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Everything posted by Othin

  1. That's how it was in the Japanese version, but they might have fixed it in this version. The Japanese version worked that way because it updated the teams to become available instantly two weeks after their original release, and in the Japanese version, the last SpotPass release was just a week after the Nemesis set. In this version, they're releasing the updates after just a week, and there are several weeks' worth of updates left. It's really a question of whether or not they actually want the permanent full wait for the Nemesis set rather than it having been an unintended side-effect of the Japanese version setup. Given the inconvenience with new files, I'm guessing it's not, and the Nemesis set will be instantly available in a week like all the rest.
  2. Haha, wow and I thought it was bad enough that Pair Up was initially locked with Normal Mode tutorials. Anything else on top of those?
  3. Just figure out what works for you. If you don't like the results of grinding during the main story, don't grind during the main story. Trivializing the game is about the only result that can come from that.
  4. Armsthrift can stack with Astra, unlike the other related skills like Luna. So it really just comes down to whether or not Armsthrift activates. If you have 50+ Luck, it definitely will, and you won't use up any weapon uses; if you somehow have 0 Luck, it definitely won't, and you'll use up a weapon use; if you have somewhere in between, you may or may not use up a weapon use.
  5. You'll get a lot of Master Seals over the next few chapters, so just hold off a bit. Using a Second Seal will just set you back in terms of promoting them. You really want MU to pass down Rally Spectrum, if you can manage it in any reasonable amount of time. Holding off on getting any kids for a couple of chapters is well worth it.
  6. If you have a good deal of units ready for Limit Breaker, you shouldn't be having trouble with R&R3. Just pair them up and scatter them around the field, making sure to quickly eliminate Jaffar and Linus with ranged attacks. Although if you have specific units you want to focus on, they'll get a hell of a lot more Exp in less time on LB3, since you can do it in like two turns with three pairs. And if you're going to be doing serious grinding you'll want as many Paragon scrolls as Limit Breaker scrolls.
  7. Yeah Limit Breaker is pretty excessive on the Ultimate Training maps. Although things can still easily go wrong here.
  8. Well this is a nice surprise. ...A surprise that it's showing up a week earlier than expected, not that it's showing up at all. Jesus. So many people so sure that Nintendo just wants so much to give up all the money people will keep spending on these maps. Come on, guys.
  9. If you could even be using Limit Breaker, you should be capping most of your stats, and a team of units like that shouldn't have any trouble with any DLC not named TSON. That's how you accumulate a team's worth of Limit Breaker scrolls in the first place: by repeatedly rushing R&R3 with non-Limit Breaker units. It's not like it's much harder than R&R1, if at all.
  10. A LV20 Falcon Knight? No, in that case she'd be counted as a LV40 unit before reclassing, so after reclassing to a Tier 1 class, she'd gain Exp as a LV20 unit. At LV1, with her promotion gains gone. So yeah that sort of thing is a bit inconvenient. Meanwhile if she reclassed to another promoted class, or even back to Falcon Knight to keep gaining levels in that class, she'd start gaining Exp as a LV40 unit. Which is where she was already, so you really just keep going as you were, Exp-wise.
  11. Cynthia at base as a LV10 Pegasus Knight gains Exp as a LV10 unit. Cynthia as a 10/1 Pegasus Knight --> Falcon Knight gains Exp as a LV21 unit. The same goes for 15/1, 20/1, and anything in between. Doesn't matter what level she promotes at. Cynthia as a 10/1 Pegasus Knight --> Knight gains Exp as I think a LV5 unit. Maybe LV6, whatever. Cynthia as a 20/1 Pegasus Knight --> Knight gains Exp as I think a LV10 unit. Maybe LV11, whatever. Cynthia as a 10/1/1 Pegasus Knight --> Falcon Knight --> Knight gains Exp as a LV11 unit. Same with 15/1/1, 20/1/1, etc. Again, the game doesn't care what level you used the Master Seal at. --- Does this clear everything up?
  12. Allowing fewer skill slots isn't a terrible thing, and doesn't even necessarily make for less variety. In postgame conditions where you can toss Limit Breaker onto everyone and get full use of it, your characters each have access to a lot of skills, and there isn't a huge number that really stand out. Restricting other skills to four instead of five makes your characters have to specialize more, rather than all grabbing a larger scoop from the limited pool of meaningful skills and therefore overlapping more without Limit Breaker than with it.
  13. Where's the option for "play each DLC map a maximum of once"?
  14. Got 220. Missed Walhart and Largo; otherwise, I think I got everything from 7/8/9/13. Got like half of 10 and very little of 11 due to leaving it for last and taking quite a bit longer to remember its characters.
  15. I dunno about you, but when Nintendo wants to release a new handheld game, I tend to like it when it shows up on a system with current-gen capacity to run it, and that only leaves one option. Even if not for piracy issues, it would be quite a waste for them to bother scaling down a game just so you could avoid buying their current system.
  16. That would be quite a neat undertaking. Makes me think of Berwick Saga. Most of the characters there have some (usually optional) map where they take on a lead role, and the ones that don't still have events and special scenes otherwise. Granted I'm not quite sure what's actually going on in those maps and how much they actually develop the characters, being not nearly adept enough with Japanese for it. Ah well.
  17. Berwick Saga has 36, and that's just if you count Vester... which I guess you should but it feels weird. Reese Ward Leon Adel Sherlock (5) Izerna Dion Elbert Chris Ouro (10) Axel Sylvis Ruby Arthur Czene (15) Faye Kramer Derrick Clifford Faramir (20) Istbal Aegina Sherpa Sapphire Olwen (25) Dowd Larentia Ceddy Marcel Enide (30) Percival Burrows Alvina Paramythis Lynette (35)
  18. Buddy, you're forgetting the part where you haven't given the slightest justification for why it is "the worst skill ever" and would need such extreme "justification".
  19. Yes, those are exactly the same absurdities you spouted before. And I must ask once again: what the hell are you talking about? Why would those abysmal conditions ever be necessary?
  20. Precisely. Any losses will be reverted in full when returning to the previous state.
  21. It's the same for when reclassing. The game remembers the character's stats as if the stat was uncapped, and just hides any extra past the cap.
  22. What the hell are you talking about?
  23. Lodestar, like other single-tier classes, functions as a non-promoted class: a character with it in their class set can return to it from LV10+ unpromoted or any level promoted.
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