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Shiki Ryougi

Anonymous Mafia
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Everything posted by Shiki Ryougi

  1. Popped in to see that I died. Oh well. Go Town.
  2. Since it's clear that my time won't allow me for another content post, I'm just gonna claim now. I'm Vanilla, so if Fluffy has a better role than me, you guys are better off lynching me. I'll get more read IF I get to N2 since I won't be here till phase end (tough schedule, I know)
  3. I suppose my reads on other people is a bit behind schedule... spilled milk, I'm just gonna have to go for it. Fluffy Platypus: Your suspicion on Grill is not too logical (not saying that mine isn't). dafuq is this even? You think that Hot wheels is more likely to be grill's scumbuddy than me and yet Grill is bussing me (implying I'm his scumbuddy)? Explanation would be nice thank you. Also, how did Hot Wheels become grill's potential scumbuddy anyway? I guess I'm a bit late to the party, but your first suspicion on Grillmaster... Grillmaster was right to call me out for lack of content. And while he only had one scumread at the point, so do you. I also didn't like how you gave the impression of lining lynches... Haven't payed attention too much of your posts until this time, but it's not looking good. Beethoven: Can't say much about him. Content is so far so good... IT: I don't have much comment on this person. I can't justify my lack of reads and I won't try to. 'Something' Rein III: He certainly has a... noble air around him... Not much I can comment on. Hot Wheels: 2 millers is weird, but I don't think it's worth getting all suspicious about rolespec. Arguments are reasonable and not much to pick on. The Grillmaster: And here is where I put the bottom line, I don't really have another case on him and I'm going to stop pretending like I still had one. Holding the miller vote on Hot Wheels is weird but I guess that's about it. ##Unvote ##Vote:Fluffy Platypus
  4. Alright, I may not have explained myself well enough last time, so let me make up for it. With my suspicion on Grillmaster, it hasn't subsided. I feel like he's dodging questions, especially concerning Iketani Grillmaster never gave another read on Ike after it became a wagon. Distancing much? Grill asked Ike to comment on other players, but never gave his response on said comments beside that thing about miller (which isn't a read). I asked Grill about his comment on Beethoven and Hot Wheels because they has some 'real content', a fact which he remarked himself. If anyone's a hypocrite it's you.You told Ike that they had real content, implying that you wanted Ike to comment on them, even though you yourself had none. You then proceed to vote me for asking you to do the same thing. You then tells us that Iketani's crime is 'making jokes after it ceased to be appropriate' despite being the first to jump on Ike because of it. Be consistent for once, will you? But yeah, I suppose you guys are right regarding my last post lacking content. On that note, reads on other players are coming soon!
  5. I get the feeling that Reinbach is Bard if he's playing... Okay, that's enough meta. Let's hunt some mafia! Fluffy Platypus is one of the wagons I'm going to analyze. With one (forced) vote, one would think that fluffy has no meaningful content and is only pretending like he had one. Which is unfortunately true. Not going to put him in L-1 before another post by him tho, lynching someone who only has 1 content post? No thanks. Which leads us to look at some of the votes on fluffy, which are: Hot Wheels: Voted fluffy for blatantly misrepping a supposedly serious vote. Reasonable I suppose. Beethoven: Voted fluffy for making a forced reason (trying to make it seem legit) for his vote. Still reasonable. Iketani: Voted fluffy for piggybacking other people's vote and opinions. Still reasonable. But there's more! Ike handwaved everything (s)he's suspected for as a joke. If you handwave more arguments as a joke, I won't be pleased. Right now you may be asking, who do I find most suspicious? The answer to that question would be.... The Grillmaster. Why? First off, what is your stance on Fluffy Platypus? I don't believe you've commented on him/her. You haven't had any real reads besides Insane Technique for his (super obvious) not-explained vote. Granted, Insane's vote is a bit suspicious but it's not what this whole game is all about. Care to comment on other players? Like Hot Wheels, Beethoven, and Ikatani for example. Are they scummy or townie? For now, ##Unvote ##Vote:The Grillmaster
  6. Are you claiming? ##Vote: Schtolteheim Reinbach III I dislike names that are hard to pronounce.
  7. Apparently I'm not getting any sub so I'll try to save this. ##Vote: Fluttershy In hindsight we should've lynched Resolute because he didn't even tell us which alignment he'd show as to cop reports but w/e
  8. oh yeah and the last part wasnt finished. Its really hard to read MS's posts cuz too many walls and they're so spammy. W/e, because I edited that in in the post.
  9. Sorry browskis, I'm late to the party. First off, ##Vote: Javert The last time I spoke about him I left my read as unsure on him; I don't think he changed my view on him. Ftr, his first D2 post he voted Bob and said he'd wait and see what Bob posts, but then he spent a post dedicated to defending his inactivity over posting more about what he thinks of Bob. And if you want reasons for why i think you're scummy, its because you over-react to any case made against you. That and you really only spoke about Orion last phase when you could've said so much more. Instead of defending your 'inactivity' why don't you actually post reads instead of one read? tl;dr f5 has a good case on Javert. I don't find jugger to be outright scum; though its annoying to see him handwave Javert and England as "They have less interactions." less interactions doesn't mean they're not scum. Don't really understand the case on f5 ; I don't get your logic behind leaving Bob alive; yes he can prove he's a neighbourizer, so? The role doesn't tell alignment. EDIT: Actually I think Jugger's on MS and f5 are more scummy after a re-read. There's not much elaboration on it; one post says Mint Slice is spammy and isn't scumhunting; the former is true but doesn't mean they're scum; Case on f5 is basically "I don't agree with your scumreads and think you're scum" Bob isn't really cleared but he looks better than England, who's LD1 play(esp after I saw kumo's flip) looked bad to me. His arguments against MintSlice though, while not convincing, don't sound as scum to me, so I think his D1 play is scummier than his D2 play. I feel like Mint Slice
  10. Also I think Orion is town because until that flip I don't think scum would've known vanillas would exist in this game so claiming vanilla would've been a risk I think.
  11. My apologies if this ends up being a misvig. Orgininally I was planning on vigging Darth because I thought we had another day in the phase to use associative reads but apparently I was wrong. Totally vigging Kuma though. It's time to gallop, Trombe!
  12. Still find Darth scummiest though, at least Bob is trying to justify his poor voting; Darth couldn't even do that- he just had a poor voting history, defended it by saying he wanted to get info, and hasn't even outed any new reads/ info. It has just been all about Orion so far. Really, what is this info that you've been trying to compile, Darth?
  13. Ok, I read Bob, and I have to say, I don't like how he disagrees with the Orion wagon and later says he 'didn't find it scummy.' If you were saying that you disagree with the Orion votes, what was the point of your post back then? Saying stuff like "Wow four votes piled up in 10 minutes." doesn't sound like a mere disagreement to me. Whatever, I think this point has already been addressed earlier. I think while the later posts you defended yourself better, your switch to Kumaneko is not... optimal imho. Kumaneko doesn't even have content to work on; if they're inactive they'll just be subbed out and we'll have new content to work on. Their votes are bad, yes, but voting for someone with barely any activity is just not great at all. Also handwaving Darth and Orion as just 'lazy players' makes it worse. Ok then, if you think they're lazy, who do you think is scummy/ worth a lynch and isn't anybody named Kumaneko?
  14. Also i'd like you all to answer this question: 1.Say Orion isn't going to get lynched today for unusual circumstances. Who would you lynch and why? (You could also replace Orion with Darth in the question if you'd like) For this I'd personally say if not Darth i'd vote orion at this point of time, but I still need to read Uncle Bob and Chanserv has caught my attention now. Also I'd like a theoretical vig to shoot Kumaneko. Opinions on this? and I'll be back in a few hours.
  15. I don't like Chanserv's(Hi BBM) post ##179. It seems you are using meta to tell us why Darth is town, yet you won't tell us who Darth MIGHT be. That's like taking middle ground- "I think so and so is not that scummy because they are PLAYER, but I don't wanna out who they most likely are!" Furthermore, the "i can't decide who is worse, Darth or Kumaneko." is ikrsome because you are comparing two players: One who has lots of posts and has done something some consider 'scummy.' and another player who, in their very few posts, had a bad vote with very little explanation. But ok, say you couldn't really figure which of them is more scummy. What made you change your mind in ##188 toward's darth's direction? You gave no reasoning as to why in your lynch priority, Darth> Kumaneko.
  16. @ Fluttershy: I had a scumread on Javert earlier but with his last response I'm a bit unsure because it seems that we disagree on each other's interpretations/style of playing I hadn't pushed Orion for his vote on Jugger but that's because he already had enough pressure on him and I thought Vader was scummier. Currently I wouldn't mind an Orion lynch since his attempts at scumhunting haven't improved, but I think Darth's "I was trying to gain info!" and then not even outing anything useful is worse. Admittedly I haven't read much on the Uncle Bob case yet, which i'll be doing in a while (I'll be off for a couple of hours) I disagree that England's scummy; partly because I think even if he's doing a recap that's not necessarily scummy considering one is bound to say things the others have said, especially if their timezone's unkind to them; the other reason being I think the player playing that slot is Shin- Shin's meta suggests that he does this as town as well. And while you can tell me that playing using meta is bad in an anonymous game, well tell me why do people make themselves look obvious then? This is more on a subconscious level, my apologies.
  17. Bold: Worse is the comparative form; this would imply that Supreme Ruler was 'bad'. Now the question would be if you think 'scummy' and 'bad' are the same thing; but never mind that, what made you think SR was bad? (really this is all I can assume from your posts) And since you've unvoted Supreme Ruler, I assume you've had some new info/reads you've just got/ something just changed. Care to share?
  18. That and vote-switch from SR to Orion is questionable considering SR was on Orion earlier. Actually, what made you vote SR over Orion earlier? That'd be a better questioning; apart from Orion apparently ignoring Jugger they hadn't done anything else, so has your opinion of SR changed?
  19. Other points to note: - I think Kumaneko's vote on Javert is horrible; Why do you think Javert is scum out of the later Orion-wagoners? -As far as Orion goes, I don't think they deserve this much flak for their initial actions, however they haven't contributed to scumhunting since; can't say I find it to be pro-town. The Jugger vote is weak(I disagree with the couple of votes on Jugger, they look too easy) - England, I don't see how my last post waffled? Jugger's actions at that point could've been done by either alignment; that isn't waffling- that's a null read on my part. -ffffff makes a pretty good point about Orion: the effort ration of crumbing a reaction test to making the reaction test effective is low to say the least. I like Supreme Ruler's case on Darth Vader. ##Unvote ##Vote: Darth Vader There's literally nothing in his ISO that I can say is actual contribution... apart from that point about Orion. -The first actual 'content post' is nothing but one line summaries. Hell, you even handwave Orion's earlier post, saying they lacked response to their wagon, when in fact they did respond earlier. Whether you found this satisfactory is a different issue, but it seems to me like you didn't have a proper read of the thread at the time of that post. Assuming you did read well though, What did you mean by Orion's lack of response?
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