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Everything posted by Lenh

  1. Kon's edit doesn't have intense lighting but shows how the masses should be. Think it just needs well placed highlights and shadows/reflections in the appropriate spots to give it the usual depth. (I can give it a shot if you like, but I'm pretty novice at armor myself.)
  2. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    'X' Means they selected it on the survey but I don't have a relative ranking for it. There wasn't a differentiation between beginner ranked and plain unranked, so X seemed the next best thing.
  3. That one is just MercLord jumping on another board, he's on SF too http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=31518
  4. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Thanks guys, and hooray for the thread pin! Solum, I didn't have an area specific to battle sprite animation, just animation and battle spriting separately. Kon, gotcha set for chibis~ I've dashed out portraits for you, that makes things easier so I can remove the green shading. More than likely I'll take out the tiering on the skills that aren't mapping or portraits, or see how easy it is to complete those sections for others. If there were any extra stars for anyone it's because someone mentioned a self-ranking on a reply (I think your case was back when we were still in weapon-style ranks.) This is pretty much still a wip sheet with cluttered info in various states of update.
  5. Optional Theme: "Rich and/or Fashionable" Lalum, Lyn (with cloak), Ismaire, Oro Use at least three of the above mugs in your entry. RULES THAT YOU MUST FOLLOW: No mass 'made from scratch' areas. In other words, the final result should be made of and identifiable to areas from the source mugs. Only use the set given, no other mugs. Recommended color limit: 16 (15 on your mug +1 for background). This is a flexible rule, but be cautious with your color count as a general rule of thumb for good pixel art. You are allowed to deviate from the standard FE color choices if you want to do so. Don't vote for yourself or I will cry sad tears devoid of mod power. Hosts may enter contests. Only 1 mug per member. Winner of the contest will choose the next theme and a mug, runners-up will choose the remaining mugs once a theme has been decided. Voting consists of 2 categories: 'Best in Theme' (single choice) and 'Favorites' (multiple choice). 'Winner' is the popular vote for 'Best in Theme' and the runners-up are taken from the most popular two from both voting categories. If there is overlap (e.g. 2nd place is the same participant for both categories), a weighted average of the total votes will determine the remaining runner-ups. PARTICIPATION NOTES: In the past, there has been a lot of conflict surrounding what does and doesn't constitute proper splicing techniques. This is not the venue to repeat that argument (if you're interested in it, please look at old rounds between 50 and 65). Please remember to allow participants the freedom to experiment and find their comfort zone in splicing. Give them votes when you believe they're successful, but do not use their entry as a platform to tell the world what you don't like. If you have any questions or concerns, please PM the current host. Deadline: Saturday, July 19th, 2014 Have fun!
  6. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Thanks for the catch L95! (Before someone entered the survey and everything'd be glitchy again...) About the hacks and stuff, that is useful to know and I'll have it documented and linked in a larger googledoc, but the table you see up there will have those clipped out (because some titles are very long and some have worked on a lot of projects). I'll update the sheet I have but the image up there is just a placeholder (that I have to reupload and probably won't refresh it that immediately). Also (from the last thread) Suiloir sorry I misinterpreted, I know you did splices for a while but glad to see you on board with music. ^w^
  7. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Purpose of this thread: To easily make and seek out requests, and to highlight the varied levels of SF's spriting members in a single location. [spoiler="Making a Request" FAQ] Just post that you're seeking help on the thread. If you'd like it on the first post, please format it using the form below. Suggested Items to have in a request: Who? : Who you are Project (if applicable) : Project Name and link to project thread, if task is part of a larger project Task : What you actually want done, or what sort of role needs to be filled Timeframe : When you'd like the item completed, or how long you expect the project to take/last Compensation : Any compensation offered, whether name credit, trade in services, personal thanks, financial offering, or up to private negotiation. Any other specifics you feel is relevant (exclusivity rights, right to modify work afterwards, what skill level you're looking for, etc). Special notes about putting out a request: - By default (unless they specify or you request otherwise), an artist will retain all rights to their image and are free to do what they see fit with the product after the request is completed. - If you no longer need a request or it has been fulfilled privately, please let us know! It will then be removed from the list. - Requests that have gone stagnant (user and/or project inactive for an extended period of time) or past its desired completion date will be removed from the list [spoiler=Member FAQ] Do I need to be a member of the Guild to take requests? Nope! If you're a member of Serene's Forest and are capable of fulfilling the task, go ahead and take the request! Being a part of the Guild means you're included in the index, and that only makes it easier for others to view your competencies and facilitate skill-trades more easily. Listing your availability: There will be a poll where you can list and update your availability status. You can also make a post broadcasting that you are going to or no longer be available for requests or would like to volunteer for particular requests for a set time, if you feel it's appropriate. When taking a request: Please post that you're offering to take the request so others have an idea of who else is interested in the task. It's probably best to wait for agreement with the original requestor if it's a complicated task, one with special compensation, or if multiple people are offering to take the request. Once a project/long-term request is filled, it will be archived. Small requests will remain on the board until completed and feedback is given. Sign me up / update my skillset!: Please fill out the survey here, and PM me or post here. The index will then be updated with your new information. Member List: ....comprehensive googledoc with userpage links here. If you would like to add to your profile, please PM me or leave a comment on the doc (I will verify before changing). ----- Original Thread: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48564&st=0&p=3191500
  8. Lenh

    Spriter's Guild

    Help Wanted Board: Current Open Requests: Portrait Requests: Havel the Rock: 12 portraits (FE8/11/12 characters). Opened August 5th 2014: -> Great Witch: 1 new character portrait. Opened July 27, 2014: -> Brendor: 1 portrait. (Legend of Zelda Beedle). Opened July 21, 2014: -> AthenaWyrm: 1 portrait (Sword Girls characters) Opened July 17, 2014: -> Ash/Alm: 6 portraits (FE2 characters). Opened July 12, 2014: -> Map Requests: None. Battlesprite and Misc Requests: RikuTheHedgehog: 1 complete battle sprite (Soul Reaper). Opened July 9th, 2014, needed by November: -> Great Witch: 1 complete battle sprite and corresponding map sprite. Opened July 16th, 2014: ->
  9. Yeah, I got that too, second time I tried, it worked? Since it's being a problem I'm gonna go ahead and make a clean thread. Everyone move to that one!
  10. Indeed they had. ^w^ Anyways, I'll close up the generic survey and add the status one, so we can see what works and what doesn't. Everything is good to start making requests, but don't direct it at people unless they've listed themselves as free on the new poll. Public posting of requests on the thread is good to go. I'll probably start asking projects if they'd like to list a request they have if no one steps forward with the first one. ;w; It's not pretty, but here's the data, and I'm beginning to work on the first post as I have time to. (It might not be until the weekend things can get really organized and polished, so please bear with me, and let me know if anything could be better! )
  11. After a really close race wins! With Nickt, Yoshi, and ShinyPichu as runners up. Really nice entries this round. ^^
  12. With maps being included, I don't think there's a clean way of incorporating sample work in the main chunk of data. It'd also get to be a maintenance nightmare if people always want to update their showcase, so I'd rather just let people manage their own profile/page and link to that.
  13. A couple of people don't keep topics for various reasons (don't want to bother maintaining, keeping mugs exclusive to a project, anti-thief protection, only does FE occasionally, etc). Still fine~ If you guys want to say which projects you're working on or have worked on substantially, I can put that in as well, probably (but I was hoping a hacking topic could take care of that).
  14. Cool, I'll record what you guys are specifically saying for the other categories. (Can't really change the poll just due to how the forum polling works. It's fairly limited.) It's alright either way, glad to know you're still around, Kon. I haven't seen your work in a while so I'm not sure where you'd land, although high/mid-intermediate sounds right. ^_^; I'm pretty sure most desirable people are booked or taken with their own projects; it's expected, so no worries there. Ideally, this will just make it easier for people to see who actually does have some spare time, who is busy with their own things and don't want to be bothered, and who is seeking some help.
  15. I've gone through enough thankless freebie/lowYield requests to be jaded and define exactly what makes me happy about taking and completing requests. It's one thing when the splice/mug already exists, but another when someone wants new time investment and potentially exclusive rights over the product. --- This is still in the 'Recruiting' phase for the group. If people want to jump the gun and start asking for particular people's service, they certainly can go the PM/post route. People can also start posting requests for spriters to see. I'm fine with and would like to promote regular breakroom talk in the thread as well, similar to the community thread where you can just talk about spriting things, ideas, or provide updates on things that are vaguely connected with spriting (like if anyone is doing or needing things for FEE3). The plan is to leave the survey open for a few days so people have the chance to report their skillsets easily, and then I'll close that survey, make a pretty roster and put that in the first post of a new, clean thread. In the original post (now and future) I'll start recording requests that are made in the thread and in the community, so people are aware they exist (kind of like a bulletin board). Once the format of everything looks stable and maintenance is clear I'll ask Tangerine to pin/sticky the thread. It'd be great to highlight active hack projects that need any creative roles/products filled or just want to showcase their spriter's work, but for now I'd like to get a handle on keeping a smaller amount of info collected and organized. --- EDIT: Whoops, sorry deranger, missed your post. Since Hacking and Spriting are two different sections, thought it'd be better just to have the two specialties separate (though they do overlap, there's a lot that can be unique to Hacking, mostly in that members probably want to be known for the projects they're working on and have completed). About the other skills, guess I should have put them on there. I missed a ton of possibilities on the misc traits (including 'Can actually draw') but hopefully covered the usually requested skills.
  16. Another d'oh moment: should've put 'I don't take requests' in the requests options. (Technically you can just always say you're busy once the other poll is up.) The descriptions for the tiers are more guidelines than rules. If you feel that you're more of a beginner or fit in better with a particular group, then I'd go with that. I put myself in Intermediate because while I can do stuff in Advanced, I still struggle and don't have much confidence in regularly producing work at that level.
  17. I am beginner rank in poll-making. So you have to answer the multiple choice question with something, if you have no extra skills, just click Animation (I'll doublecheck this when making the tables).
  18. Poll is up! So you guys can answer it all and I can get it in an easy format. I'll keep the information and remove the survey and update OP once it's been a while, and replace the thread poll with 'Availability', so anyone can update their status/vote as necessary.
  19. Optional Theme: Female Thief Echidna, Karla, Ursula, Lucius (at least 3) --- 2 days to vote!
  20. Since most people post within the first week, think we'll probably shorten the deadline somehow. Poll coming up soon.
  21. Maybe Beginner/Intermedite/Advanced is a better metric to use.
  22. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Sorry, I should've edited the post. This one should work, if not I'm gonna have to find something other than dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3z03l98xhdliwwp/masterSheet.png I like Inri too, as it matches the theme I'm going for (and I haven't mentally allotted that name to anyone else). Just don't know if it's too close to Anri.
  23. I'll probably post a poll once we figure out what things are good to display. Also curious if you guys are good with giving yourself ranks (from E to S, like Fire Emblem) for the specific skills you have. Then you can update as you gain experience! Alright Nickt~ Just making sure the topic itself stays neutral.
  24. Alright Fateborn, since you asked, I've unchecked you from maps. *takes badge* That's what I'd like to see too! (Mainly because I have no idea who's who in the hacking department, and don't know what people have/are working on half the time. ^^;) And sure thing, NickT, signed you up. About the ethics of whether you can be paid for making derivative work / rendering services to produce it, I'd rather just leave it up to the individuals to decide where their boundaries lie and remain neutral/equal on both sides. Though, I would like to enable the option for someone to define what sort of compensation/trade-off (if any) they want for a request directed at them.
  25. Lenh

    Lenh's Locker

    Hooray! And thank you~ ^__^
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