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Posts posted by Sock

  1. Christmas in Japan is for couples. It's a lovey-dovey holiday, not really like how you would expect in North America and other countries.

    Well shit.

    Still, though....It could just be a "winter themed" DLC set, possibly with a lovey-dovey Christmas chapter. ...Or no winter set but a Christmas chapter in a set. Curious what they'd do for it, if they did.

  2. Easy solution: sequel/prequel. But alas, the DLC doesn't have enough content for a full sequel. (And sequels can be pretty bad sometimes.)

    A few months/half a year ago, I agreed completely with what BrightBow said; some of the OA's made me facepalm because of the fanservice (not to mention the DLC art and the beach DLC chapter). And then reading fan-translated supports gives you a look at how anime-like some characters and situations are... It's a bit disheartening to see pop-culture invade one of your favorite series. I like anime, but I like what the Fire Emblem games have been like. The anime-influence is so...childish. And unimaginative.

    But, it is what it is. Time heals most wounds and I, for one, have pretty much settled into a neutral viewpoint nowadays. ....Honestly, the beach DLC made me giggle. x3

    As for time travel shenanigans, it is a super-lazy plot device that allows too much to inexplicably happen and ends up messing things up. I can put up with it, though, unlike horribly done retcon.

    And for this already completely broken concept of a story, they even brought back Mister Fire Emblem himself. And gave him a promotion from Star Lord to Time Lord, apparently.

    May I inquire as to what you mean by this? If it's regarding Masked Marth, then......

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