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Everything posted by Othin

  1. They made five skills for a game that already had like 100, and those five skills were just modified versions of old ones. And the fact that those skills were needed to make the ultimate DLC as great as it is would be enough reason for them to exist even if they didn't have anything more.
  2. Or you have Fred not fight the guy with the Hammer?
  3. I've only played about a third of the way through Lunatic+, but from what I played, I only ever needed to do that on Ch7.
  4. If it adds enjoyment for some people, and does not take it away from anyone, that is an improvement and is what is known as making a game better.
  5. No. Skills don't stack with themselves; it'll just be 10%.
  6. Optional content, which due to its obvious lack of effort was not at the cost of anything else? If you think can give me any reason why FE13 would be better with simply Normal/Hard/Lunatic rather than the four difficulty levels it actually has, fire away.
  7. The fact that Lunatic+ could have been better does not keep its existence from being a good thing.
  8. Including Lunatic+ is inherently superior to not including Lunatic+ and therefore can only be a good decision, even if by only a small degree.
  9. You're comparing adding an option to losing an option?
  10. In Japan, yes. They went what, two weeks from Ike's to Est's? They're done. I love the DLC, but there isn't a whole lot more for them to do, anyway.
  11. I do not, but I assure you, it's there. Besides, it wouldn't make any sense for Nintendo to simply pass on 10 extra pre-made maps they could sell for extra money.
  12. Yes, because it's specifically grouped separately. Again: in the Japanese version, there was absolutely no indication of their presence until after all the Series 1 DLC was out. Around the American release, there was some line in an interview or something about the DLC where they specified two series, with descriptions that match the ones we know from the Japanese version.
  13. It's a case of baseless conclusion jumping. They're confirmed for America.
  14. No, we are. They're from the second series of maps, which has been confirmed for America. The Japanese version was hidden until the first series finished and then got its own trailer.
  15. Lyn's DLC is like end of story mode material, at least on Lunatic. Haven't tried it ingame on other difficulties, but I wouldn't think it would change too much? Bows are incredibly deadly, especially on higher difficulties where you'll see forged Silver Bows everywhere with 50+ Mt against fliers. But the Pair system means fliers can hide behind other units, especially if Galeforce is involved, so with a bit of creativity, you can work around things.
  16. Nope. In the Japanese version, buying all three LB or SB maps would run you $12, about twice the price of these.
  17. Rating is simply a stat total. It's possible that it looks specifically at internal stats, so characters with classes contributing more total base stats will have a higher rating without higher cost in that case.
  18. ...Do you mean pre-Ch13? You're just gonna be waiting around for merchants to show up, preferably in earlier locations.
  19. Granted. But he was worth over 130k, so that's a pretty substantial margin.
  20. Unless you're not including DLC turns, there are going to be questions of efficiency...
  21. You're not gonna be able to use them unless you go all the way for the Ultimate Emblem anyway... Actually, if I'm reading things right, you only get 100k, which isn't enough to hire my perfect Japanese version MU even once.
  22. Better stats and skills ingame, better caps and classes (and skills) postgame. Ingame, you're not going to be doing a whole lot of reclassing or capping stats, and Avatar is going to have more of a chance to do either one regardless of performance simply because of Veteran.
  23. Yes, exactly. Of course, it'd be irrelevant since they wouldn't be gaining Exp at that point, but that's the "new" maximum they'd approach in promoted classes.
  24. No. Levels before using a Master Seal don't matter; you just get set to a class level of 21. When using a Second Seal, however, the game takes your current class level, subtracts 1, and cuts it in half, then adds it to your internal level. So a LV16 Hero who's never reclassed will be counted as LV36 no matter what their level was before promoting, and if they reclass, they'll be counted as 18 levels higher than their new class level. So if they become a LV1 Cavalier, they'll count as LV19; if they become a LV1 Paladin, they'll count as LV39. Meanwhile, these internal levels stop counting at a certain point based on difficulty level: 20, 30, or 50 for Normal, Hard, and Lunatic, respectively. So if you've reclassed a character a bunch of times on Hard, then when they end up back as a LV1 Hero, they'll count as LV51; if you do the same on Lunatic, they'll count as LV71 as a LV1 Hero.
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