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Posts posted by Starwave

  1. Lol I bet you guys were dreading my appearance. WELL I HAVE ARRIVED. Ok... RTUs, where do I start hrmg. Oh I know.

    The single, biggest, problem with RTUs were the fact that the majority of users who participated in them have never played HM. It's a effect that's been reinforced after I replayed through HM again. Users try to refute, but at the end of the day cold hard experience matters of theorycrafting. The are a few exceptions to this rule, but for the most part we had users using the NM experience and "hard modifying it.

    The second biggest problem we had was bias. There was just so much bias. For the sexy characters. (99% of the guys on this site have tried to make a harem party, I know it) for the characters that they think are badasses... the bias was fucking annoying. Furthermore, there was the asinine acceptance of vote "bending." I'm going to give this character a low score because people are overrating them! That's pathetic... it's sick even. We shouldn't condone biases.

    The 3rd problem was inconsistency. Please refer to the Soren & Calill threads (again) and the Tibarn thread. It's simply hilarious how inconsistent the RTU voters were. On some days unit length matters and on others it doesn't. I'm not even going to touch the Nolan / Sothe / Nailah bs. I'll accept that it was a small fuckup since they're all good, but if you've played HM and you haven't mastered it then Sothe is pretty much required for 90% of part I and most of Part III.

    4th: Massive amounts of PEMN. "Lol I think Tibarn is a shitty unit but I use Tanith and since she does well I think she's a better character." That was probably the worst offense (no offense dude!) and general obscenities like that. I don't like how you're backpedalling Lucina. If these threads weren't mean't to be taken seriously, then why did you enforce strict rules and expect users to comply with them in order for their votes to be accepted? Transfers were barred from these threads so we weren't allowed to use em. Sheesh.

    If I come across as some infallible god... please, do yourself a favor and stop taking everything I say too seriously. I've made some mistakes too. (giving Neph a 7+ bias, LOL.)

  2. Ike

    Beyond just Empress Sanaki, you were trusted by a lot of people. Sephiran, I need to understand... Did you really betray all of those people?


    I did.


    I don't need to hear anything else, then. I'm going to make your death as painful as I know how.


    A unit with the most unfortunate circumstances I can think of (usable in the very last skirmish of the game) and requires someone to lend their enchanted tome to him. A complete and utter failure as a unit and as character in general.

    0.5/10 - 0.5


  3. The main point is that units get judged on a full-game basis; Caineghis may be better than many others when around, but he hasn't done a lot to help us clear the game in comparison to a lot of others. When so many others can be considered better by this logic, he comes out as worse by comparison.

    Right. And this is a fair & valid point that should always be considered.

    However, there are users who fragrantly ignore this and straight up skew the votes with their bias. (Can you EVER justify giving Nasir or Ena +6 score?!?) Shit's fucked up.

  4. NM: This is a fun chapter. You can have the DB members split into groups, and it's a perfect chapter to level up the units you like. It's just a fun experience overall (especially since Nolan and Edward can basically solo this chapter on their own)


    HM: This chapter is not fun in the slightest. You're forced to use Nolan CONSTANTLY. Every other character is utter shit. if Leonardo / Micaiah take a hit they're dead so they need to be babied. Hell even Eddy needs to be babied, since he's 2HKOed by everythng on this map. This chapter makes me want to pluck my eyelids with a cue-tip. Urgh


  5. What ultimately matters is how much he contributes to a team; having unique utility does not necessarily mean we should be rating one higher. And Nasir doesn't really contribute that much if you think about it.

    It's quite funny really. You don't allow people to give votes which you don't personally agree with, yet you are allowed to break your own rules.


  6. Nope. I'm saying that since Nasir is the only one to use white pool, it should be counted in his score (while his Nihil and Laguz Gem are not).

    But a 7 dude? A 7 for a unit that joins 2 "skirmishes" from the end of the game? If we were to use that logic, then Caineghas and the rest of the royals would shot up in score.

    I've seen you throw out votes that were less ridiculous than that. WHERE IS THE CONSISTENCYYYYYY. WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!

  7. How is he having trouble getting a spot? You've got 16 spots. Only 12 are taken up by good units. The rest are Kurt, shit, Ena, slightly less shit, Micaiah, staffbot, meaning if you have more than one, she can be left out, and Sanaki, not as shit as Kurth, but still not good, especially in parts 4 and 5 of endgame. It's like the game is saying sorry for forcing these shit units on you, have someone who's actually useful to replace them.

    Aren't they all forced? Regardless even if could be deployed for free (btw stop cherry picking my points it's annoying) he still doesn't deserving a fucking +5 score.

  8. Hmm

    How exactly can anyone justify giving him higher than a 5 if he's only available for 2 skirmishes? Wasn't this the same logic that condemned Tibarn and Caineghas because they had low availability (more than fucking nasir at least). Most teams don't even have room for him since they've already loaded their top guys / gals. Inconsistencies everywhere.

    Oh and i'll give Nasir a 3/10. White tide is the only reason why'd ever want to use him and even then he's a tough pick unless one of the units you brought along is lagging behind.

  9. I usually dont do quote ratings but this, more or less plus 1 because free Nihil and plus .5 for white pool. Another plus five for Laguz Gems. Goes to 2/10.

    I don't want to harp on your case dudette but...

    - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

  10. This is pretty excessive but heck, I'll post anyway, though I think it would be better to have people summarize their ratings in a megapost or something.

    1-P is a pretty nice introduction to the upgraded graphics. It's a much more intimate village backstreet map that is more detailed than previous offerings. I like that you can run over bits of the grid with birds and they'll fly away. It's otherwise the usual earlygame bandits, but you don't have a Jeigan around, so you have to be a little more cautious on your EP positioning with Edward, who actually feels a lot like the standard lord in this particular chapter. There are no terrain features, when most games usually introduce the obligatory "Use a forest for evasion bonuses!", but you are instead introduced to the concept of a choke point so Leo and Miccy can safely snipe behind Edward. Overall I will say it's a well-designed map designed to use units in a certain, obvious way. It happens to be a little more interesting than your average prologue, though EM has an easy Edward solo while NM and HM requires a lot of patience since Edward really cannot take on more than 2 enemies at once and is the only one sturdy enough to really get hit at all.

    7/10 for creativity with those bandits, at least.

    I'm going to use this as justification for my vote.

    NM: 8

    HM: 7

  11. 6/10 because boobs are amazing. The exposure of boobs whether you like it or not is an indescribable force in the universe that makes everything better. Boobs making everything better, even if they're initially mediocre.

    Woah, I didn't think you'd actually admit to being biased in favor of FE girls.

    <br style="color: rgb(7, 55, 2); font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(239, 255, 240); ">

    Gareth exists, and one chapters out of 38 is not worth a 6/10, especially seeing as that's higher than what you gave Janaff and Ulki, who've been helping out for more than seven times that.

    Silly Shotgunner, they lack boobs and are thus inferior. Anyway in other news i've been away from these RTU threads because of a whirlwind of unfortunate events. Being gravely ill, annoying relatives visiting, my laptop breaking down... etc. These were disappointing turns of events, and if I hadn't read Medaka Box from beginning to end I probably wouldn't be standing posting here today.


  12. What about Bane?

    However, Volke still makes excellent contributions in 4-5, having 43 attack at 1-2 range when equipped with a Peshkatz. Plus, he has an amazing critical rate, having 41% base critical rate (Swordmasters without any weapons and cap skill have 40 base crit). And, he IS usable in Endgame, so if you take him, he's not going to be deadweight. But he exists for all of 2 chapters.

    1.5/10 + 1 bias.

    Excellent? Contributions? I thought we established that 4-5 can be reliably completed in a turn and even then, he's not that useful of a unit. He was cool the first time around on normal mode when you had no idea what you were doing, but he's worthless on following playthroughs (unless you want to grind I guess).

    PS: I don't even consider Bane a mastery skill; its more like a punishment from the gods.

  13. Volke is about as good as Bastian, which is probably one of the biggest insults I can give to a character. Awful availability and straight up outdone by the majority of combat units in endgame, there is no point to using Volke. Lethality is the lamest mastery skill in the game. It's a shame too, since he's a cool but, at the end of the day he's just (popular) trash.


  14. Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

    - Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

    - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

    +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

    - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

    - Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

    - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

    - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

    - Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

    - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

    - BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

    - Skills can be reassigned freely.

    - No transfers.

    - I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. I will not throw your vote out if I do not support your opinion. Possible reasons for a tossed vote include: your vote is higher/lower than the vast majority to "balance the score" and failure to justify a radically different score.


    LYRE!: 0.32

    Fiona: 1.20

    Meg: 1.34

    Kyza: 1.53

    Pelleas: 1.85

    Astrid: 2.10

    Lethe: 2.21

    Vika: 2.40

    Leonardo: 2.53

    Sanaki: 3.03

    Lucia: 3.06

    Danved: 3.11

    Mist: 3.11

    Stefan: 3.14

    Rhys: 3.21

    Tormod: 3.28

    Rolf: 3.36

    Brom: 3.56

    Ilyana: 3.75

    Makalov: 4.00

    Nealuchi: 4.41

    Tauroneo: 4.50

    Geoffery: 4.50

    Black Knight: 4.60

    Sigrun: 4.71

    Maurim: 4.72

    Kieran: 4.82

    Aran: 4.92

    Laura: 5.13

    Ranulf: 5.14

    Heather: 5.29

    Skrimir: 5.45

    Soren: 5.45

    Edward: 6.31

    Tanith: 6.36

    Micaiah: 6.50

    Tibarn: 6.59

    Calill: 6.59

    Boyd: 6.85

    Mordecai: 7.17

    Gatrie: 7.22

    Marcia: 7.31

    Naesala: 7.34

    Zihark: 7.44

    Nephenee: 7.74

    Shinon: 7.90

    Oscar: 8.11

    Elincia: 8.21

    Janaff: 8.28

    Ulki: 8.32

    Leanne: 8.38

    Rafiel: 8.45

    Mia: 8.45

    Jill: 8.46

    Volug: 8.87

    Sothe: 8.93

    Nailah: 9.00

    Nolan: 9.06

    Reyson: 9.07

    Ike: 9.28

    Titania: 9.76

    Haar: 9.91

    Oliver: 384618.6

    I know this is Lucina's thing but he's taking too long .-. He can tally Bastion I suppose.

  15. Didn't like him in PoR when he used lolknives, didn't like him now. He's functionally irrelevant in his joining chapter since Tibarn + Elincia are soloing it anyway. I guess he's cool if you loaded the Hawk army with shitty units... Him and volke can solo some dragons but for the most part he's pointless in his joining chapter. As a unit he's ok; good bases (except his speed augh). His availability is one of the worst of the game and you're tossing his ass in part IV's endgame because you don't need any mages.

    2 - 1 because he irks me. (If he didn't exist my life would be totally different!)


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