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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Depending on the situations, extra characters can just be dead weight who'll get themselves killed. That's how I've noticed it, anyway. For the prevalence of single units, I'd say it's more of a matter of how powerful a single unit can get. Pair Up, unlimited leveling, high stat caps, certain skills, etc. all allow you to disproportionally dump your power into a small number of units, where it would be a waste in games where the most you could get is whatever you'd get out of being 20/20. Regardless, Legault isn't nearly as good at this game as he thinks he is and needs to stop parading himself around as some defining standard.
  2. Coarse language is fine. Sites that don't like it automatically filter it.
  3. Hah - the two Lords and the two Dark Mages are way ahead of every other character, with only Lon'qu coming close... why him? At least Gaius is sixth.
  4. I'm not sure if the effects really work properly. I've seen Limit Break bonuses disappear with the DLC absent.
  5. As far as I know, crits on skill activations having a second cut-in is just how it's supposed to work and always does.
  6. The shop sells one of each buyable non-DLC item your team is holding. There is no feedback to the game that sends the team, so there is no way the purchases could possibly affect it.
  7. No. Teams sell things they're holding, and SpotPass teams only hold equipment.
  8. Overall? Filled-out Support Library. In a given file? All maps completed, including all DLC.
  9. Skills aren't necessary, a LV30 cap just means an easy Second Seal wraparound, and raising new weapon levels is just a pain. Manakete is the special thing Nowi has going for her.
  10. Yep, it would be. But I'm assuming no one will complain if I regard them as mistaken until proven otherwise.
  11. They set up something to randomly select two of them and gave it to every enemy. That is literally the only difference in Lunatic+ compared to Lunatic. If you have any reason to believe that adding Lunatic+ took up even 0.01% of the time spent on Awakening, you're gonna need to start producing some evidence, buddy.
  12. They made five skills for a game that already had like 100, and those five skills were just modified versions of old ones. And the fact that those skills were needed to make the ultimate DLC as great as it is would be enough reason for them to exist even if they didn't have anything more.
  13. Or you have Fred not fight the guy with the Hammer?
  14. I've only played about a third of the way through Lunatic+, but from what I played, I only ever needed to do that on Ch7.
  15. If it adds enjoyment for some people, and does not take it away from anyone, that is an improvement and is what is known as making a game better.
  16. No. Skills don't stack with themselves; it'll just be 10%.
  17. Optional content, which due to its obvious lack of effort was not at the cost of anything else? If you think can give me any reason why FE13 would be better with simply Normal/Hard/Lunatic rather than the four difficulty levels it actually has, fire away.
  18. The fact that Lunatic+ could have been better does not keep its existence from being a good thing.
  19. Including Lunatic+ is inherently superior to not including Lunatic+ and therefore can only be a good decision, even if by only a small degree.
  20. You're comparing adding an option to losing an option?
  21. In Japan, yes. They went what, two weeks from Ike's to Est's? They're done. I love the DLC, but there isn't a whole lot more for them to do, anyway.
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