile since I've played Valentia but from what I remember the most optimal classes for the four villagers are, Grey - Mage, Tobin - Mage, Kliff - Merc, Faye Cleric. The second you get the Lightning Sword on Alm's path you should instantly give Kliff the sword and he should be able to ORKO pretty much everything till Lightning Sword falls off. Do not upgrade the Royal Sword as well as it's actually a money sink and bad investment. Do not also invest stat boosters heavily on Alm pre promotion as there's no real point unless you need the better combat immediately for the next map (only really needed pre Merc Kliff). Kliff should also be able to dreadloop into a Bow Knight late game once you get past all the Arcanist maps. Now this is going to sound like cope, Python is good because he is the earliest Sniper you can get that isn't a villager while still being able to benefit from double mage villagers, but unfortunately to use Python you have to grind in the Bandit's hideout with him to get him to that point pre Act 2/3 as his base level is incredibly low for some reason. If he reaches Sniper pre Act 3 he will be very good for Arcanist forest and 3-6 (The one with all the Archers and Bow Knights) in which he will carry. The grinding is also efficient in that other units at that time in Alm's route also wants to grind i.e. Merc Kliff getting closer to Myrmidon, Silke get to Warp, and Clive get to Paladin which makes him a lot more stronger for Zofia's gate. The best forges on Alm's are the Ridersbane and the Killer Bow as well. Make sure to also sell the Lightning Sword once it falls off as it gives like one whole gold coin which is super good. Oh and don't evolve the Ridersbane into Rhomphia. For Celica you have like two options from what I remember on how to complete it. Super Saber or Super Palla. Essentially you invest pretty much everything into one of those two and let them carry that route. Now from what I remember Super Saber is better than Super Palla however has like a more specific set up. Or maybe it wasn't I don't exactly remember. Dean is also better than Sonya so when you get that decision kill Sonya. Mae and Boey are both good however Boey takes more attention to use as he has a harder time than Mae at reaching ORKO thresholds so Mae is prolly better than Boey. From what I remember Boey is better if you are using Super Saber however Boey still needs his growths to be rigged a bit with save scumming to make it better which is super specific. Leon is also very good but that's just cause Bow access and Killer Bows are broken. TLDR: BEST FORGE SILVER SWORD, RIDERSBANE, KILLER BOW, ZWEIHANDER ALM SIDE FIRST ON ACT 3. EDIT: I forgot to mention that you should drop Tobin and Grey eventually, as mages on Alm's path fall off. They're for the early/ early mid game.
  4. Yeah I do think it's mostly redundant to aim for both Vengeance and PBV, I was just thinking you'd prolly get his lance ranks up anyways for class requirements. I wasn't truly trying to argue that Blue Lions had poor lategame and honestly any unit is good lategame imo just due to the way the class system works, a unit being good usually ends up being their earlier stat growths + weapon art access/skills. I was just trying to see the reason why the other poster was thinking that the other houses looked better than Blue Lions. I think this more or less depends on what you plan on with the house and what your ending team will be, Ingrid is definitely not a must replace but I enjoy the base stats of Maddening auto leveling so I end up placing more value on that. The difference in stats is substantial between Ingrid and Petra that I usually end up deeming it worth enough to use one over the other. Your looking at a difference of 15 Str for Petra to Ingrid's 13.75 Str average (As a Brigand) and Petra's Spd is 20 compared to Ingrid's 16.4 Spd average (As Pegasus Knight). The only stat in house Ingrid surpasses Petra in is Res at a whopping 13.05 compared to Petra's 4 Res. This is also all assuming Ingrid is at level 11 by Chapter 6, the same level auto recruit goes up to. Of course to replace Ingrid you do have to contend on lost time to raise Ranks and there are the later trade offs so I can see Ingrid being better in the long run.
  5. Unironically you can do that on Lunatic+ as well. Once you get past the gate you can literally just spam Spotpass battles and you can create a maxed out army to beat the game lol. If we're talking about some purely broken build I guess theres the ever so classic Wrath Vantage Vengeance If you add Armsthrift to it you can forge some crazy weapon with insane crit and might you can probably stack 100% crit when in Wrath range. Maybe add Gamble or Hit Rate +20 depending on your hit and crit rates. You could also pick up Dual Support+ on whoever is Robin's butt buddy.
  6. When is Canto bad period. I literally put Canto on everyone possible on FE Engage and it opens up so many options. CANTO IS AWESOME. I think on the topic of Rescue vs Warp it's mostly just preference and also what strategies you plan on a map. Sometimes you don't want to plan so you go kinda monkey and then you need to Rescue while Warp may allow you to reduce your turn count significantly by sniping certain targets. Honestly I like early recruit Bernie on AM and VW, you don't need Bernie to be on 1 HP to one shot. Generally she just needs to take on hit and she can run in with a Training Lance and one shot someone. The only times she isn't one shotting is if it's something like Death Knight where you need more set up to actually kill him with Bernie. With Dedue, he can easily just run in as a tank with Annette Rallies (so he doesn't get doubled) and should be in good Vengeance range from the get go after tanking. You also don't really need to people running around with Vengeance and Cryil doesn't even have Battalion Wrath like Bernie and Dedue. Ngl Bernie is also not using Vengeance at all late game, well maybe a bit but she isn't looking to do it like she was in the earlier chapters.
  7. I think that you're going to want Cyril to have some Lance Rank anyways since you get Point Blank Volley so quickly anyways. I think Vengeance normally ends up out damaging Point Blank Volley for a bit and then falls behind (Not 100% sure as I don't use Cyril often so high chance I'm just spewing bs on that part) , either ways you have Dedue in Blue Lions and there's really no reason not to use him when he's actually a good unit and is way better at using Vengeance. I think Rengor says something about Cyril with Vengeance once but I can't remember off the top of my head. Yea Ashe ends up in kind of a weird spot for me as I just find that Shamir replaces anything he'd want to do so easily. At most I just end up using him as utility or as a free key. I think on Ingrid is that she lags behind when you can recruit other units by Chapter 6 to flat out replace her completely. Ofc there is that map... So I usually end up training her a bit but not often investing in her too much. I agree with that for sure. I would say that some houses feel better than others at times but that's mostly due to playstyle, preference, and maps.
  8. Well first of all I'd like to start by saying that looking at other FE games doesn't mean all to much when in FE Conquest Cav classes (with the exception of Bow Knight) are genuinely pretty detrimental within the late/mid game. Berserker also does not have paper thin Def when again the units with access to Fighter (with the exception of Charlotte) are in the higher end of Def Growths plus Berserkers have high Spd growths so many don't get doubled. Activation skills are generally not only unreliable but detrimental if they kill something you don't want to kill, it's just more reliable to rely on pure damage stacking as Fates gives you a lot of options to do so. However, there are two activation skills that are usefull, ofc they aren't going to make bad units good but they can make good units even better, these two skills are Astra and Sol. Astra isn't as good as Sol but if you know someone is going to have a backpack for a majority of the map, Astra can allow for free shield gauges which leads to the lead unit of the duo taking less damage overall giving you better turn economy. Sol isn't making any unit good but makes any good unit even better, a prime example is Xander in Hero (to get rid of his Rider weakness and keep Siegfried access) with Sol who is the easiest solution to the final room of Chapter 26. One unit in a class does not mean every other unit in the same class have the same problems. Charlotte is literally a special case and is meant to be an extreme example of a Berserker where she has the fourth lowest Def growth in Conquest. Again they aren't at risk of getting crit often anyways because Berserker has high Skill growth while also being able to use Bronze Axes against anyone who actually has a 3% crit rate on them. I'll be honest, unless they have Killer weapons or aren't some Hoshidan Royal, they will have maybe 1% crit at most which can be reduced to 0 with a Bronze Axe. If you used forging mostly to improve effective weapons then to put it bluntly you're wasting your resource. Generally most units holding effective weaponary should be able to one round with either a backpack or a follow up so you shouldn't have to forge them, especially when there are so many better forges. Again Bronze weapons are also extremely good throughout the whole game, i.e. Bronze Bow +2 is one of the most valuable forges in the game and you can actually use it on a promoted Bow Knight Laslow to kill Takumi on turn 1 if you give him a few tonics and a Felecia nearby with Inspiration and Demoiselle. To be blunt that was a bad argument considering how easy it is to just go online if you want more ores in the moment. As I've kept repeating, the "flaws" you keep mentioning are extremely minor and avoidable anyways. What do you even mean by compromising the team? Berserkers by themselves create utility even if you aren't using them to attack thanks to Rally Attack and their Pair Up Bonuses. DLC isn't even needed to fix anything other than maybe Setsuna (Who I love character wise but she is equivalent to Jitaro who is an Archer generic you can buy in the shop and also Yumi bows are just bad due to their low hit) in Birthright. This isn't an arguement because you aren't actually refuting if Savage Blow is good. Also in Ninja Cave theres a clump of about 5 that spawn nearby at the beginning who Camilla can solo with a bit of help. Ninja Cave also has large groups in general where you have about 7 units all clumped around each other. Kitsune Lair is another example of large groups. Either ways 3 enemies clustered is still getting a large amount of value with Savage Blow considering the units who get Savage Blow (read Nohr Nobles) are ORKOing regardless on initiation. I have, in fact recently Alear died to a 1% crit on my Ironman Maddening run so yes I have suffered from 1% crit. Does that mean I'm going to always assume 1% is instant death, no. Will I consider the 1% in the strategy, yes ofc. Regardless I'm arguing that Berserker is generally fighting with 0% anyways as all weapons have inate 0 crit so crit is calculated solely off of enemy = ((Skill-4)/2) + (Class Bonus/2) - Enemy Raw Dodge Rate - Support. Enemies do not have high crit rates of the bat and enemy Berserkers have the highest innate crit rate normally against your units with their +10 Crit from the class. To put it bluntly, when the player cannot crit stack nor reliably have 1% crit on enemies without skills, enemies that aren't bosses are generally not going to have Crit at all. You can forge a Thunder Tome by Chapter 10 for Camilla to ORKO Archers and Oni Savages. Having one Armorslayer does not mean you kill every armored Knight easily either considering the amount of them on that chapter and the four flying Wyverns carrying Armored Knights on that map. Again I already said as long as you have internet you can have access to other forges thanks to ore. Almost every enemy has lower Res than Def except Ninja, Mage, and Pegasus classes. Having one Dual Club isn't a big deal either considering the best user of it is Camilla and you can trade weapons around to use it more than once in a turn. Basara is not a Master of none, it's literally just a bulky mage that has access to lances for some reason. Anyone who is actually a physical class does not want to be in Basara but in terms of pure combat, every Diviner who wants to be a pure combat class is going to want to be in Basara except Rhajat. If you actually want to use Hayato and Orochi in combat, the best way to use them is to actually make them into Basaras over Onmoyji. A true master of none class would be Blacksmith where its stats are across the board yet remains lower in the important stats compared to Oni Savage. Another master of none class would also be Mechanist where it's a more stat balanced Ninja with higher Mov, yet Master Ninja remains a better class due to it's better specialization in the class while Mechanist ends up leaving the units mediocre. If you think Niles is bad in Conquest then I don't know what to say. Orochi I agree is pretty meh but that's also Birthright where you just use Ryoma and win regardless and the enemy quality is so low it's essentially on Hard difficulty. You don't need resources to get around prisoners, you can literally just play 3 maps and then you get them or just wait 3 days. On the topic that captured units are just worse, what? Haitaka is an easy example of a very useful recruit for specifically Chapter 10 when you aren't as experienced with the map. A lot of Shrine Maidens also have extremely high Staff ranks for the time where yours might be at D or C rank while the enemy Shrine Maiden is on B or A. On if it's worth to make a Prison for Dragon Vein, I mean yea it is depending on what you're planning. Sometimes it's worth getting the Forge over the Prison on Chapter 9 or the Mess Hall. It really depends on if you want to use Haitaka or not. Uh, you can go through the left side? I wouldn't say it's poorly designed, more that it's very challenging and can act as a wall depending on how well you've prepared up to that point. If you're just smashing Corrin into Ryoma without a proper plan, then I think that sounds more like poor planning than poorly designed map. Siegbert's map though is the most poorly designed map in my opinion. Yea, Soleil is useful, she has high offensive growths with decent bases. She has access to a good set of classes as well and Laslow in my opinion is best used as a stop gap unit as an early promote and then replaced by Soleil once the early promoted stats from Laslow fall off. Siegbert really doesn't have a reason to exist considering that Sophie exists and is much easier to get, but Siegbert does have access to the Wyvern class line so he does at least have access to flying while Sophie may not have. Also the other Cavs are Silas and Peri and Peri is always sad because her class options are pretty bad. I mean why would you not get Spear Fighter if you think Draconic Hex is so good? Corrin has access to almost every Nohr class on both genders through Friendship Seals. 8 Strength is an extreme example of bad luck btw. Kaze on average should have 12 Strength by level 14. Also 8 Strength with any forged weapon would prolly be enough to still do a lot on Birthright lmao. Every other Dagger user who isn't using Seals to reclass into them is going to be doing low damage unless it's Felicia with a Flame Shuriken and even then she's still better off in Strategist than sticking to Maid. I mean Flora comes in at Chapter 19 at earliest and her bases are ass while also being in the Maid class which is a bad class. Izana comes in with mediocre bases as well but he also fufills that Staff bot like Flora while also having a Rally and actually doing Damage with a good pair up bonus to the lead unit's stats. Fire Orb is also pretty bad considering you either get no exp or reduced exp if I remember correctly and you don't even need them for any map anyways. Generally it's better to just have your units attack or position in aggressive positions over using any of those siege weapons, even in Chapter 10. I mean, considering you thought Niles was bad I imagine your tier list in Conquest isn't all that accurate. Also if you do play Conquest again I recommend actually playing Lunatic, it's honestly not that hard and there are enough resources online anyways that everyone should be able to do it without too much difficulty.
  9. FE Conquest has lots of swarms. I was honestly undercutting myself a lot by saying enemies come in groups of 2, almost always the enemy is grouped in groups of 3. Savage Blow, without a doubt is 100% more useful than Poison Strike and Draconic Hex considering the units how can get Savage Blow as they will be normally ORKOing or will be doing enough dmg regardless to set up a kill. If you truely think that there aren't many enemy groups than I don't know what to say other than that you prolly haven't played FE Conquest recently or that FE Conquest on hard has a substantial smaller group of enemies. I'm actually familiar with the Rampardos thing and yet again it shows your lack of knowledge. Rampardos has high attack and high Hp with nothing else, they are also very slow so they can't hit anything without dying first due to low stats everywhere else. This however can't be compared to Berserker considering it can hit first, is fast, has decent bulk, decent hit as long as you remove Gamble, good hit if you use Bronze Axes, and decent skills that give utility/extra stats. Bronze weapons in general are really strong as they can reach the same level of might as other weapons while still being cheaper. You also can't even crit stack reliably in FE Fates anyways as Arthur has the highest crit rate and he caps out around 70%, same with skills being generally useless other than Sol and Astra. Berserkers literally can completely ignore the crit evade with bronze weapons except on a few enemies and generally those enemies are gonna be dealt with by the Royals anyways. But it is about losing flying? That's the biggest negative to reclassing from a Wyvern class into a Fighter class. You seem to have this opinion that every Berserker is going into battle against an enemy with 10% crit and 70% hit which is frankly ridiculous. I don't know why you keep making the opinion that Berserker is dying every combat it's seeing considering I've gone through FE Conquest Lunatic and Berserkers are frankly quite good. Wow, Crit evade is so important in a game where Killer Weapons on enemies is mostly nonexistent and enemy class bonuses are halved O.o. In all seriousness, I'm pretty sure Elf wasn't talking about immediately changing Camilla into a Berserker. Also Camilla's Magic base is definitely meh compared to her other stats but it's still enough to quite a lot with a forged Thunder Tome. To instantly abandon it is pretty ridiculous as it turns out, with a Mag Tonic, having a 1-2 option that can double against lower Res enemies can be quite good early on. Also yes, Camilla having Lances for Kitsune Lair is incredibly useful and is a legitimate reason to reclass her early on so she can reach the weapon requirement. As it turns out, Dual Club is enough for Camilla to deal with any large amount of red units for the whole game. Hammer also isn't obtainable until after Chapter 13. I already talked about Savage Blow I mean yea, no shit it's better on the enemy but also unlike Poison Strike it's actually good on the player. Rally Def being better more or less depends on the situation and map/enemy comp. Again the comes late lvl 15 argument is dumb considering Malig Knight is a good class to stay in and has not big downsides compared to its sister class and just how much you have to start damage stacking for the last maps in FE Conquest Lunatic. There is no outright clear winner between Wyvern Lord and Malig Knight unless you're reclassing on unit just for Kitsune Lair in which case Wyvern Lord is obviously better. Draconic Hex getting nerfed in Engage isn't telling at all? Draconic Hex is a nice to have skill but not a reason to stay within Corrin's base class. Majority of the time Corrin has better things to do than stay in their base classline and pick up Draconic Hex. As it turns out, Draconic Hex's usefulness is really only for bosses and really only makes those boss kills easier later on in the game. Generally Draconic Hex impacts FE Conquest by a small amount. It's more or less Confirmation Bias where it looks like it's doing a lot more than it actually is and whenever it does do something it reinforces its perceived usefulness. Also yeah I know what the seal skills did and technically Seal Def is better than Draconic Hex if we're talking about setting up kills and cleaning up. As it turns out, same stats don't mean much when there also a larger amount of enemies and a lot of tatics that are harder to pull off due to bosses and normal enemies having skills that mess up strategies you can pull off in Hard :o. As it turns out, Dual Striking does fall off later on in Lunatic and having extra stats plus Shield gauge is extremely useful. Later maps you also don't really want a large amount of deployed units as you start to just slow down your army with large numbers and increasing the risk put upon your own units. You seem to have a lot of hate for Arthur lol, either ways he's not really a liability, especially early on when you need the units. While I don't advocate for Wyvern Elise I would also say you are grossly undervaluing Wyvern Elise. To put it simply you don't need more than one Stave user and actually you don't even need any stave users on a lot of maps. Wyvern Elise is going to have a lot more value generally than normal Elise as she now can fly which can help her transport ppl across the map, i.e. Odin with Nosferatu to the left side on turn 1 on Chapter 10. She also keeps her Prf Skill so Wyvern Elise is actually more useful than her being stuck in her base form which is meant to come with the promise of a later Malig Knight Elise with Tomes and Bolt Axe. Ofc it's really preference and what team you plan to use that determines if Wyvern Elise is actually going to be useful for you in the long run. It's not like Wyvern Annette considering the amount of resources you have to commit to Annette compared to Elise, they really aren't comparable. The only reason to keep Felicia as a maid is because you don't plan to use her in the long run, you want to use Flame Shuriken, or you used your early Heart Seals on other units. Keeping Felicia as a Maid is just generally not great considering Strategist is purely better on Felicia instantly and Ninja is just a better class for what daggers are meant to be. It doesn't help that Maid's skills are pretty underwhelming. Also on average Kaze is a decent unit, he does rely on effective weaponry later on to ORKO but it's not like he needs to be ORKOing everything. He should generally be able to ORKO mages, his primary targets, just fine. Jakob also doesn't want to stay in Butler cause it's just a bad class and unlike Felicia he can't use the Flame Shuriken to just become a mage. Flora also come late not really late-ish, I mean who is using all their Dragon Vein points on Fire Orb when Izana would be better to get first. Btw, Diviner is just a bad class in general due to it's very low stat caps and Dark Mages just are given better stats + skills. Basara is 100% better than Onmoyji if you actually plan to use them for combat and Onmoyji has similar problems to Diviner where it's only plus over Basara is Stave access (E Rank Staves, how useful) and it's skills which don't make up for Onmoyji's combat. Tbh the Stave access is actually pretty worthless as long as you have a unit with Capture as they can just pick up a Stave bot whenever your Stave bots have died. To make Diviner class units good is to actually go through Basara. Basara isn't like Dark Knight where you need a lot of general stats to actually do anything, Basara is just a bulky Mage class. Quixotic is also good, if you think it's bad than you must be looking at the wrong part of the skill, Hit +30 is extremely good and it being given to the enemy as well is mostly negligible when dodge tanking in FE Fates is unreliable in the first place unless your name is Ryoma. Ryoma isn't the biggest problem in Lunatic. All I'm going to say is that -5 crit evade is extremely negligible when there are ways to put that number to 0 and above. Also there are nine levels of Hell, not seven. Again that doesn't make sense logically. Arguing that gluing units to Bronze weapons is ridiculous considering a lot of units, including Camilla, is going to want forged Bronze Weapons early on. You can literally run Bronze Weapons for a majority of the game considering how cheap they are and easy to Forge. A Bronze Axe +1 is literally the same cost as an Iron Axe while also having the same Might while also having the extra Hit and Avoid. The most useful is obvs Soleil and Siegbert, not biased at all. Uh... No????? If you think having to use Bronze Weapons is an issue than you obviously haven't touched the forging system. Also finally Berserkers again don't sacrifice everything for pure offense? The units with innate access to Berserker literally have the higher end base growth rates for Def (Except Charrlotte who has a growth rate of 20% in Def) while Berserker gives them 35% to HP, a stat that most units can't get past 35.
  10. Aw 😞 lol that's fine. I would actually say that Monastery Emblem is very much early game but I understand. Glad to see you like fe3h.com, I actually use it way more than Serenesforest for when I need to look up anything fe3h related. Well I think this is more of a, "The grass looks greener on the other side." I honestly find Golden Deer harder earlier on as you don't have a super strong early game units in GD. Leonie is usually the best early game unit on GD and she doesn't compare at all to Edelgard and Dimitri. Blue Lions also has Dedue who is very good early and Annette having a good amount of utility with her rallies to allow Dedue/Dimitri tank really easily. I guess Blue Lions more or less has difficulty with late game I guess if you keep them all in house due to Ashe being TrAshe and in house Ingrid's base stats being absolute doodoo. I guess Mercedes is also pretty bad as she can't get to Physic by Chapter 2 compared to Marrianne and Lindhart, but it's not the biggest deal due to having Dedue and Dimitri as early game tanks. Dimitri's bane in axes is definitely the worse part about him but he has so many positives that it doesn't honestly matter. Either ways I don't think any house is particularly better than the other, well maybe Black Eagles is the best base house just because of Edelgard being really stupid, Bernie's early utility + dmg, and the route just being shorter than other routes. Mind you this is for Maddening so you can find some units redundant in Hard and you can easily use in house Ingrid in Hard without many problems. I would say Guard Adjuncts are 100% better than Heal Adjuncts so you should change both Heal Adjuncts into Guard Adjuncts, especially for Dimitri if you are going the Wrath n' Vantage combo as Heal Adjunct would actually kill him more than help him. I would also note that reaching rank requirements for other classes as a Wyvern Lord is extremely easy so you should also get Sylvainn Paladin if you find that you want extra damage with Lances over Flying Mv, this depends on the map and on Hard the extra damage is prolly redundant so maybe you don't have to lol. Yea TrAshe sucks and Cyril is pretty okay. You're gonna want to train up his Axe ranks and Lance ranks eventually anyways to reach Wyvern Lord requirements but Lances less so. Cyril will most likely just want to use bows mostly as he has Pointblank Volley, you could also make him into a Bow Knight and ignore the Wyvern Lord requirements but that's more personal preference. You could also just make him a Sniper which makes any unit good instantly once they master the class.
  11. I think if anything gave +50 move it'd prolly be the most broken thing in the game.
  12. My guess for Camilla was that maybe she's extremely popular in Japan? I mean she is still decently popular everywhere else I guess? Well tbh while I was in Japan I don't remember seeing a single Azura merch but I also don't remember seeing any Camilla merch so I'm not sure. I honestly don't mind Camilla as she's kinda cool I guess though I would've liked Xander and Ryoma over Camilla or Azura. Azura def makes the most sense for it being called the Rev Emblem. I haven't accessed the dlc myself yet so I don't actually even know what Tiki and the 3H Emblem does LOL.
  13. Canter is great on everyone, the ability to reposition attackers after going in allows you to attack enemy units on the border of other attack ranges without having to worry and allows another melee unit to go in if there isn't enough room.
  14. I don't think I ever got sick more than once in a year, but also I don't think I ever kept track of when I got em so maybe there were five in a year and I just don't remember lmao.
  15. Oh budding talents, I was thinking he meant in the level up screen so I got confused. I think some magic based budding talents are good if they are on an actual magic unit like Dorothea, but yeah they usually end up quite lackluster.
  16. YOOOO, glad to see someone making the maddening jump! First of all let me say the strongest physical class in this game is Wyvern Lord for a large amount of reasons, but don't go overboard with the flyers as they have diminishing returns past 3 on most routes. War Master is a strong Enemy Phase class so if you want an enemy phase unit, War Master is the go to while Grappler is its player phase counterpart. Bow Knight is sometimes good sometimes bad, it depends largely on if the unit's learnable weapon arts. I don't know the thread but I personally don't see the reason for Bow Knight Dimitri, while Dimitri would want to be in Wyvern Lord, he has a lot of difficulty getting to the class so his second best option ends up being Paladin. Do you mean the Brawler class or the Gauntlet weapon type? If you're asking about the Brawler class it is great as an Adjunct as they can halve the dmg the unit they are supporting will take. If you are asking about the Gauntlet weapon type then the big bonus about them is that they can double regardless of their speed and even quad hit as long as they initiate combat. I'm not sure what you mean by the 3 little unlit stars you're talking about? I believe every time you enter a map the growths are locked but I may be wrong. Tbh growths aren't extremely important and their combat arts/ease to obtain skills or classes/prf weapon are usually more important with a few outliers. If you think Engage looks more fun then go ahead and play maddening on it first, it's really your choice. Btw a good start on planning your units is to look at FE3H.com, it's a great resource and there's also an excellent class review done by Rengor in the meta section of the website. You can also browse the FE3H section for other people's teams and an example of what you can go for.
  17. I understand disliking FE Conquest, enjoying a game is completely subjective after all. Fe Conquest feels a lot more like a puzzle game compared to other FEs so I can understand disliking it. Coming from SMT as a kid with choosing what demons to beat boss walls FE Conquest really appealed to me in the aspect of finding what answers what map. At least I think that's why I enjoyed FE Conquest so much lol. Cool to read other people's opinions on the game.
  18. Im assuming Begnion would be commiting war crimes with their Goddess super weapons while the Gundam commits mass murder with the beam rifle after their Durability is used up
  19. I don't know if this is a popular or unpopular opinion but I'm also tired of every protag recently being related to dragons in some form or another.
  20. Ah yes, Legion. I can't tell if I like Legion ironically or unironically. Tbh Death Knight was very underwhelming for me in game considering he's supposed to be this extremely strong blood thirsty killer when the only map he actually comes off as a threat on is the first one he shows up on. Black Knight is also a total dub but I'm not so into the whole hidden face behind a helmet so much a hidden face behind a mask like Sirius/Camus
  21. You talk about not deploying back packs because they limit flexibility and then claim Berserker's are worse when they have more utility and flexibility than some 1 range foot locked unit. I have played FE Conquest Lunatic multiple times with different builds, even really dumb ones like Shining Bow Shrine Maiden Corrin. Savage Blow is without a doubt better than Poison Strike and Draconic Hex. I would actually argue poison strike is next to worthless and is way better on the enemy team as it allows ninjas to actually kill units like Xander. Draconic Hex is again a mostly worthless skill when Corrin and Kanna are the only units with access to it (without hacking or buying skills from hacked castles) and the only one of those two who might see decent use out of it is Kanna since Dragon Stone cannot double. Yes Lances are a reason to class change Camilla. Not because of the weapon triangle but because of Kitsune Lair. If you are class changing Camilla for weapon triangle advantage than you're wasting your heart seal. Also what are you talking about with the Dual Club? There's barely any time in the game where that is strictly a problem. The few I can think of off the top of my head is the Samurai in the Opera House who are kinda close to the Pegasus Flyers and in the Ninja Lair, both of which aren't even that big of a problem. Berserker isn't gimped like Slaking/Regigigas. Berserker is strictly a full offense class with the best pair up bonuses and -5 crit evade isn't the biggest deal considering enemies get their bonuses halved so at most it's 10 crit off the -5 evade which can be a problem depending on the unit, fyi Camilla doesn't have that problem unless your growths got gimped. Berserker also comes with Hp+5 which would normally be pretty worthless but as it's Fates most Hp stats aren't going over 40 so Hp+5 can be pretty nice. Jakob is indeed only good if Corrin is female but that's also true for Felicia only being good if Male Corrin. Mozu can be worth the effort, the problem is justifying the effort when it takes awhile for her to pick up and if you want her classes you can just marry her to someone for way less effort. If you're choosing Corrin's class for his wife than you're gimping his options unless you're grinding supports to allow him to Friendship Seal which limits his options. As I said earlier, Draconic Hex is not too good to pass up, it's a skill that's nice to have at most and barely changes any runs, why debuff after combat when you can damage stack and kill after combat. A strong Corrin is going to leave enemies dead or close to death anyways. Monk Corrin is also not for Renewal but the idea of getting a large amount of pure base stats on promotion but is foot locked and gives E rank Lances/Bow which obviously makes the class a bad option. I don't understand what you think about Malig Knight is so bad for Camilla? The growth differences aren't high enough to justify Camilla changing her class early always over other units. Savage Blow is a nice skill to have and Trample is one the best skills in the game that everyone would want if they had access to it. The cost to benefit ratio is not unfavorable. There's a reason most Maddening runs are done with Byleth in a flying class because strictly put Wyvern Lord is one of the best and most brainless method to every problem in the game. You need high Str? Wyvern Lord. You need Flying? Wyvern Lord. You need high Mov? Wyvern Lord. You need good Spd? Wyvern Lord. You need good Def? Wyvern Lord. You need an easy class option? Wyvern Lord. It is not that hard to invest Byleth into Wyvern Lord, in fact it's extremely easy considering how low the requirements to test for Wyvern Lord is. Wyvern Rider is also not even a bad class to stay in and the only reason you don't stay in it is because Wyvern Lord just is purely better. If Wyvern Lord didn't exist, Wyvern Rider would still be a good ending class option. I mean, I think we can get banned for not talking about FE3H? I'm not sure, also being a good pair up bot is something special. If you can deploy the 4 most broken units in Conquest (Xander, Camilla, Corrin, and Leo) then you might as well let them reach all their thresholds by marrying a good pair up bot to them so when they don't reach a threshold they just need to pair up. Either ways you can deploy about 12 units per map on average and to put it bluntly a lot of those units aren't going to be attacking or providing utility every turn. You're going to have to use Arthur a decent amount anyways pre chapter 10 anyways and you realistically want him to be level 10 before Chapter 10 so Gambit doesn't screw you over. Conquest Lunatic I believe have same to slightly adjusted stats, the main difference comes in numbers and skills the enemies hold. I'm not implying that they should only be pair up bots but that pair up bonuses are actually very important considering what thresholds they allow you to meet. You have the four hardest chapters left in the game where the maps have infinite use staffs that enfeeble, hex, and reposition you, not even adding the amount of enemies with dumb skills on em. Also what are you talking about on E rank weapons? Also funny you mention Onmyoji and Basara because that was probably the worse example you could have mentioned. Onmyoji is only 5 higher in Mag and Spd compared to Basara in terms of growths while only giving +2 on Mag on promotion. Every other part of Onmyoji is worse stat wise as Basara gives +5 Hp and +6 Def while giving the same Res. While the Lance is mostly worthless for the units with access to Basara through Diviner, the defensive stats are purely better and their offense is only offset slightly compared to Onmyoji so Basara is actually the better combat class. Spear Masters are indeed purely better than Basara on the other hand as Spear Master has purely better stats everywhere except for Mag and Res. I think a better example of what you were saying would be Dark Knight and Sorcerer when every Dark Mage outside of Leo and Corrin don't have the general stats to go into Dark Knight and be successful. Mortal Savant is also a poor example when Mortal Savant has the same growth rates in Mag and base stats in Mag and Spd as Gremory, the reason no one uses Mortal Savant is because it gives Swordfaire and Dark Tomefaire and Warding Blow once mastered, it does not give any extra spell uses while being a footlocked class so the problem is the skills not the stats. Comparing Mortal Savant and Sword Master/Assassin is also a bit flawed considering the only similarity between the two is that they use swords, the flaw with Mortal Savant is that it's essentially supposed to be a footlocked anti-mage class which is conceptually flawed when Falcon Knight exists in the same tier (Also the best sword class in the game is unironically Wyvern Lord). But yeah, in FE3H I agree that all hybrid classes are pretty trash, but is FE Fates a different game with different classes so I don't think it really transfers. Uh, Ninja Lair? Ah yes, enemies totally don't lump up in Conquest. To put it lightly, most enemies are going to attack you in at least groups of 2. Considering the units that have access to Malig Knight are your strongest units, with a few exceptions, doing extra dmg to ones near the enemy you just killed is always nice for clean up. I am not saying the skill itself makes Malig Knight worth it. Also Malig Knight isn't even squishy and Corrin going into Malig Knight is pretty tanky. The only reason Corrin can't tank is because of Poison Strike and Grisly Wounds being on like every enemy on Lunatic. The three most common Lunatic Corrin builds are Mag boon Paladin Corrin who goes, Mag boon Malig Knight Corrin, Mag boon Dark Knight Corrin, and Str boon Master Ninja Corrin. The squishiest build among these is Master Ninja Corrin and even then it's not that squishy. You get two early heart seals (ignoring MyCastle stuff), one on chapter 8 and one in the staff store. Whichever Corrin you choose, both Felicia and Jakob want out of Maid as soon as possible. Felicia is actually more justifiable to stay in Maid but that's beside the point. If you gave Corrin a Dragon or Cavalier then they also want a heart seal as soon as possible. Elise is another unit who wants a Heart Seal if you plan to use her, cause staff bots early on are worthless. Mozu if you want to use her also wants a heart seal. Then you have Camilla who objectively needs the Heart Seal the least, but is also a good use of the Heart Seal. I'm not arguing it's a bad use, I'm arguing that it's no the only use. Also Camilla starts overkilling the second you get her, giving her like +1 Str, +1 Spd, and +2 Def isn't going to change anything when she was ORKOing naturally as a Malig Knight regardless. Either ways I can say the same thing about having one more Wyvern Lord, making one more of my units the best class in the game isn't wrong, is it? Guessing that's a Pokemon reference. Keaton needs Beaststone+ past a certain point to actually do damage and he also suffers from being a 1 range unit who's footlocked. For being a unit that is foot locked his combat is also not good enough to justify using him as a frontline anyways when Xander can't even do it because every other enemy later on has Grisly Wounds. Keaton's Defense being dropped is not that big of a deal when he has other problems and Beaststone+ actually ends up helping him actually kill later on anyways. Your biggest negative for Berserker seems to be it's -5 crit evade when actuality it equates to about +10 Crit at most for enemies who can be avoided or attacked with 1-2 range weapons. Why would you need to tutor Byelth by part 2? You can easily reach Wyvern Lord requirements through combat that it's hilarious.
  22. Yea I'm not talking about fps, tbh I don't even notice fps issues often, it's definitely how the contrast of the more realistic low res models combined with the more stylized graphics that's the problem imo. I was using Elden Ring more as an example as many games have better graphics but look worse than Elden Ring due to art design which I didn't properly clarify so that's on me. Oh yea I definitely didn't mean it should be like an Anime or Metal Gear but as in we would definitely have a longer scene of them comparing their ideals against each other if it weren't a tatics game and was like an action game where they can talk while we fight. Because it's a tatics game we can't get that additional dialogue in the middle of the map with a speech bubble every turn or something and we also didn't get a longer cutscene either.
  23. I would like a story where you start off the story that takes place right after a war ended. One year after that war you become a Lord and have to participate in a new war when one of the kingdoms start the war again. As you have just become old enough to participate in the war as a leader you have some early victories in a few skirmishes. On the 3rd map I would like a masked soldier (I want him to be in a flying class) from the last war to show up and essentially be someone you avoid entirely on the map kind of like Death Knight in FE3H. However, I want it where he's literally just too stated up to kill. I want the whole rest of the people on your army to tell you that this masked soldier is strong as hell and should be avoided as much as possible and the map should be a retreat map where you're trying to get to a retreat point. I want a sense of rivalry to develop against that masked soldier but in a sense where you can't even touch him. I don't want it like Berkut in Valentia. I then want you to later fight a major general of the enemy kingdom's army where for some reason they are stuck in mud. Unable to escape they are forced to fight you at a disadvantage. You then take up this chance to gain a major lead over the enemy kingdom. After this fight you hear the enemy mention another person's name when killed, this person could be the general's to be wife or the masked soldier's name. From there you once again have a similar fight against the masked soldier and you still can't hurt him or really fight him. Instead I would think it would be interesting if he was doing like dive bombs on the map. You would get warnings before his strike on which tiles he's going to hit. This all happens while the map objective is seizing the throne of a fort. Once you take over the fort he retreats. The next map you find yourself in a neutral territory where you end up meeting bandits. The masked soldier is also their but not to attack but on a little break. You decide to fight with him on the map to defeat the bandits. This is where you hear his name for the second time or first time. The next few maps is having a skirmish with a certain cowardly general who keeps retreating. Then you finally corner him in a fort and kill him. When he dies he mentions that he was given false information about where he could run. Afterwards you are confronted by the masked knight in battle once more and this time it's a map in which the objective is defeating the masked soldier. Ofc since we can't have him killed yet, after defeating him on the map you are interrupted by enemy reinforcements and retreat. The next map right after is a protect map where you are taking an attack from the previous enemy reinforcements. The masked soldier is not there. After successfully protecting the fort/throne, allied reinforcements arrive and cause the enemy to retreat. From there your army obtains secret intel of where the last enemy general is hiding. Then you send the allied reinforcements to attack one area while flanking the now less defended fort where the general is hiding. Capturing the fort you also take the general prisoner but he is found dead the next day to poison. The final map should be entering the enemy castle and finding out the enemy king has been murdered by the masked knight. He then challenges you to a last fight and all that. Essentially I want a FE game where there's this unbeatable knight that you later found out is backstabbing his own allies and develops a rivalry with you after almost losing once to you on the third fight against him.
  24. ∞-0.1079876543211234567899876543173461256604859275926496629462046294619562845485926406826183659275057251839394050683735242748506038262515274850592847595725939000000000000000000000000000000000056942034800851333738
  25. She's more like an early Dorothea? Essentially she is looking to marry into nobility and all that while having a pretty mean personality underneath. Tbh I don't remember much about her personality in supports? She's a great backpack for Xander tho.
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