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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Rath, Dieck, Wendy, Forde (use at least 3) Theme: Hardened mercenary --- 2 days to vote!
  2. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Figured I'd try out something different. Haven't quite figured out KSSU-style shading, but it's interesting. [11/12/14 Edit: A relative quickie. I hope Rhys is comfy in all those pillows.]
  3. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Yes! Thanks~ Yes*, and yes. ^^ * I'm not 100% sure if it's still going to Bloodlines, but it was fun to mugitize the old version of the bearded vulture from a while back.
  4. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Played around with the splice some more And a WIP~ Couldn't think of anything for the lower anthro body, so I'm open to ideas or any random crit for it.
  5. Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Rath, Dieck, Wendy, Forde (use at least 3) Theme: Hardened mercenary --- [spoiler=RULES THAT YOU MUST FOLLOW:] No mass 'made from scratch' areas. In other words, the final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs. Only use the set given, no other mugs. Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is a flexible rule, but be cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you want to do so. Don't vote for yourself or I will cry sad tears devoid of mod power. Hosts may enter contests. Only 1 mug per member. Winner of the contest will choose the next theme and a mug, runners-up will choose the remaining mugs once a theme has been decided. Voting consists of 2 categories: 'Best in Theme' (single choice) and 'Favorites' (multiple choice). 'Winner' is the popular vote for 'Best in Theme' and the runners-up are taken from the most popular two from both voting categories. If there is overlap (e.g. 2nd place is the same participant for both categories), a weighted average of the total votes will determine the remaining runner-ups. PARTICIPATION NOTES: In the past, there has been a lot of conflict surrounding what does and doesn't constitute proper splicing techniques. This is not the venue to repeat that argument (if you're interested in it, please look at old rounds between 50 and 65). Please remember to allow participants the freedom to experiment and find their comfort zone in splicing. Give them votes when you believe they're successful, but do not use their entry as a platform to tell the world what you don't like. If you have any questions or concerns, please PM the current host. Deadline: Sunday, November 16th, 2014 Have fun!
  7. Lt. Smirks' wins Best in Theme with 13 votes and Popular Choice with a 48% approval rating! Smirks will get to choose next theme+mug, and the remaining participants get to choose a mug. Kudos to all who entered, it was a nicely diverse set.
  8. Me and Kram collaborated and made a battlesprite of Blackmore from Castlevania:Order of Ecclesia! We did the two parts individually (me:shadow, Kram:human), and then put 'em together at the end~
  9. Zagan, Paul, Orson, Dorcas (use at least 3) Theme: Gentle Giant ---- 2 days to vote!
  10. Lenh

    Elibean Nights

    Yeah, seems pretty unnecessary. Yoda.
  11. Cool, cool. Welcome to the boards, Bimugen, and hope you show some more work~ Your splices are looking pretty solid. Simple like you said, but creatively done. If I had to say something it would be to alias a bit more (the collar of the first guy and the hair on the last girl are very sharp/jagged).
  12. Tomorrow is the last day to enter!
  13. Mario's new hat is looking nice~ ^^ The last guy, are you referencing anything? It looks right now like the nose/mouth/eyes/ears are suggesting different head angles (and I'm not sure which you're wanting to go with). It's not bad for a first go, though.
  14. Congratulations, Ren Ookami, you've had a completely unrelated argument spout up on your thread and can now be seen as a seasoned member of the sprite forums. If you're still here, sorry about that but welcome aboard! ^__^;
  15. Zagan, Paul, Orson, Dorcas (use at least 3) Theme: Gentle Giant --- RULES THAT YOU MUST FOLLOW: No mass 'made from scratch' areas. In other words, the final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs. Only use the set given, no other mugs. Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is a flexible rule, but be cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you want to do so. Don't vote for yourself or I will cry sad tears devoid of mod power. Hosts may enter contests. Only 1 mug per member. Winner of the contest will choose the next theme and a mug, runners-up will choose the remaining mugs once a theme has been decided. Voting consists of 2 categories: 'Best in Theme' (single choice) and 'Favorites' (multiple choice). 'Winner' is the popular vote for 'Best in Theme' and the runners-up are taken from the most popular two from both voting categories. If there is overlap (e.g. 2nd place is the same participant for both categories), a weighted average of the total votes will determine the remaining runner-ups. PARTICIPATION NOTES: In the past, there has been a lot of conflict surrounding what does and doesn't constitute proper splicing techniques. This is not the venue to repeat that argument (if you're interested in it, please look at old rounds between 50 and 65). Please remember to allow participants the freedom to experiment and find their comfort zone in splicing. Give them votes when you believe they're successful, but do not use their entry as a platform to tell the world what you don't like. If you have any questions or concerns, please PM the current host. Deadline: Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 Have fun!
  16. Lt. Smirks' wins best in Theme and also Popular Choice with a 69% approval rating! Smirks will get to choose next theme+mug, and the remaining participants get to choose a mug. Very nice set of entries this week, kudos to all who entered. ^^
  17. Uther, Bramimond, Vigarde, Valter Theme: Disciple of Darkness --- 2 days to vote!
  18. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Those were probably WIPs that got deleted off my puush. With the exception of KingKnight, Lenhfeon, and the most recent splice redux (which I can't get to atm since my laptop charger broke), everything public should be on page 1~
  19. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    As far as I knew, it was $30 on average for a mug, and that's with the blinking, talking, and chibi frames included. $15 being the low. (From what I've heard.) I'm not familiar with anyone's actual pricing on a battle/map sprite combo because of the rarity of it being ordered publically, but I'd say it's in the $75+ range for a complete one done from scratch. It's verrrry dependent on what you're specifically asking for.
  20. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Pretty much what Aeo said. If you're not aware of it already, Nickt has a wealth of open source mugs available (http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=41383). Just starting out with placeholders isn't as bad as it sounds. I'm going to be condensing the older requests on the first page into briefs and links, just a heads up. Please let me know if your request has been fulfilled or you no longer need it.
  21. Just wondering if one is going to happen this year, or if there's any interest in something unofficial. ^^; Personally I wouldn't want to host or engineer any Halloween-themed event, but would participate if someone decided to make one (especially if there was a 'make-a-monster' option).
  22. I think the standard (in US-English) is: Splice/Fusion: Where you put two or more separate sprites together to make something new Mod: Where you have a pre-existing sprite and are painting over it to create something 'new'. Sometimes you can tell what the original item was. Repaint: Same as a mod, but very specifically aiming to keep the base form intact (so you could easily swap between the new and the original sprites) I think the confusing part is you're just saying 'credits to this mod and this original, here are all the parts and you can figure out how they all relate, right?'. A clearer way would be something like 'cleanup edit by Ren of Russell's footman mod of the Fire Emblem 7 soldier class', or 'X by Ren, made with centaur and gargoyle sprites from Fire Emblem 8'. It might be better for you to just learn what the proper terms are and write the credits in your native language.
  23. Sure (that might give me some time too)~ Does Saturday sound good?
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