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Shiki Ryougi

Anonymous Mafia
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Everything posted by Shiki Ryougi

  1. @Best girl: When there's no guarantee that the person has a role that can be motivated (one shot roles or passive roles) then that isn't a great play. Especially since x-shot roles were discussed when talking about cutie's existence and so would lead scum to think it's common. Not to mention her position wasn't so precarious at the time to need to do that - it's only now that we have an empowerer claim that people are only really going after her. I could maybe understand her motivating town N2 as scum but N1 was way too early, especially when it effectively makes the role worthless for scum. Scum aren't going to want to give up a motivate of all things. @Bolt: Do you agree with Best girl about Cutie doing it to look townie? You don't need someone other than me Bast go shoot Hiiro.
  2. Cutie has done nothing all game why was there this much discussion about her? She is confirmed motivator right, why would scum motivator motivate a townie? Cutie is probably just useless town. Dayvig Hiiro because nothing's changed. ##Vote: Hiiro
  3. Wait there's <1 hour until phase end? Who're we lynching? Sharp's wallpost has a townie tone despite not bing the strongest in terms of reads. At least she has content now which was my main complaint. Also the whole "If someone has to die it should be me" doesn't quite read disingenuous. Can we even get someone else lynched t this point? I still want to lynch Hiiro (look how he's disappeared again now that there's no pressure on him!) and don't really want to lynch Bolt because Bolt looks like he's actually trying.
  4. So much for being super sub =/ real life stuff happened my b. @Sharp: If Camilla had requested the extension then I would be inclined to agree but everyone would look at Marth's extension proposal as something to jump at, both for seeming good and for BEING good. Mafia clearly doesn't suit you though, you're far too honest and nice (if town). Tetsuo is probably town the concern they seem to have for Sharp's sheeping feels legit and the breakdown of posts was great. Sheeping alone is fine but they have no content, nor do they seem that eager to produce any, and that's the main issue for me. Sharp have you still got nothing on Hiiro? What about the various arguments against him, do you think the logic is bad or simply unconvincing? Hiiro you said you targeted a scum read? Why did you target Azure over Bolt/Best girl? It didn't even seem like you had anything against Azure yesterday and you even responded to their post? It's not about being petty it's about getting answers, why is pushing nobody better than pushing cutiefly for answers. Yes pushing someone you don't necessarily want lynched is better than pushing nobody. The fact that other people were getting off her wagon because of the claim is actually worse for you because then clearly she wasn't in any position to get lynched regardless if she had a stray vote on her. Not convinced by any of your defences really. What about best girl's stuff to you? Your defence against Bolt is equally tragic, people miss posts all the time so it's unreasonable to ask why they didn't push you for it then, and other people agreeing with your logic doesn't make your logic good: they could be equally bad. Most of your defence is you getting mad or by inducing ad hominem through insult or calling your attacker scummy. The only saving grace is Bolt didn't actually have that much on you. I saw like 10 quotes and I didn't bother to read all of them so I kinda assumed he had more. I can accept your read into Santa's tone, it's a good point actually, but I believe there's more to it than "actual thoughts" or not. I think it's very easy to fake what Hiiro just posted as scum: his argument against Bolt is --->basically<---(not quite) an OMGUS and he still hasn't delivered on his case against best girl which is like well over 48 hours late. He is putting off in-depth reasoning for the sake Actually Hiiro you thought Bolt was scum before his quote wall, why is that? Feeling better about Camilla after their response. I can definitely empathise with the "drawn out RVS" line of thought and mafia are less inclined to go "I can't remember Santa's last post is filler yay. I eagerly await the actual justification behind any of it, and what you have to say about today's discussion. I read a bit, why can't beat and cutie be on a scum team? Also looking forward to hearing why Hiiro is town, I expect you to explain why the points against him are unconvincing though. Hiiro/Sharp for scum, possibly Santa too (I like Camilla's stuff on them) but want to see more from them first-hand. Still need to read Cutiefly's ISO but anything found won't be relevant right now anyway which is killing my motivation (get it? Top kek).
  5. Time for super sub to save the day! Best girl's case on Hiiro is good and really breaks down the oddity of their thought process. Their turnaround on Cutie seems completely random: he wanted answers, didn't get them, and so now doesn't suspect cutie enough to mention them? This is all apparently because an unproven motivator claim is sufficient evidence of townliness? People thinking your prime suspect is town is cause to push it harder and I think that is a more natural response: townies generally become frustrated that people are seeing who they think is scum as town. In a sort of no-way-can-I-let-this-happen way. ##Vote: Hiiro All aboard. I have a couple of town reads but the only other suspect imo right now is Camilla. For starters, reducing the glory of Camilla's bust is a lynchworthy sin upon itself, but what bugs me more is how they jump from person to person. I can't really follow how their reads evolve too much from each of their lynch priorities, despite the justification being there most of the time. Camilla what was it that you wanted to say at the end of the last phase but couldn't? Can you go into a little more detail as to what you particularly like about Best girl/Bolt to justify your 180s on them? Why is Santa scum and not just frustrated town, do you have an opinion on the quality of his reads or his thought process? I agree they're being a bit too defensive though, looking back. That's it for now, I might reread Cutiefly because they didn't impose much of an impression on me despite being a hot topic of yesterday's discussion.
  6. Marth, I requested a sub in my role PM and I know you've been on. Please put in a sub request.
  7. Things have come up. I don't think I'm going to have time to play, sorry.
  8. Maybe "reason" would have been a better word, but if you felt their RVS post saying "useless RVS is useless" to be especially useless or if you agree with Sharp's vote on them, those are non-RVS reasons to vote Fly Amanita. At the very least, because of Sharp's vote, there was something.
  9. ##Unvote ##Vote: Sharp The game's moving along, it's not RVS anymore and there are non-RVS reasons to vote Fly Amanita right now. Is this even a serious vote?
  10. You guys should totally vote me, I have no benefits and backpedal on everything I said I do! But first: ##Vote: Santa What are you doing here, Santa? It's July! Go home, you're drunk.
  11. Looking back at his flip: Paranoid Bodyguard: Every Night, you may reply to your role PM with Night X: I will make sure no one kills you, <Player>. You will either ready yourself for a fist fight or summon Demon King to fend off any foes, protecting them from any attempts on their life. However, your intimidating looks scare people so much that they will not perform their actions in fear. For some others, they may be creeped out because you are gay. You may not target yourself with this ability. In short, you are the Jailkeeper ( or Paranoid Doctor). So he's just RB/Doc in one, imo. Not a Safeguard (which is where you come into play, Minerva, as town's Day Safeguard). So no, this wouldn't have affected my scan.
  12. EDIT: Wait. NL is a JAILKEEPER. Doesn't that only prevent LETHAL actions (not non-lethal, like my scan) from working? o.O
  13. So again, I've filled you guys in on whatever information I have in my possession. Can't do much more, sorry. ;/
  14. As far as I know, BPV wasn't broken at any point?
  15. Eh? Idk. I got a full scan on Deathbound N0? o.O? Idk if mod mistake or not? Flavor: Mithra Role: Vanilla Alliance: With the Light. All I know (after asking the mod in like, N1 or N2 (forget which- would have to check PMs) is that RBs/redirects would affect my scan, but leave my kills alone? So when NL was flipped, I found the need to ask since I needed to know if I could keep track of if/when I was possibly RB'd by him.
  16. @NoLynch: It's clear that Samael would be a mislynch target (and most of us didn't like him anyways), so it's not hard to assume (and when only a MAJORITY was needed, not a hammer) that Samael would be the next to die. + Once the mislynch happens, then people would stare at the SAMAEL wagon and assume that scum(s) would be lurking on said wagon.
  17. EDIT: Wait, scum goon wasn't blocked. Right. Idk what happened with things. Something wonky happened with Mafia NK- not sure if idled or whatever. - Still think Goon > Kenji in terms of worse feelings. So I guess, since I have mah vote, why not use it? ##Vote: Scum Goon
  18. [imo, No Lynch- I personally think you should block Scum Goon over Kenji (given no NK last night phase from Mafia-side), but that's just me. Best of luck to ya all!]
  19. So ANYWAYS, methinks I've spammed this thread enough. Let the hammer fall where it will, and I'll be on PoE or somethin' (hardcore league = da best). If I've missed anything (or any questions need to still be asked), I'll be around to catch any (hopefully - IDK when this day phase ends, lol).
  20. Secondly: Lol no. I'm not outing myself as a vig, especially with someone like Lucifer floating around (regardless of the fact that I'm BPV, I would've surely been knocked out in some way/shape/form, and I don't care for that open playing style, either.). That, and I couldn't outright eliminate PURE SCUM with my shots, or else it'd get hard as fuck to kill the 10+ remaining people without things looking REALLY weird. (Kinda had to rely on modkills + their NKs [though I doubt many even happened?] for things to keep moving.) Just my logic when tackling this game- "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" so to speak. OH HEEEEEEEEEEEY. WIFEY. Sorry about that shot- I just couldn't have your voyeur shizz getting me in trouble. Nothin' personal though! =P
  21. Also, yeah, I am aligned with myself; I win when I'm the last one standing. ^ Self-serving wincon? I'm failing to see why you're nitpicking on this yet again, lol.
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