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Everything posted by cyron

  1. in fe8 in the item editor 0x09 is indestructable weapon and 0x19 is indestructable and unsellable if i recall correctly its the same in fe7
  2. this you have -Tile spam use more varied tiles -To many straight lines
  3. Having been allowed to activate a fire alarm (I was in the school early one day when they were testing them) I can say they take some effort to activate.
  4. For healing you could make it be more like using herbs and poultices (you could maybe try and make the healing run of skill or something), and for class variety use the 3 magic ranks you now have free for additional physical weapons, maybe a simple weapons category with like slings clubs and daggers, a polearm category and for the 3rd i cant think of one of the top of my head. edit: to add utility to archers you could make them effective against armored units because arrows can pierce armor (with a good angle the proper arrow) also i seem to recall a patch that let units have weapon ranks in both magic and str based weapons but they ran of the same stat, if you can find it a patch without magic would be a good place to use it edit 2: it occurred to me that you would likely need asm to make the second set target defense not resistance
  5. Its faster usually but firefox is far more secure. Its really a matter of preference. This is my best guess
  6. Virion is an awful dad for him gregor is way better but lets see what we can do Renewal (pass it down from miriel) Lifetaker Tomefaire Lance Breaker Sword Breaker if miriel didnt pass down renewal use bow breaker main weapon should be nosferatu
  7. Use the report button on the op and request the topic be moved and the 2nd post merged with the op
  8. whats wrong with the keypad and the wifi card? also as an alternative to taking it in to a shop -usb wifi devices those generally run for 10 dollars or so (i think thats less than the repair) I've have this one, haven't tried it yet though everything I've gotten from the site has worked well https://www.adafruit.com/products/814 -a usb keypad (roughly 10 dollars for a really cheap one most are 20 dollars or so) though this is somewhat counter productive to portability
  9. do you have a picture of the capped def?
  10. I would combine fe9 and fe10 into 1 game There would be fe9 supports a lengthened part 1 maybe an extra 2 or 3 with one specifically designed to make fiona worthwhile) part lengthened 2 have the bit with stealing the documents be a stealth puzzle like the prison chapter in fe9 make the part with tashoria be a siege (break line (opposite of the chapter with the green line) and then after breaking the line take the castle) of radiant dawn. For people like Tormods group, tauroneo, bastian and geoffrey, i would give them side story chapters that would be unlocked on later playthrough by meeting certain requirements in game (talking to certain enemies faster clears etc) do you mean that the parents would come back? i personally hate that idea, a core mechanic of fire emblem is perma death
  11. Chrom/Sumia (Already been done, can't be changed) I like maribell chrom for a dual support/guard/strike and other stuff pair up lucina and sumia with henry for darkflier but this will do Donnel/Sully this is what i generally do though i've never really utilized the child Gaius/Tharja niore turns out nice, i like her as a dark fleir or the nosferatanker, for the noseferatank have giaus pass down sol Lon'qu/Miriel Gregor gives a far better skill set Stahl/Cordelia great pairing Henry/Maribelle i would use lonqu he gives brady the speed he needs Ricken/Lissa I never know what to do with lissa Libra/Olivia same with lissa Fredrick/Cherche i like vaike for the str boost Kellam/Panne vaike or frederick is better MaMU/Nowi kellam +str -mag, i would go with either olivia or panne
  12. Frozen was awesome but... book thief i loved the book and the changes weren't bad, the omission of the books max vanderberg wrote on the pages of mein kampf was disagreeable but i understood the change and the handled it well I didnt get a chance to see the new thor nor did i get to see catching fire, which i'm sad about and pacific rim was cool movies like that are always good but it wasnt best
  13. no cant cover up my zelda and fe fanism (own the oot and fe ds) edit how are you supposed to pluralize ds i cant recall the rule for things ending in s
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