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Everything posted by Othin

  1. That's the thing. What I consider complete data requires knowing the exact parameters for the stats and the exact skills they might have, as well as how many of them. I can understand if you want to work with estimates for now, but it's not a standard I could ever put up.
  2. Hmm... yeah, just you. Lack of a ranking system is unfortunate, as are a number of other issues. But I can't think of a single game I'd call a better one.
  3. No. It just offers them a chance to move the skill from the "skill storage" to the active skills. The same chance they always have between battles.
  4. Yes. Holy shit. And it looks like he's on Stage 3, ahead of the crazy Berserker and Anna. And unlike the Berserker, he moves.
  5. Maybe on the easier route. I get the idea that whatever level of play would get you through the harder route with Limit Break would get you through the easier route without it. Of course, this is coming from someone who hasn't beaten it even on the easier route, even with Limit Break, so I can only speculate.
  6. Keeping Pair Up in mind, I'm not sure I see the point. Move to an enemy, have the Dark Flier kill them and activate Galeforce, then have them fly into enemy lines and switch their sturdier ally to the front. You can just repeat this every turn.
  7. Random thought - for anyone who's gotten that far, is it possible for Lunatic+ enemies to have Pass on that map? I'm hoping they were smart enough to add a workaround, but somehow I'm not inclined to assume. It's blocked from stationary bosses, so they have the mechanism in place, meaning there's really no excuse...
  8. Also, frontliners have a harder time using Rallies because they're busy frontlining.
  9. While I agree with Berserker > Warrior (Spd yay), I'm a bit confused by your example...
  10. Hmm. I'll have to give +Def another shot when I finish Lunatic again and get around to Lunatic+. I tried it on my first attempt at Lunatic with poor results, but it sounds like it's worth a second try.
  11. If we're talking after heavy grinding, which I'm assuming is the case with all that in play, the latter by far. +12 to every stat is just so much better than random defense boosts.
  12. Speed is just the best stat ever, especially in Awakening's harder difficulty levels, even though dodging attacks isn't even a thing that exists there.
  13. Astra is a Skl/2% chance of a free kill. Lethality is a Skl/4% chance of a free kill. Not much of a contest here. Griffin Riders don't need help. They have 10 Move and mono-axes; Wyvern Lords have 8 Move and mono-axes because secondary weapons don't exist.
  14. If using Donnel is at all in the discussion, you're not playing optimally, but if there's any discussion to be had, grinding isn't part of it.
  15. Assassin below Swordmaster, Lethality is shit Griffin Rider to Top, Deliverer is amazing Broken Tier for Sorcerer and Grandmaster exclusively
  16. Then you don't get Aptitude at all for ingame purposes, only getting it when you start grinding, which makes even less sense than the no sense you were already making.
  17. Enemy levels are the main thing you can look at. Inigo's enemies are pretty far out of reach at that point.
  18. No sense in making assumptions - it's entirely feasible to get through those chapters even on Lunatic+ without losing any units. But yes, it's only for when you know what you're doing.
  19. There aren't basic facts. The effectiveness of certain combinations you ask about are all subtle weighing of a whole bunch of variables against one another; any brief answer would be a lie.
  20. Hey, you can't become an expect that way; you've gotta see what works for yourself. Only one of those questions you've asked could possibly be answered sufficiently with less than half a page of writing anyway, and fuck that.
  21. The thing is, Armsthrift is easier to get to 100% through other means. As for Rally Skill - you're getting a 2% increase in Astra rate and a 1% increase in Lethality rate. It just doesn't work out to being worth it.
  22. You have three save files. They can house three playthroughs.
  23. Let's look at Gerome as an example. When he joins, he can immediately promote to Wyvern Lord and get promotion gains, or demote to Villager and lose stats. As a Wyvern Lord, compared to being a Villager, he gets +8 HP, +10 Str, +7 Skl, +6 Spd, +10 Def, +3 Res, and +3 Move. That's huge, and the kids need every stat point they can get. He also gets to keep his Axe C rank rather than being locked to shitty Lance E, while getting Lance E as a Wyvern Lord as well. So, what you're saying is, he should suffer through 10 levels of this, then burn another 10 levels in another unpromoted class before finally getting to promote? All for +15 Hit/Avo? It just doesn't make sense, no matter how good or bad Gerome's stats are beforehand. You talk about postgame. For the male kids, so what? In postgame, you just train them for 15 levels of Villager later, when you're grinding, instead of earlier in the main story, when you're not. That's if Underdog is one of the skills you go for in postgame, which it... isn't. Which I guess answers the "issue" of the female kids, although the main thing I take issue is that you would ever want to reclass the male kids into something so horrible. It's worth bearing in mind that all of the male kids, save Brady, start with a C rank in some weapon type, yet all of them start with an E in lances. So it's about as horrible for all of them.
  24. It's not; just sounds more plausible to me as a guess than Rally Love. Guess I should start adding a disclaimer to avoid confusion.
  25. All enemies in Ch24 on have Accuracy +20, actually. The fixed skills were interesting; I really wish they'd worked them into Lunatic+ a bit better. Such as having one of the Lunatic+ skills set based on class, so it wouldn't be completely random.
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