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Posts posted by Sock

  1. Plegia actually makes perfect sense comparing it to Perezia. But I also think it looks/sounds a bit strange.

    I take it back. The dude says it with a long E. Sounds bloody awful.

    Also, since I'm here, what does KromChrom say, in Japanese, when referring to/talking to EmelinaEmmeryn? Just curious. Oh, I mean, not necessarily the particular scene in the Nintendo Direct; just in general throughout the game.

    edit: ....You saw nothing here....

  2. Plegia actually makes perfect sense comparing it to Perezia. But I also think it looks/sounds a bit strange.


    "Pledge ya what?"


    Character names....ugh, name changes. -.-; They drive me insane. The names we know so far aren't terrible, at least. ...Other than "Sully". Such an insult. "Virion" is simply...strange as a name. He's a virus-thing now?

    Ugh, Emyuu isn't Emyuu anymore! I could cry! "Avatar" is lamer than "My Unit" was at first. -complains-


    Anywho, glad we have some solid info finally! HURRAY! And I noticed laughter during dialogue. There will be at least some of that goodness. (Personally, I like it because it is a reminder of the characters' voices while reading what they say.)

  3. Wasn't it Marth's descendant (the first holy king or whatever he was called) that fought Gimle, not Marth himself? And hasn't it be said a couple of time that Gimle is not Medeus?

    Actually In Awakening it says the person that defeated Medeus was the first Holy king of Iris (AKA Akaneia). Anri was only the king of Altea. Not all of Akaneia. Marth became king of ALL of Akaneia after the events of fire emblem 3/12

    and No. Medeus is ever even mentioned in Awakening as far as I know.

    Just to clarify: Marth's title is "Hero King", not "Holy King".

    The "First Holy King of Iris" was alive ~1000 years before Awakening's events and also ~1000 years after Marth's time. Like this: Marth, "Hero King" -> [1000 years later] "First Holy King of Iris" -> [1000 years later] Emelina, "Holy King" (Queen, rather, but eh.)

    Hope the titles clarification helps~

    (As for anything about Naga and Tiki, I'm rather clueless... My apologies for being unhelpful in that regard.)

  4. A lot of guys use a female character because, in their own words: "If I'm going to be looking at a character for hours, it might as well be a girl." Girls usually prefer a female character to project onto, because....this is rather sexist of me, but girls are like that, plain and simple. Whereas guys...are guys; they just want a pretty girl to look at. -.-;

    Most guys play as a male character, but there are still a heck of lot that play as a female character. And, of course, some girls play as a male character for whatever reason.

    ....And some people play both genders equally, since it's a game and they can do whatever they like.

    I myself feel that Awakening doesn't have a canon gender for MU, nor a canon pairing (for either gender). FE12, on the other hand...Someone already brought it up that male MU is on the bloody box art.

    By the way, don't give that BS about gamers being primarily male. There's no need to say it so BLATANTLY thus labeling yourself as a sexist moron. :\ Suck it up, men don't rule the planet.

  5. Is it just me/Firefox or is the summoning circle thing not loading properly? The character images are also appearing in a smaller size. Everything was normal a couple days ago...

    Might be a recent Firefox update; it can take me a while to notice some things. Curious if it's just me, anyone else seeing something weird?

    (Btw, do you have to be logged in to see Chef Krom? xD I so want to see that in action.)

  6. I am definitely buying a 3DS because of Awakening. Sitting here waiting patiently for the special Awakening 3DS~

    If we don't get it, I'll be sad....and then I'll go buy a normal 3DS so I can buy Awakening and play it.

    ...Then as an afterthought, since I'll have a 3DS, I'll prob get Ocarina of Time 3D and Shadow Dragon... These two aren't enough of a draw for me to buy a 3DS before Awakening comes out. (Btw, the only handheld system I have is a GBA SP; I don't have a system to play Shadow Dragon on.)

  7. Actually, the new DLC is about going to the ruined future so... It's still there and Lucina says that she has to return sometime as well in her Krom Support. So it isn't lost, the future is just pretty horrible at the moment but isn't completely lost nor is that future removed just because Lucina's actions create a new future timeline.

    Ocarina of Time syndrome. -couldn't resist-

  8. I'll do Noire's one at a time

    Noire x Rufure (female). Non-family.

    C rank

    Noire: ah.. Rufure

    Rufure: Noire, what do you need?

    Noire: ah well.. nothing in particular. It's just.. is it okay if I come closer?

    Rufure: ? I.. don't mind that, but why?

    Noire: you know, you're really wonderful.. I wish you were my mother..

    Rufure: eeehh? but you already have Saria as your mother

    Noire: That person didn't exactly fit my ideal image of a mother..

    Rufure: oh really now? I don't have any memories of my own mother, so I can't imagine what an ideal mother would be.

    Noire: What I'm saying that you are more mother-like than my own mother. Uhm.. can I call you mom?

    Rufure: Eh? uh uhm..

    Noire: No good?

    Rufure: How shall I put it.. that would cause a lot of misunderstanding so..

    Noire: sniff

    Rufure: N, no.. don't cry like that. how about this .. I don't want you to call me mother, but you can come close whenever you want? ok?

    Noire: th.. thank you so much. I will come again !

    :: Noire leaves ::

    Rufure: I wonder what she was thinking.. that Noire..

    B rank

    Noire: Rufure.. can I come near you again?

    Rufure: Y. yes. that would be fine... but I'm still not sure why you are interested in me. If I recall correctly, you said I was motherly

    Noire: You are strong and gentle.Whether in your daily life, or on the battlefield, you guide us through. You are someone that embraces

    all of us tenderly, and also someone that protects use from harm. Those two traits combined makes the the ideal mother. Th.. that's why

    you are a mother to all of us.

    Rufure: hmm... but do I really deserve all that praise? I'm still young and inexperienced.

    Noire: don't you have a memory loss? Maybe you don't remember how old you really are.

    Rufure: eeh!? wait are you saying that I'm just dressing up to look younger and I'm considerably

    older? I don't know what to think about that.

    Noire: D. don't concern yourself with that. Actually a mother who is not shackled by her age and

    has a young spirit would be the ideal.

    Rufure: an ideal mother..I've never asked but.. what happened to Saria in the future?

    Noire: ......... our mothers.. they have all passed away

    Rufure: eh !?

    Noire: Our fathers died in battle.. our mothers took their children and tried to survive the aftermath.. but one by one, they all

    died protecting us from corpse soldiers.

    Rufure: I.. I see.. is that why you yar for a mother figure so much..

    Noire: yes.. I'm happy we got to talk to each other again. .. Excuse me.

    Rufure: Noire..

    Erm, this isn't in the OP.

    (Nor is it finished, hinthint.)

  9. I tried to put some dots, where irises might have been, for Valhart. It was interesting to look at.

    The timing is totally terrible seeing as their support convo was posted years ago, but I found a pretty cool Krom/Lucina pic. Maybe their sparring paid off?


    ohmygod I love that pic! Love it so much I just put it as my desktop background. xD Super-late THANK YOU for sharing it!

  10. Just curious about some SpotPass stuff..

    When do new SpotPass sets start being released after the previous set is finished? Is it a certain amount of time after, or on a certain day of the month?

    Also, since there are 10 characters per set, does the full set become available (all at once instead of one char per day) after 10 days? Or when?

    ...Oh another thing, what happens when a full set is available? Do they all get downloaded to your 3DS at the same time, and then they're ready for you to spawn them on your map?

  11. that's more or less what i think about it.

    like all the continents actually coexist in the world of fire emblem, there are an infinite number of worlds, and all the events of the games more or less happened on each world, with minor differences between them. that would theoretically solve all the discussions about what is canon, since that would make anything that happened in each game technically canon in some world. so for example, Thracia 776 would happen specifically in a Jugdrall where Fury married Levin, but there also exists a Thracia where that isn't so. Also, there would be like a corresponding world for each paired ending. so yeah, Lyn did marry Eliwood, Hector, Rath, blahblahblah, and all pairings are canon. that would also make canon the endings where Pelleas died and survived.

    it would also make it kinda cool that every time you start a new game file, you're jumping into another world thing

    i dunno. i may be wrong since i don't know how to read japanese

    Multiple realities... Hate them. Infinite possibilities just make things seem so boring... For every "decision" a person makes in their lifetime, there are realities that branch out from each "choice". The choices in one reality might be fairly similar to another reality or it might be extremely different. And some choices result in future decisions that wouldn't happen if a different choice was...well, chosen.

    Every single little decision, with each their own multiple choices, in a person's lifetime. ...And that's just one person. How many billions of people populate our planet? Every decision in all these peoples' lifetimes. Then the fact of past-present-future generations, with even more people added to the list.


    *cough* I'll keep saying it, I don't like multiple/alternate realities. But that's just me...

  12. Guess what!

    ...There is a total of 542 different possible support conversations. Well, that is, if I didn't massively mess up on my chart..

    Paint skills~ It ain't extremely pretty, but it does the trick.

    Black is neutral, red is also neutral but possible marriage candidates, blue is parents/children, green is siblings.

    The order is rather messy... Generally speaking, first gen->second gen, guys->girls. Also: neutral/lovers->parents->siblings->children.

    (Note: Krom, Emyuu (My Unit), Sumia, Mark, and Cynthia appear before other characters in their respective locations.)


  13. Be forewarned, I'm raging here.. Ignore if you do want rage.

    In my opinion, they should just romanize the names instead of trying to change anything. Seriously, if you want to use certain names, go make your own damn game. Frick... Someone brought up the "Xyst to Gerik" change; that change...doesn't make any sense. Why change it completely? However it was enunciated in Japanese, take that enunciation and make a name out of it. Why is this such a seemingly difficult concept to understand? Because the names end up not making sense? PFFT, names don't make sense anyway (sometimes? usually? ...you know what i mean, right?). ...On a side note, even I have to keep in mind that written names which sound nothing like the enunciation are allowed to be changed, by general consensus, yeah? Vake->Wyck... What the heck? How? Isn't "Vake" pronounced like how "wake" is? How do you get a wick/vik sound? That's a case that should be changed, in my opinion, but even so it shouldn't just be turned into something completely different. (I'm meaning that the 'official' spelling of "Wyck" should be changed when the game is localized; changed to be spelled how the name is actually pronounced..)

    More ranting. D<

    Now then, how the hell do you get "Caeda" from Sheeda?! HOW THE HELL, NINTENDO, TELL ME HOW THE FUCK YOU DID THAT!! GRAAH!! I can't stand butchered names. >.< Why the hell would you change it when it's a perfectly fine name?! ...And also I'm sick of people not caring to learn how a person's name is actually spelled and just butcher it completely. It's insulting! It's enraging! ....The name butchering is personal. No one can spell my name properly because there are a ton of different ways it could be spelled, BUT!! Few people actually care, most don't give a shit that they spell it wrong. When I ask if they can fix it they do, but it's as though it's something I shouldn't have asked. Thanks a frickin' lot, it's MY name. *sigh* Butchered names piss me off so much. >.<

    Shadow Dragon is completely horrible. It's like 60% BUTCHERED names. -complains- (And Radiant Dawn is pretty bad for changed names... Unfortunately, I'm biased towards the English names... But that doesn't mean I like that they changed so many.)

    -complaincomplain-......-complains about complaining-.....k, I'll just leave now. >.>;


    edit: AH-HAH! Remembered my Sumia theory. xD You know she says "sumimasen" a lot? "Sumia"..."sumimasen"... Heh. I'm just going by sound, mind.

    Oddly, "Soiree" reminds me of "sorry"... I dread the thought of their names being switched. o.o; That would be so very confusing to me..

  14. So, me gets back from afk'ing on the forum, read half a page or so, find the link to NoA's twitter... "YES! YESYESYES!"

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS -fist pump- Now I'm excited. ;D

    edit: Now that the worry about if it will be released is over, and I personally don't feel the need to worry about when it will be released: Time to worry about how they will butcher the names. Dx Aww man, this is gonna suck.. But YAY we're getting it, we're getting it!

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