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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Not a surprise - they had to release a "main-series" map, and it's the only logical choice. But I'm quite pleasantly surprised by the price. Seems that for the more substantial map sets, they're bumping the individual map cost up from $2.50 to $3.00, but keeping the total price at $6.00 - quite a bargain, when the price for buying the three in the Japanese version was 1150 yen, more than twice as much. I'm also finding it interesting that they seem to be going with irregular names for the overall sets, but more regular names for the individual maps within each set. Which fits with the changed distribution method, and the language.
  2. Anna shops and event tile weapons aren't "goofy" if you're not manipulating the odds.
  3. From easiest to hardest: Ones with low-level enemies Ones with medium-level enemies Ones with high-level enemies Just take a look at the enemy strength and see what you're getting into. Kjelle's is one of the few with mainly unpromoted enemies, so it's one of the easiest, along with Morgan's and Laurent's. Others get harder as you go on; I remember Inigo's being one of the tougher ones, with Noire's and Nah's as probably the toughest.
  4. I'm talking about the Avatar Compendium or whatever it's called. You can register Avatars and any past-game units there, saving them as they are to hire them onto other files while preserving stat gains. If you're willing to pay obnoxiously high prices, you can get a whole team of maxed-out units this way, and prices aren't an issue if you have the Ultimate Emblem or the ability to replay Golden Gaffe at no cost.
  5. On my first (Normal) run, I just held onto them throughout the main story and eventually gave them to my maxed Dark Knight MU in postgame. Didn't get them at all on my following Hard and Lunatic runs on the Japanese version, but I got them again on my American Hard run and gave them to Swordmaster Sully.
  6. Completing the whole chapter isn't that fast. And therefore extend any LTC run for obscene amounts of real-time just to wait for them to show up? No.
  7. Inserting a "]" at the end of the very first line will fix it.
  8. Then there's absolutely no point: runs just become grinding or selling an Ultimate Emblem or whatever to either raise a team of maxed-out characters or buy them from other files and just obliterate everything without a second thought. It'd be interesting seeing the absolute minimum registered turncount that way, but aside from brief exploration to find that, there'd be nothing to discuss.
  9. No. Skirmishes (whether Risen, SpotPass, or StreetPass) and DLC are absent.
  10. Virion can be great; it really depends. He mainly stands out on Lunatic+ for bypassing half the added skills, but avoiding counters and hitting fliers is still enough to be pretty great on Lunatic. As for pairings, I only ever married Chrom on my first regular Lunatic run, so that's how much that matters I guess. The Pair Up option is what you live on, but the actual marriages aren't too big of a deal.
  11. HP +5 at the bottom doesn't make much sense. It actually does something, unlike the others in that tier, and unlike Rally Skill for that matter. Also, I'd push Rally Speed up to Top. Potentially granting double attacks for several team members at once is pretty ridiculous, although I guess it isn't nearly as prominent on Hard as on the higher difficulty levels.
  12. Yes. All supports you've ever had any male MU participate in stay available to see with any male MU you have at a given time, same goes for the others. But bear in mind: if you erase your file and use different male MUs in later files, any unique conversations you've had with the original (marriage, family, etc.) will display one of those instead; you'll only be able to view it with the original participant again by recreating the MU on a new file. Hiring the other one as a guest character won't help.
  13. Okay yeah +10 crit definitely isn't worthless. While it doesn't have worthwhile postgame uses, the same goes for a lot of skills.
  14. The Support Library has two slots each for MU and Morgan to separate the male and female versions, and otherwise one slot per character. To determine variable details for MU and the kids' hair, it uses whichever file you last played that contained that character. So no, it won't branch.
  15. The later Series 1 maps are more expensive than the Champions of Yore ones. Packs will probably run closer to $8-9 total.
  16. Astra Aether Swordfaire Galeforce Quick Strike All Stats +2 Ignis Deliverer Renewal Resistance +10 Rally Spectrum Rally Speed Rally Love These are just a few of the skills that are better than an extra +10 crit, no matter how much crit you already have.
  17. Just think of it as the chance of a given skill activating as the activation rate times the chance that all higher-priority skills failed to activate.
  18. How many of these has anyone actually strung together in one playthrough?
  19. Postgame? You don't waste a skill slot on 5-10% crit in postgame, ever. If postgame alone was even enough to bump a skill that high, anyway. You want a good Sol Katti build? Throw out that Gamble/Zeal/Wrath shit and equip Armsthrift. 25 uses don't last long. Neither does being at half HP if you have any idea what you're doing.
  20. For whom? FeMU, with Veteran and like 70% of the kills you'll get throughout the game?
  21. There's definitely a substantial number you can feasibly 1-turn, but it's not overwhelming. At a glance, I can see it working on 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 25, and maybe Final. Certainly not anything before 13.
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