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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Yeah, those sorts of requests are fine, as long as the original stuff in question is your own, has the original creator's permission, or is open stock art.
  2. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Aww, commitment. (Harken's pretty much done, I'm giving him a break, moving on to Isadora, then going back to make frames for both.) ^^ I'd rather not make a rule about post-types since that's just another thing to wield in these cases (in fact that's what Suiloir used before everything went completely off-topic). I'll just ask you guys to practice restraint and remember the actual purpose of the thread is to make/clarify/fulfill project requests, not to soapbox certain SF members or controversies. Will say though: Once it gets off relation to any particular request or how the guild thread functions, it's off-topic territory so try to keep that at a minimum (i.e. don't bury legitimate posts e.g. AthenaWyrm's posting).
  3. Oo, nice entries from both of you~ Yup! Thanks for saving the day~
  4. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    I've put your request up on the main post, AthenaWyrm~ Sounds really interesting and I hope people different people pick it up. (Maybe if it's still up after FEE3 requests die down and I'm not busy I might try one.) Suiloir, so far it's showcased a little bit of everyone on the board (some more than others). As long as reasonable requests can still be made and taken, and the drama doesn't go out of control, seems fine.
  5. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    What a tough customer.
  6. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Fill out the form, bro.
  7. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Given the size and nature of your request, and your history of not-ever-quite-being-satisfied-with requests, Brendor, I'm a bit hesitant to put that wall of text on the board. If anyone's willing to take those on, they certainly can. If you want it on the board, you'll need to begin with a smaller and better-supported request. I don't want anyone to potentially be sad and/or waste their time attempting to fulfill all five to your ambiguous standards.
  8. Just a reminder, there are two days left to enter! If there aren't enough entrants to vote I'll probably just hand the mugChoice/theme to the one/two that enter, or (if I'm the only one) ask for some random mugs and RNG a theme suggestion.
  9. Yes, there's people out there. Is this a secret mission or can you go into more detail?
  10. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    I agree with Suilor. Let people decide what they want to do and please stop trying to force your ideals onto everyone else. Three to five spriters out of the 20+ voluntary members say they'll accept financial incentive to put your request in their priority list? People willing to pay for that quality and/or service? That's fine. They're not undermining spriters and project contributors/creators who are doing it for love of the franchise. They're only offering another option out of the others that already exist. Serene's is being super-buggy for me, but I'll get to taking you off the list, Nickt. It would've been good to point out your library of open source splices for others but I'll respect your wishes.
  11. Looks great! Face is really nicely done. (So jealous of you guys that can sprite wavy and curly hair well too~) On zoom, there are a couple of areas that still look a little chunky/blocky/outOfPlace, highlighted the areas that stood out most in green. The teeth could probably be aliased into the armor at the base too, and I'm not really sure what the collar trim is doing. Minor things though, imo, it looks good to me. ^^
  12. It's a mystery woooOOoooOooo... Actually I think that: - Ana responds relatively quickly to feedback, and has a definite reaction to it (regardless of whether it's desired or undesired by the one making the input). - The errors she typically has are easily identified and have well-known fixes - She has a bit of spritework for people to look back on, and a history. Ideally it's how we could isolate her weakest point based over several examples. - We're fairly certain that she'll be back to sprite again. - and everyone loves to watch a good fight / drama. It's happened pretty often when Ana's involved so it gets more attention than most.
  13. Sorry I can not anatomy right now, think Ponih caught all what I was thinking about. You can also reference Legault. The hair is a bit difficult to read around the forehead area, might suggest you take out that dark curvy V shape you have in there since it's not really defining anything.
  14. I really hate that neck twisting pose it's so difficult to get riiiiiight without looking laaaame. Also I'm just bad at foreshortening, can't lie. It's a trade off of whether you want him to look in place or out of place with relative brightness, I guess. There's certainly other ways to give the impression of tanned skin.
  15. Ugh noticed I hunched in the shoulders, always do, don't use my reference for those. ;w; Glad to help! Yeah, I did change his headband color a bit. I sampled from one of his in-game sprites (not sure which, probably PoR) and either used them directly or mixed them a bit with your original colors. It's not exactly an orthodox method but I like using it as a starting base. ( His skin tone is on the redder side, but I think with mixing and trying to reach the brightness of the others it started turning more pinkly. ) Yeah, it shows you've learned something. We'll always demand you learn a little more or a little faster though. ^^
  16. Maybe just a little, to show that you've learned a bit since then. It is good that you've improved with the coloring and tested out your aliasing skills. This has the angled neck but shoulder doesn't compensate issue your previous one did. Also in most cases (using the headband as the example) you shouldn't need to use the outline color, just reorder your values so you can use the darkest as an outline. Excess colors (there's a dark brown that shouldn't be there in the chin, the green in his eye is different than those on the hat) Noticed in the OA Ranulf's hair is a bit longer, just retried the hair for fun. (Same with the skintone) I'd challenge you to try altering Ike's cape a bit (whether by splicing or whatever technique) and see if you can improve it from the old version.
  17. That's actually a pretty neat self-portrait, design and color-choice wise. There's a (quite) bit of anatomy stuff that I can comment/edit on if you're okay with that~ On the splice guy you provided, I agree with Toa that the forehead is generous/face is dropped too low atm in comparison to the perceived top of the head (which is at the very top of the mug in this case). Always nice to see your entries in the comp, ShinyPichu. Are you going to show those too? ^^
  18. You're welco...wait... *withdraws and sheds tear quietly in corner* ;w;
  19. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Haku, Fateborn, Riku, updated your guy's requests. Nih, do you have pricing for examples of your work?
  20. Well, if you look at the original Caellach mug you see the shoulder positions are different and the vanilla compensates for the head angle a bit better and gives more room for the neck. Either the armor or the head would have to be entirely redone on Ana's sprite. Imo, there's no flexibility on fusing that head angle to the armor perspective. The armor's design is pretty cool and I just wanted to play with it. ^^
  21. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Are we allowed creative freedom with the ages? Should they look like a pair? What classes are they?
  22. Only played enough to get the gist of it. If that's not shiny enough, you can add the lightest skintone into the armor. -Darkest black on the trim was darker than the outline color, lightened it. Also darkened the other trim colors to get a black overall rather than a grey, at the cost of contrast. - (Kon you might've pointed this out already) A lot of the armor went darkTrim<->darkArmor. Imo it looks a little better and more crisp when you do lightTrim<->armorInShadow and darkTrim<->armorInLight, depending on where you're at.
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