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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Yis, still threeish days left~ (Enough time to rush something last minute.)
  2. Even minor edits typically aren't simple*, but I'm curious (and this mask idea doesn't sound particularly demanding), so I'll bite for that. PM me some progress (hack work) and your specific request if interested. * My usual estimates are 20~30 minutes for a chibi, 1~3hrs for completing talk/blink frames (maybe half that when it's a splice with unaltered vanilla mouth/eye frames), 1.5~5+ hrs for battle animation edits, even minor tweaks like hairstyle changes have to be repeated over a ton of frames.
  3. Happy Biiiiirthdayyyy!

  4. Deceitful, yes, thus immoral. Huge hypothetical if to suggest: what if the woman wanted a child and already had a partner/soulmate they couldn't have a biological child with, and was using a new 'other' only as a means of getting the biological child they wanted? What if this other never knew and never had contact with the woman again?
  5. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    ty~ SuikIII's full of great character designs. (Finished? I'm not sure if I got the issue with the eyes cleared up.)
  6. If someone has the oomph to do something towards what they want to see happen, good on them, that's one actual step closer to whatever goals they have (even if they're not mine or the majority's). @ghast Whining that people aren't working towards the game you wanted to see remade and insisting it has less value than your alternative isn't positive and I don't see why you bothered getting carried away with it at all. Nickt's already proven there's value in remaking FE9 content.
  7. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Thanks for the advice and the edit, mew~ (I was kind of lost on why my more finished parts still seemed wonk and that's helped out quite a bit ^^ ) (Edit: Midweek WIP )
  8. So...I don't know if that's what the portrait is saying, or what you're saying.
  9. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Slowly WIP. (No bites today~ I'll try to have this done independently by next week and open a stream again on the T/W early AM for kicks.) [spoiler=ref]
  10. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Oh yay! Cecile's great <3 Stream's down while I go for a class, might do some more later this afternoon (if not, definitely tomorrow morning).
  11. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Aside from the new avvy (<-), I'm gonna try livestreaming a trace (Cecile, Suikoden 3) for a bit. (Break for now, might do more later) (I've never streamed before forgive me if it messes up or I ignore/forget about chat.)
  12. Context??? Anything in particular you're looking for or to show? The splices are spiffy: #2, #4 and your current avvy look promising, #4 is pretty clean. #3 has some walleye. Welcome to the boards~
  13. My reaction to ghast: X . This is tracing/copying for the most part, you just need a handle on reading/translating the core lines and good grip on aliasing/dithering and rehashing colors. For your wonky parts, it's apparent when you flip between the downscale image and your new sprite. Main problem with Mia is her purple and green ramps are working completely against you, they don't blend at all, fix that and things should be easier. (Working on it, might be a few hours before I get back.) (Edit: I agree with Nih, everyone's probably just going to have a different twist and different taste. )
  14. The last couple guys and Titania are niiice~ Played with rebalancing the eyes and rounding the top of head a bit more to match the face. The face->neck transistion bugs me but it's present in vanilla too. Imo, it fits in with the rest of the set well enough.
  15. I'm interested, not sure if I can commit but I'd like to see a battlesprite event back. Your idea for how themes are chosen sounds like a nice idea worth trying. ^^; Are you interested in hosting, Toa, or are you looking for volunteers/interest first?
  16. But it'd be easier to clip a FEXP-ready sheet to GBA-ready than the reverse? I don't know the format (or it's popularity level) much, could be wrong, but thought there was more content on FEXP portraits and it's still viable as an asset people would look for.
  17. (Not sure what issue you're having without seeing it, but...) I'd recommend working a silhouette so you tackle the most visible/difficult edges first and still have an idea of how the final appearance will turn out before even getting into it. Certain curves/angles/shapes are pretty hard to define in pixels, particularly when you're working the outer edge. It's just a matter or trying and getting experience on what does and doesn't work, imo (although if it's just shading, someone might be able to help after seeing what you've tried).
  18. Glad you're back, Serif! Think your splice came out pretty nice as well, very fashionable as always. ^^ (I'm not all too knowledgeable on Awakening portraits either, but looks good as a splice to me.) Hurry, to the bandwagon!
  19. So beautiful~ ErrantShepherd for IS MU Design team! (How do male cuts on femKamui look like?)
  20. Lenh

    Spriter's Resource

    Thanks for the heads up, PixelmanFE. I've gone and updated the link for now, might see about just making a sheet and linking to that later. (Also going to add Nickt's recent splicing tutorial to the list)
  21. I think he meant stray colors. You come out to 16 when it's all taken care of. (cleaned since I tested it anyways. A white section in the corner, some one-time use and some prettyMuchTheSameColorButUsedInARegion instances.) I'm also not sure what Ghast is talking about. It looks pretty stylistically decent to me. Typically, FE doesn't use the outline color as plentifully as you have with the cloak and pauldron outlines, and they alias most lines to some degree. (I started an edit but feel it'd rehaul your current palette to do so.) The insignia could use some curvature too (like Valter's), but it's not a huge deal. Pretty interesting stuff (skull-hat particularly!), hope to see more~
  22. Breath of Fiiiiireeee? No? Oki ;w; Sweet animation. ^^ The thigh seems super-skinny and not foreshortened when he raises his hand, but all in all I really like it, solid work~ Red/Red, Blue/Blue, and Red/Black look best imo, the others seem a bit more confusing as to whose side they're really on.
  23. The talk crossed the threshold that I wouldn't feel comfortable giving the game to a child to play.
  24. Lenh

    Spriter's Resource

    (Thanks Aura!) Sure thing, Nickt~ Updated it with that note although I'm not certain if I understand it? (The image file data for each mug is showing what looks like accurate dates, although I can understand it if you're talking about keeping your Dropbox file up-to-date with your actual collection.) Blows about your hard drive, hope you can get your important stuff recovered.
  25. Lenh

    Spriter's Resource

    (Since Nickt's mug collection is really popular and a bit of creative commons stuff has popped up) Added a new section on free-use content that's well-known ,right before the Beginner's Corner: If anyone has (or knows of) collections they'd like to share to the public, feel free and I'll modify the list. For now I'd like to keep it at collections with a dedicated thread and/or zip pack and not single images. (Single-image submission is more organizational hassle than I or this thread wants to handle, and I would like to see what Ghast comes up with on the SF Open Source Gallery.)
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