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Everything posted by Othin

  1. First of all, 100k is only double 50k, so at this point the numbers of people affected are getting fairly close together. Second, this analogy is looking increasingly irrelevant. "Doing a slightly smaller harm to a larger number of people isn't an improvement if they're dead anyway" doesn't have any useful insights for the matter of spoiler tags.
  2. Clearing space in my barracks for a bunch of pulls will be a pain. I'm at 190/200 right now, and I don't really feel like using orbs to get more space.
  3. That's an odd analogy. You're saying ~8 hours of torture for the tortured person is better than one punch in the stomach for a punched person? I'd certainly rather get punched in the stomach once than get tortured for 8 hours. This kind of approach only works when the numbers involved actually work out such that the small punishment multiplied by the number of people it affects really does add up to something that can reasonably be called a bigger deal than the single bigger punishment. With spoiler tagging, that's not a viable argument. There are lots of people who find spoilers quite unpleasant, and no matter how silly you may think that is, it's a tiny amount of trouble to take a few seconds to tag them. "Stay off the sites to avoid the spoilers" isn't a better alternative, either. Which is worse: 1000 people have to each spend a few seconds using a tag where appropriate, or 10 people have to entirely avoid sites they otherwise enjoy? That's an easy question to answer, and I'm sure the actual ratio is much more than 1 in 100. Just be respectful.
  4. 93 orbs at the moment, although there will be plenty more available before the banner ends. And when it starts, for that matter. Either way, I'll have to see how far they can go. Pulling colorless is more efficient because of having multiple banner characters, but Robin and Tiki are the ones I want more, so I'll probably just pull all three colors.
  5. It sounds like there's going to be a July one, and one two-week run per month would mean it's active almost half the time. Not always, but still, that's a lot of availability.
  6. Lance and Axe Valor look very convenient, although less necessary with Tempest Trials offering a fast way to get a ton of SP. I guess the "Stat" Ploy skills all run off Res, then?
  7. That's surprising. Guess both "every four banners is a seasonal one" and "one new character in every seasonal banner" were assumed too early. And it's all Awakening for some reason. Glad to see that gender balance is back. Ana must be happy.
  8. Legion's GHB didn't actually have a higher stamina cost for Infernal compared to Lunatic. I could see Infernal increasing enemy levels to 40 on all maps, but there might not be much if any stamina increase compared to Lunatic for maps that already had lv40 enemies.
  9. There's 55 story maps, 21 Paralogue maps, and 2 Xenologue maps, so at three orbs per Xenologue map and one orb for each of the others, it'd be 87 orbs in total. Plus more every time they release more maps. I don't know if they'd release them all at once, though. Might roll them out gradually or something.
  10. Just when I was about to get Masked Marth her left few points of experience so I'd finally have all my new 5*s at lv40, too. Well, it'll be back in a few hours. I'm still banking on this bringing Infernal to the story mode, since it'd make sense and they haven't announced any other upcoming features.
  11. May as well just use a weaker team for the easy 4000.
  12. Eldigan is tempting, especially since it would be cool to have him alongside Xander, Camus, and Reinhardt on my team of mounted knights with poorly chosen loyalties. But I'd rather save my orbs for banners with more than one 5* exclusive.
  13. I decided to use my cavalry team for the Ch9 quests. TA3 Cecilia with triple Goad Cavalry bonuses one-rounded the entirety of 9-4 in two turns. It's nice of the map to provide a bunch of enemies who all get crushed by Gronnraven. Having Cecilia wreck everything is especially fun because of how weak she used to be. She spent a while getting kicked around, now it's time for revenge.
  14. In addition to getting more feathers from the in-army rank for joining smaller teams, the multiplier system means you also get more points for being on a losing team, which contributes to your total rank.
  15. A Paralogue, but yeah. Blazing also has a Paralogue, so that brings Binding/Blazing up to 13 as well.
  16. It's worth bearing in mind that between Xander and Charlotte, there seems to be a pattern of one as-yet unreleased unit per seasonal banner. So the next one probably will, as well. The lack of guys on the last seasonal banner is unfortunate, but I'm hoping that's just because it was a bride-specific theme and won't extend to other banners. Although they could have had half the characters be guys in wedding dresses. They wouldn't have, but they could have.
  17. I think that stems from a misunderstanding. Heroes already does plenty to incentivize survival, but Tempest was advertised specifically as a permadeath mode. To make that "permadeath" feature come into play (as opposed to in traditional FE games, where it's such a big issue that players just avoid it by not letting their characters die), Tempest incentivizes playing in ways that will risk letting characters get killed but offers enough rewards to make it so that that doesn't constitute a "failure" like it does in regular FE and regular Heroes. This means the "make backup teams with your surviving units" option actually gets used. What that works out to is that incentivizing speed over survival to encourage sacrificing units where necessary is exactly what Tempest needs in order to function as it's supposed to. It's just that there's some misunderstandings about how it's supposed to function, because it's at odds with what we're used to thinking of "permadeath" as meaning.
  18. You don't need to get through on your first team to get close to a perfect score, as long as you can get a good speed score.
  19. Counting it by months works out equivalently, because there's been two banners released per month. Next banner is the early July one (which will release right before the end of June), then late July, then early August (which should release right before the end of July). So the early August one is the third one coming up and should be the next seasonal one.
  20. It does look that way so far, yeah. We'll have to see if the pattern holds.
  21. I was able to do the quests with Alfonse/Reinhardt/Anna/Olivia and Xander/Reinhardt/Michalis/Olivia.
  22. Has 4800 made it up from Tier 18 to Tier 19 on previous weeks? My cavalry team apparently has an even bigger score drop from my previous team than I expected, and my old team is having trouble getting a deathless win.
  23. Even if they missed the loophole originally, I'm sure they're aware of it by now, and they haven't changed the quest requirements to prevent it. I think they're fine with offering the option, and it costs more stamina that way anyway.
  24. Quickened Pulse isn't a full Killer weapon effect, but it's typically most of one, which is a bigger impact than the other seals so far.
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