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Everything posted by Othin

  1. To save Maribelle and Ricken, kill the Myrmidon on the first turn so Maribelle can move to where it was and jump on Frederick, and have Sumia fly up so Ricken can jump on her. You can do P1 first; it's very much doable even with recruiting Donnel at this point, although it's very difficult. You can get your first Rescue staff there, which is extremely convenient.
  2. Just tried it. If your characters are right next to where the enemies end their movement but the path to Tiki is still clear, the enemies still won't attack.
  3. Honestly that makes it funny enough that I can't even complain. At least, not while I have the Japanese version with all the DLC on it as well.
  4. Yes. It's the only way to get a +11 modifier in a stat.
  5. If you're doing postgame or anything else allowing grinding, you should do fine with anyone you like who has access to the class. But if not, as sounds like the case, the extreme difficulty in raising bow weapon ranks on the enemy phase will make it insanely difficult for any other character to be effective in the class.
  6. To answer the other part of your question, whoever Chrom marries will have all of their supports with him unlocked in the Support Library. It's the only way to unlock his S support with Olivia; I think it shows up in a cutscene if he marries her, but it's only viewable as a support in the library via unlocking it that way because he wouldn't have a chance otherwise.
  7. Do you have enough able fighters to hide the staffbots on for that turn? Also, what class is Morgan in your game? He might be able to get levels in Ch20, especially if he still has access to magic. Although spamming Rally Spectrum will be valuable there, and the rest of the game... If he's your primary Rally Spectrum user, getting him levels will require the high cost of not using the skill in exchange for the small reward of having him fare better in battles he'll probably be too busy spamming Rally to take part in directly anyway. So if it's a lot of trouble, you may not need to bother.
  8. It depends. What exactly is your goal that requires taking two or more turns? Just getting some extra Exp? I guess you could hide your weak guys with Pair Up, then have your other guys in range of just 1-2 enemies on the enemy phase so they'll survive, then just go for the usual 1-turn strategy on Turn 2?
  9. 2000, actually. And the Jugdral games were another 1000 years ahead. So yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. No wonder the developers apparently considered Fire Emblem on Mars. I guess the closest thing we have to an explanation is that a world with magic would develop in different ways, having less or at least different needs for "normal" technology. That's the important thing to consider, of course: FE was never supposed to be fully realistic.
  10. DLC prices are adjusted a bit to be overall cheaper, and the Other set in SpotPass actually gets completed so you don't have to wait for different characters. Other than that, no.
  11. You would rather make it easier for the designers to choose what to force the player into rather than make it easier for the player to adjust the difficulty as they see fit? Funny, I wasn't aware that the game was made for the developers.
  12. Funny, most of the time when people talk about linearity in video games it's because they think a game is too linear. I'm sure as hell glad to have more options, at least on the runs where I choose to go for side chapters.
  13. One, that came out of nowhere, two, that's just absurd. Not only do the skills make no sense to associate with the class, the first is unbelievably niche and the second is disgustingly broken.
  14. I don't make use of it in the main story, but I like using it in postgame, so I'm quite glad the option is there.
  15. Chapter 19 on Lunatic, all Champions of Yore on Normal, Infinite Regalia, and Future of Despair 3 or whatever it'll end up being called on Normal. Might be other story stuff; I haven't been keeping track of them, but it's unlikely. And yeah that bit about non-Golden/finale DLC being the same regardless of difficulty is just wrong: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_NM_Enemy_Data:_Death's_Embrace http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Death's_Embrace Edit: Checking again, Champions of Yore 2 on Lunatic as well.
  16. No. No guest characters are ever capable of supports.
  17. There's nothing to discuss if you're freely grinding. Go ahead and do grind if you want, but jumping into discussions about a clearly different playstyle and insisting that everyone rate characters based on your playstyle is asinine. This thread isn't specifically about non-grinding runs, but the conversations in which Donnel was called terrible obviously were.
  18. I left the first four Paralogues alone throughout my first Lunatic run and got some hilarious results sending Donnel through them in postgame. Rally Speed + Rally Spectrum + Rally Heart is beautiful; pairing up with Chrom on top of that, Donnel was able to take the front line for massive Exp gain. I can't imagine how you could pull that off in Lunatic+, though.
  19. Personally, yes, I always promote/reclass as soon as I have all the skills I want, but I know not everyone feels the same way. There are definitely merits to waiting to promote if you feel you can get away with it, and also less merits from waiting to reclass, but also less cost from rushing to reclass.
  20. It depends on what you're going for. By waiting to 20, you'll get more levels for the same amount of Exp and amount of Seals, but you'll take longer to get the same amount of skills and to get to the classes you want. Even more so if you drop to Tier 1, with the added harm of crippling your character's stats for a time for no good reason. It's just not worth it under any circumstances; Exp and Seals aren't hard to come by.
  21. I've only played about a third of the way through Lunatic+, but that doesn't sound right at all... The danger of the enemies often means you have to move extremely fast to get them out of your way as quickly as possible, to whatever extent their skills will allow. Foes with Counter in particular need to die fast so they don't start triggering high-damage counterattacks and sending them right back.
  22. Vengeance can only deal high damage under certain, unusual conditions. It can easily be worthless or near-worthless most of the time even when it does activate.
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